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Bill Atlanta
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- Joined September 2023
Another Life
Some people said they’re tired of a world full of bustle, since they have no desire for more material things, they moved to small town, they cherish nature, animals, fresh air, they visit tribes, benefited from local wisdom; they also clumped rocks, stayed in caves, experienced another life.
Peter Price
A great news for many people who want to have a meaningful life.
Paul Parker
The question of live in a small town or have a busy life in city let many people move around, but many of them find they still want to live in big city because they want to have more opportunities.
Katie Roberts
Small town has it's charming, but also has it's limit, because my friend lived in a small town for one year and she got bored because there was only one coffee, one store for food, and one restaurant that she went there for more than once.
Terry Martin
News that can inspire others.
Amy Lynch
Find something that can enjoy life.
Karl Joyce
Love the news that let me feel there are more things we can do, really love it.