

Rebecca Houston

A guy said when leading with business he giving in to temptation and letting an innocent flirtation turn into passion, which let him have a secret life; when he was fearful of discovery, he realized that his life’s forever marked by shame.

A guy said when lead
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Jenny Webb

Dealing with business and getting into a secret life let many people ruined their relationship, so this post can be useful for those who can't resist temptation of women.


Kelly Wicks

Business people can't resist women's temptation also has to do with men's flirtation, so we see many men cheat and ruined their relationships.


Donna Sears

Profound Effect: A girl said she re-organized her company and had a profound effect; her way to have a good effect is letting her employees be aggressive, sexy, attractive because she realized the only way she can continue her business is being bold.

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Jack Smith

A great post! Being bold can be different ways but the girl decided to let her employees be sexy is funny because it means she may tried other ways and felt being sexy is the answer to her business.


Hope Dye

My friend also has a business and she said being sexy is the way that let her has more business.


Katherine Boston

My friend’s sharper teeth and never say never, she said before she was trapped in, now she doesn’t like to cover up, hiding, faking; she said she likes beauty food, started to change herself and her routine is: do makeup, go to work, exercise, then, night life. #sharperteeth #beautyfood #neversaynever #changeyourself #trappedin

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Will Cohen

Many people trapped in for their job, family and city, once changed themselves they feel free and can do many things they like, which is great for life itself because life is short.


Karl Joyce

People complain about how they trapped in their work, family, city, but there are still a lot of others who find ways to be themselves.


Edith Campbell

My friend traveled a lot; when she started her business, she tried to make her products perfect because she always sticks with her belief; she said ever since she found local gems, craftspeople, she believed in generational experience.

My friend traveled a
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Lona Green

Traveling let people have inspiration and once started a business, it's important to believe it's potential.


Steve Spencer

Interesting and cool.


Ted Douglas

A friend said she liked charity, but her life is an unending insecurity: she worked for several companies, moved to different places, and now she said she might go to all places, walk carefully in her field, and she doesn’t know her future.

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Liz Lewis

How to balance work and personal interest is very important for many people because some people can just don't like the environment and people there and change to another company or place and still not feel good, which let them feel they don't know their future.


Daniel Frick

A girl said she likes sports, used to think that she did not need to buy skin products because they are expensive; when she started to try new products, she got rid of concern, unnecessary confusing, and starts to take care of herself.

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Debra Darling

My friend said skin products are expensive, which could cost her a month's salary, but she still thinks she needs to spend the money because she doesn't want to wait until she feels she desperately needs to buy them.


Brian Lawrence

A girl said she works for a company but realized she’s wasting her time because she was trained as a dancer, piano player; when she felt it was not going to work out she started to work for the company but again she has dilemma.

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Summer Duff

Feeling waste time is common because many people learned skills but do something else, just for making a living, which is sad but is reality.


Allen Pace

Bricks & Mortar-store: A friend said she just started a bricks-and-mortar-store; she used to travel, wondering round, or shopping online and now she likes to visit real stores, try skin products, buy beauty food, and feel young again. #wonderinground #shopping #skinproducts #beautyfood #feelyoungagain

Bricks & Mortar-stor
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Scott Tar

A cool post because more and more people feel they like visiting real stores and have real shopping experience.


Sam Nash

A friend said her business just started and poised for its big break; when her product was a hot-pursued hit, her success followed by a disaster because she met a guy, which became a scandal. Now she tries to win over her loyal followers and determines to make it back.

A friend said her bu
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Howard Fisher

A post let many people think about how to handle success.


Lance Clark

By Mistake: A girl said she made a mistake by dating a famous guy because her intention was something different from what the guy said; when she hired a person who tells her something that let her feel insane, she decided to stay with the course and make her mistake a brilliance choice.

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Shannon Benard

People sometimes make mistakes, but the important thing is how to learn from the mistake, so this post can help others make good choice next time.


Dana Foyle

Guys’ Humor: A guy said he was a funny person and always tried to make jokes. When he was dating, he also making jokes. When his girlfriend asked: Guys just like that? Seeing a pretty girl, making a joke? He said: Oh my God, you’re so right. So his girlfriend left him.

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Katie Roberts

Very funny and interesting post, like it!


Joseph Clark

A girl said she feels happy after dating a guy for a while. When asked why she said that, she said a happy relationship needs both parties to be generous in love and constantly communicate each other.

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John Austin

It's true a happy relationship needs both parties to be generous in love and communicate well.


Jacob Stone

My friend’s a health specialist and has confidence to handle difficult stuff; she works hard, has kids, but still manages everything well; when she has a project, she knows it takes a month to finish and also knows how to live a healthy life.

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Lisa Daniel

A very cool and interesting post.


Ann Hanson

We’ll See: A girl said she wants to be rich, so she romanticizes with a married guy; she keeps things in perspective, wants to present them to others also, because she just tests water, saying: we’ll see if works.

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Brian Lawrence

Very interesting topic and the girl is smart also.


Daniel Frick

When talking about beauty at a party, a girl said merely beautiful can only go so far, she said it needs to be also sexy; so people learned how some girls use their naked declaration, good time, to get what they want.

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Carol Young

Very interesting post and like it.


Ann Hanson

Interesting but also it's true.


Andrew Christy

If your products got attention and people say you’re genius, you may say you created something that makes life easier, because you got real results, and people like them.

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Matt Wood

It's a cool post and like it.


Steve Spencer

It's true if you created something that people like, they really appreciate your creation and say that you're genius.


Donna Sears

A girl said she’s a weird stickler, because her marriage is strange, her lover is a weird person and sometimes she doesn’t understand his motives.

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Howard Fisher

Strange things happened, so the girl is a real weird stickler.


Mark William

There are so many people still single, they try to get a date, so for those who have lovers they may need to learn how to deal with their lovers for a long time.


Will Cohen

My friend is a white guy, he complains about rejection and others taking his job; he said he suffered a lot, but the truth is that he can’t deal with other people’s success.

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Debra Darling

Minority usually talking about suffering, rejection, now white guys also join them, which is a problem.


Ali Turner

Looking young, stay youthful, and yoga for face? Some people said they achieved looking young and stay youthful without filler and cosmetic surgery because they eat healthy food, do yoga, even yoga for face.

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Rebecca Houston

Cool post and like it.


Kate Kinsley

Amazing Skin: If you try to relax, do exercise, sleep more, you will get your amazing skin, look, back, because exercise can make skin look more natural, with a beautiful glow.

Amazing Skin: If you
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Edith Campbell

Like the post. It seems exercise can do many good things, including making skin looking good.


Kate Kinsley

Bar culture again? A girl said she needs to put herself out in bars, to be perceived well by others. She also checks companions, reacts to other’s conversations, so she may remain present. #superficialperson #envyothers #drinkingproblem #crazybehavior #nastyattitude

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Lona Green

Interesting and like it. So there is a bar culture there and people try to adapt it, which is funny.


Donna Sears

My neighbor said she sacrificed a lot, at workplace and at relationship; when she argued with her boyfriend, she was being tearful; sometimes, they had fight, she was scared, so she barely speaking to her boyfriend for a long time, feel lonely, having no sex-life, and thinking about her first love. #isacrificedalot #firstlove #sexlife #feellonely #mademistakes

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Carol Young

Many girls sacrificed a lot, they want to be successful, but also need a good relationship; when their life encounter difficult, they think about their first love and realize they made mistakes.



A maior dor de um Homem, E não poder estar com a família perdida

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Shannon Benard

A friend said she changed from envious of others for their success, social activities, lifestyle, to be herself; she still wears something fashionable, but goes for natural hair and make-up to avoid overdoing it. #superficialperson #envyothers #beingcrazy #fancybags #crazybehavior #nastyattitude

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Ann Hanson

Changing from envious of others to be yourself is a big deal because many people can't make it, so this post is great.


Kurt Mcdonald

My friend is interested in many things, she said to feel younger and live longer people needs to have mental health and physical health plan, which includes dealing with the nutrition, sleep, living a disease-free life and avoiding loneliness. #healthfood #antiaging #sleepbetter #Qtips #protectenvironment #passion

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Jan Goodman

Agree. To feel younger, and to live longer can be designed by many ways, but dealing with mental health, physical health, and eating health food, are the most important steps.


Meg Cox

A guy said he started to date, but his desire was based on sex, so his girlfriend was upset and left him; when he met another girl, his girlfriend liked sex, so he would go down on her whenever he met her, having sex. #controversytopics #embarrassingthing #loveformoney #moneytalk #catchuplosttime #sextool

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Ted Douglas

Interesting topic. It seems there are a lot of people like this because my friend also said the same thing and he said he just wants to be himself, which is addicted to sex.


Kate Kinsley

My neighbor said she starts to enjoy life, goes out with friends; she likes to wear makeup, fancy clothes, high-heels, drink in bar, talk to others; she also walks on street, embraces evening breezes, and feels life is great. #notwaitforever #itsmetime #foodlover #MiddleEastencuisine #Mediterraneafood #culturalfix #trappedinmarriage #yourcharm

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Hope Dye

Like the post. Yes, instead of complaining about how to stuck in a situation, go out to enjoy life is the best way to forget those unhappy things, so this post is great.


Will Grant

My friend said everyone assumed that he’s by-racial and people sometimes don’t know where he comes from, because his parents are from different parts of the world. #diversity #inferior #unfairtreatment #professionalism #standupforyourself #climatechange #imigration #cynicism

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Joseph Clark

Like the post. We need more diversity because there are still many unfair treatments and discrimination there, so by-racial could be a help.


Jay Hall

I know many friends who said they are half this and half that, it means their parents come from different parts of the world, some friends even more missed and they have a little East Asian, a little Middle East, a little European background, which is interesting.


Liz Lewis

My friend said she learned how to diet, lose weight, and also give her more energy; now she looks younger, feels young, can tell about burning fat, boost energy level, and not feel hungry for many hours. #lookyounger #feelyoung #feelhappy #liftmood

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Go Long

A great post. So, in order to look younger, feel young, one needs to learn how to eat, lose weight, boost energy level, and if feels hangry, eats healthy food.


Bill Atlanta

Looking younger, feeling good, and having a good mood all need to deal with eating behavior, so diet, lose weight become very important because many people like parties, they go to eat, drink and realize they getting fat.


Dana Foyle

No extreme will hold: According to Gaza Health Ministry, nearly 35,000 Palestinians have been killed since the war started and Israeli airstrikes have leveled large parts of the north Gaza, now Israeli government started Rafah offensive again. So, the question is: The Anti-Semitic movement we face now around the world is caused by Israel government and its radical followers? #stopkilling #racism #abusepower #sufer #citizensresponsibility

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Andrew Christy

Hamas militants killed about 1,200 people, took about 250 hostages, but Israel government killed mostly Palestinians civilians, caused famine, and killed aid workers, which is violated international laws.


Peter Price

Radical Israeli government and its followers forget that the world is watching their killing and their crime and if they still want to be part of the world they should stop killing innocent people now and hold those who committed crime accountable and send them to international court.


Scott Tar

Rafah offensive shows that radical Israeli government and its followers want to kill more innocent people and they are not afraid of committing crimes and they need to be judged in international court in the future for their crimes, just like Nazis were judged by the international community.


Steve Spencer

Hamas is a terrorist group, no question about it, but radical Israel government and its followers want to kill more innocent people, which is also putting them into terrorist list and belong to the hate groups and they really committed crimes.


Tim Swann

So, radical Jews want to kill more innocent Palestinians and want to let world know that they have the right because their ancestors suffered a lot, which just show the world that they are the same hate groups like Nazis who treated them as inferior ethnic groups.


Michael Ellis

Radical Jews think they have the right for killing innocent people because their ancestors suffered a lot, but they just do the same thing like Nazis did, killing innocent people, by saying their killing was good for country because those people were bad.