

Bobby Mcfarland

My friend said her business based on a simple philosophy and depends on people, she said she doesn’t need to ask her employees come on time and leave late because her employees are creative, so they can leave early to buy food for dinner, pick up their kids.

My friend said her b
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Ashley Parsons

A very cool post! When a business based on people and trust them there is no need to tell them everything such as what time to come and leave because employees know how to handle the business and make it work well.


Allen Pace

Certain business really depends on people's understanding of the job, but other business may needs employees to be there all the time, but this post is helpful anyway.


Karl Joyce

A friend said he suffered a lot and wanted to quit his project; when he realized that every success depends on its persistence, he started a business as part-timer and achieved something because he worked with a purpose.

A friend said he suf
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Natalie Fanning

It's a great tip for those who encounter difficulties when they start a project or a business because persistence is the key and work with a purpose also plays a role.


Andy Hauser

Like the post because any project or do business need persistence.


Steve Spencer

A girl said she worked hard but also played multiple roles because she was a designer, artist, and stylist. When her beach-chic label finally becomes popular and she said she’s happy now after struggling for years.

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Matt Wood

Many people worked hard for years and still don't see any hope, so the girl is lucky because she finally sees her success.


Jan Goodman

My friend likes chic, fashion stuff, she buys fancy clothes, shoes, accessories, but she never wears them because she fears her sexy cloth would make her feel a bit naked; so her fancy stuff just sit in wardrobe, to avoid polite attention.

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Heather Redman

Many girls like fashion stuff and they spend a lot of money on them, so if a girl scared to wear those fancy stuff she would stop buying those things, instead of letting them sitting in wardrobe.


Paul Parker

Just Because: A friend said her product is successful and thinks her success is just her past; she said just because her product is popular and she wants to work even harder and she’s still open-minded, wants to learn new stuff.

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Amy Lynch

Success is only about past, so the girl thinks she needs to work even harder and to learn new stuff is a great news for others who want to continue to be successful.


Alex Day

Your Potential: A girl said she’s busy, but also realized her missing parts: her look, her health and her potential; so she started to eat healthy food, do exercise to get her missing parts back.

Your Potential: A gi
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Daniel Frick

A great post. Every one has his/her missing parts and how to get them back is an interesting question.


Will Grant

Never Know: A friend said he started to pursue his dream after making a mistake, but his creation is edge, weird, so he said doesn’t know who’s going to be interested in his works, but he still wants to be successful.

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Neil Holland

There are many things people don't know, but pursuing a dream is different and sometimes the never-know could be challenging but also could mean knowing how to be successful.


Summer Duff

A friend said he’s a capable person, but for years he was not lucky, trapped in a place, and experienced cruel fate because he had no job, family, and lover; however his fate changed by a chance encounter and his former teacher, now he’s a professional and he cherishes his opportunity. #trappedin #changestatusque #freakout #capableperson #formerteacher

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Will Grant

A great post and like it. So people can be trapped in a place, a marriage or a job, but once having a chance to change, they can have successful stories.


Rebecca Houston

A friend said she had dreams and felt lucky to be accepted by a top university because she has some unique character, which combined some rare things and different cultures together. #girlshavedreams #stayingyoung #culturalshifts #sharedvalues #discoveryourself

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Jenny Webb

It's a post that can let others think about how to have some unique stuff that are useful to others.


Howard Fisher

My friend said he liked traveling and started a project. When he expected his project having bit success, it turned out that his bomb moment was he becoming famous. So he said he made his girlfriend and his parents proud of him because he made a dramatic change, suddenly has a lot money and bought a dream house. #travelingandspending #shoppingexperience #makingmoney #loveandfamily #crazyandreal #romanticpeople #funnythings #dramaticchange #dreambouse

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Donna Sears

A great post for those who want to change themselves.


Jack Smith

Like the post, it can let people think about how to change life.


Peter Price

A guy said he started his sports business humble and now he has many branch stores because he believes life goes quickly and he needs to let his business keep moving forward.

A guy said he starte
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Katherine Boston

Yes, life goes fast and if you want to be successful you need to move forward.


Edith Campbell

My coworker treated his creation, artworks, writing as his lifetime treasure; he thinks he’s ahead of our time and believes his creation, its value, will be discovered by future generation.

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Lona Green

This post will inspires others, treating their creations as their real achievement even though their creations are not accepted at the moment.


John Austin

My Heyday: A friend said she’s the one making a big splash in the past; her heyday was when she was a makeup artist, working with famous designer, actor, artist, and people were talking about her, seeing her on the TV, stopping her on street, taking picture with her. #wildparty #beautifulgirl #instantchic #buckmeboots #facemassage #theysuck #spaexperience #somethingbohemian

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Ted Douglas

Very interesting post because many people have their heyday, it could be their professional success, creative writing, so this post should let many people feel good and think about their good days.


Pat Davis

Unborn Audience: A guy said his creation, writing, project, research, still wait to have his audience because his passion is to make people live a better life, live longer; but he also feels overwhelmed by his mission, his unborn audience.

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Lisa Daniel

When pursue a dream, sometimes needs a lifetime devotion, so the guy is great, even he feels overwhelmed by his mission.


Brian Lawrence

My friend wants to be a great designer, but her design, creation, sit in her room for years. She still believes their values; when her criticism gets big, she still wants her way because she said it’s about herself.

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Summer Duff

Great designer knows how to keep the vision, even though the designs and creations are not accepted by the market for a long time.


Lona Green

My friend said she likes to highlight her skills; she’s from a different culture, has a strong lip, likes to dress up, to dance, to show her skin, and to drink. #dressupgame #fashionway #girlsdrinks #femininelifeforce #showoffbody

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Kate Kinsley

It mostly has to do with personality and grow up background, instead of different culture.


John Austin

My friend still works hard to be discovered, he writes his novel till mid-night; he said his agent likes him, but the market is modest.

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Daniel Frick

There are still many people who have their dreams, but to be successful is not easy.


Shannon Benard

One-hit Wonder: My friend had some success, he sold his artworks but still hasn’t made it big; now he works as a bartender. He said after initial success he didn’t have luck and now tries to date online, make ends meet.

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Lance Clark

My friend also had some success and then she didn't get any opportunity, so she just got married and said it's better to be a mother because it's natural for her, which is interesting and funny. .


Lance Clark

I wanted a right place for my destination spot and I found a place that could be my home, but it was an aging property and I needed to do a big rehab; so I changed a little warmth and rat infestation place into a sweet home.

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Heather Redman

A very cool post.


Donna Sears

Dream comes true even did a big rehab.


Duncan Berry

A coworker said she is a fan of pop culture and found her dream item; she treats it like her loved one, because she’s satisfied with it.

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John Austin

Interesting and like it.


Will Grant

Pop culture can let people addicted because there are many fans who just live their life chasing pop culture.


Michael Ellis

A guy said he was against his parents when he was young, he went to a wild party, where had an unpredictable atmosphere and had a social tribe member of punks, hippies, art crowds.

A guy said he was ag
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Lona Green

A cool and interesting post, like it!


Howard Fisher

A friend said he enjoys sunlight and considers it the most powerful stimulus for people’s wellness because it against insomnia, disorder, and can improve sleep quality, energy, and mood. #pursuehappiness #travelandsocial #yourpassion #livelonger

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Kurt Mcdonald

A great post and love it.


Sam Nash

Like the post. It seems it can improve sleep and have a good mood.


Meg Cox

Treasures, collections, and… being ignored? Some people said they have many treasures, collections; when they getting old they don’t know how to deal with them. So here is the question: Instead of being ignored or wasted, they should prepare those treasures and collections early? #bluezandjazz #barculture #longevity #cheatdeath #hotpotato #tangibleculture

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Kate Brown

My friend also has many collections, he put them in a small room and worry about how to deal with them, so this post may let him find a solution.


Neil Holland

Interesting post because many people have treasures, collections and they just put them there and don't know how to deal with them and when they move they worry about them.


Andy Hauser

A girl said she goes to dance class, yoga class, and exercise at gym. She also said she’s the one always searching for inspirations, because she’s tired of same design, color, style, and her products reflect the past, but also modern. #danceclass #yogaclass #exerciseandgym #socializing #enjoylife

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Natalie Fanning

Like the post. People get inspiration by going different places, parties, socializing, and go to dance class, yoga class, can let them discover something new, which is good for business.



A maior dor de um Homem, E nĂŁo poder estar com a famĂ­lia perdida

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Lance Clark

Some people said they like simple life, prefer tangible culture, because they tried different things and said some of them suck. Now they fear ChatGPT, AI, because those tech tools will impact the labor market, and many jobs could disappear. Is ChatGPT and AI a bad thing? #simplelife #theysuck #tangibleculture

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Will Grant

I also prefer simple life, tangible culture; when I tried different restaurants, if I found they suck, I could stop going there, but ChatGPT and AI are different, they could damage many things and disturb people's normal life.


Anderson West

My friend is feminist, she looks forever young; she goes out with her friend in the late afternoon, gets a glass of wine; she also finds a new world: a new community, and there is a cool bar with mosaic tiles. #foreveryoung #funtime #purposeoflife #shoppingforfun #travelandsocial

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Paul Parker

Cool post, like it.


Carol Young

There are a lot cool girls who said they're feminists, and they are smart and always find something new, interesting.


Lona Green

Personal Space: A guy said he worked hard, seeking his personal space; when he started his romance, he wants to have a perfect marriage, intimacy, and luxury space, where he is in a villa, enjoying blue sky, water, his dream. #chasingdream #beyourself #lifelikeart #funtime

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Duncan Berry

Like the post. Sometimes people need personal space, where they can think about life, their future, and enjoy themselves.


Will Grant

My friend said everyone assumed that he’s by-racial and people sometimes don’t know where he comes from, because his parents are from different parts of the world. #diversity #inferior #unfairtreatment #professionalism #standupforyourself #climatechange #imigration #cynicism

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Joseph Clark

Like the post. We need more diversity because there are still many unfair treatments and discrimination there, so by-racial could be a help.


Jay Hall

I know many friends who said they are half this and half that, it means their parents come from different parts of the world, some friends even more missed and they have a little East Asian, a little Middle East, a little European background, which is interesting.


Liz Lewis

My friend said she learned how to diet, lose weight, and also give her more energy; now she looks younger, feels young, can tell about burning fat, boost energy level, and not feel hungry for many hours. #lookyounger #feelyoung #feelhappy #liftmood

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Go Long

A great post. So, in order to look younger, feel young, one needs to learn how to eat, lose weight, boost energy level, and if feels hangry, eats healthy food.


Bill Atlanta

Looking younger, feeling good, and having a good mood all need to deal with eating behavior, so diet, lose weight become very important because many people like parties, they go to eat, drink and realize they getting fat.