

Terry Martin

If you experienced some important event and you got into a situation where sensitivity and delicacy make you a target, a scandal, you may more appreciate those things that activists and feminists pursue because all they want is to make the society better.

If you experienced s
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Ann Hanson

A cool post and great picture. It's true many activists and feminists make the society better even though they are attacked by others as radical or not reasonable.


Scott Tar

Some people said they firm up a saggy neck, deal with pouches under the eyes; one girl said after a scandal with a rich guy, she did beauty surgery but worries about swelling, bruising, pain, so she’s hiding behind sunglasses, hearing cracking, the metal rod under the skin.

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Anderson West

Beauty surgery is a hit or miss situation because my friend also encountered difficult situation after paying a lot of money for getting her pretty face back.


Sam Nash

A guy said he ordered some artworks online, but they failed to meet his expectations because they look crap, but expensive. When asked how he decided to buy those artworks he said now he realized even some big companies that can say one thing but do other thing, which is kind of scandals.

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Howard Fisher

Big companies are very greedy, they say they support social change, but they also damage society, such as big tech companies said they support climate change actions, but they also help oil companies find new wells and drill more oil by providing them the cloud and AI technology,


Lance Clark

Irrational Insecurities: A friend said she used to feel she didn’t look the way she should be because she didn’t like her eyes, her nose; after leaving her boyfriend, she worked hard and became independent and now she her irrational insecurities are gone and she feels much better about herself.

Irrational Insecurit
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Shannon Benard

Many girls have irrational insecurities, specially when they are dating; when they get old they realize they were very naïve when they were young because they considered boyfriend being their life.


Katie Roberts

A girl said she learned her value, which is being her own skin; when she started to date again after a bad partner, she respects her vagina; when she stopped having sex with the guy, she thinking: he didn’t deserve to be in her.

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Edith Campbell

A great post, which can let many girls learn how start to respect themselves and be their own skin.


John Austin

Rag-tag Team: A girl said her fashion and beauty products had some success, then followed by disaster because of her crazy boyfriend; when she started her rag-tag team again, her business is combined with fashion, beauty, health and nutrition products, which let her have a positive impact.

Rag-tag Team: A girl
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Ted Douglas

The girl is a talented business person because once she encountered disaster she knows how started again, making it successful.


Jacob Stone

Bad Luck: A girl said her project didn’t work out well and she considered it a bad luck because she had an affair with a coworker; however she’s lucky recently after suffering a lot; now she worries about her skin because of her sun exposure.

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Pat Davis

Girls have many things to worry about, but when having a project and also having affair with coworker is stupid.


Will Grant

Never Know: A friend said he started to pursue his dream after making a mistake, but his creation is edge, weird, so he said doesn’t know who’s going to be interested in his works, but he still wants to be successful.

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Neil Holland

There are many things people don't know, but pursuing a dream is different and sometimes the never-know could be challenging but also could mean knowing how to be successful.


Scott Tar

A girl said she can’t trust her guy because there is an endless fight between them; when she met a man at workplace she felt he’s not good enough for her, but she wanted to start her life again anyway.

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Anderson West

A post let others think about how to deal with relationship.


Sam Nash

A friend said her business just started and poised for its big break; when her product was a hot-pursued hit, her success followed by a disaster because she met a guy, which became a scandal. Now she tries to win over her loyal followers and determines to make it back.

A friend said her bu
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Howard Fisher

A post let many people think about how to handle success.


Lance Clark

By Mistake: A girl said she made a mistake by dating a famous guy because her intention was something different from what the guy said; when she hired a person who tells her something that let her feel insane, she decided to stay with the course and make her mistake a brilliance choice.

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Shannon Benard

People sometimes make mistakes, but the important thing is how to learn from the mistake, so this post can help others make good choice next time.


Heather Redman

A girl said she’s created something people like, but after her success she had affair with a famous person. When she retreated for a while because of scandal and pressure, she feels she can’t live up to the expectation, so she doesn’t know what to do with her life.

A girl said she’s
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Kurt Mcdonald

It deals with life, success, and how to live a meaningful and productive life.


Dana Foyle

The girl may seek professional help even though she had some success before.


Amy Lynch

My neighbor said her leisure activity was window shopping, so she bought many unnecessary stuff; when her partner tried to stop her spending sprees, she had a fight with him, saying he cheated on her, which let her not control herself and got into debt.

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Joseph Clark

Many people like window shopping, but from window shopping to spending sprees is bad because it can ruin the relationship and feel bad.


Ann Hanson

We’ll See: A girl said she wants to be rich, so she romanticizes with a married guy; she keeps things in perspective, wants to present them to others also, because she just tests water, saying: we’ll see if works.

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Brian Lawrence

Very interesting topic and the girl is smart also.


Emily Hill

Biggest Fear: My friend said she was cheated by bad guy, encountered scandals, and her biggest fear is her uncertain job, so she always thinks about what if she can’t work there anymore, what if she doesn’t have enough money to pay rent, buy food, and sometimes she envies those who have everything.

Biggest Fear: My fri
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Joseph Clark

My biggest fear also is my job because I work as a freelancer and sometimes no income for rent and food, which is a scaring thing.


Will Cohen

Your Trademark: My friend said she likes sports, and her trademark is fearless, that influenced others, because she liked vivid color, sexy details, nameless images from overseas.

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Peter Price

It's a very cool post and will influence others for sure.


Natalie Fanning

Fearless Sense: A girl said she’s fearless, when trying to get the thing she wants, she uses favors and her connection to contact people she needs, and let magic thing happens. #sexyboss #businesstrick #gutinstinct #yourlalala

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Jan Goodman

The girl may let others feel weird, but she knows what she wants and she's smart.


Brian Lawrence

A girl said she’s feminist, she worked with star, singer, designer, and she’s happy with her work as long as she has a cozy place to have a party, drink tequila, having a lover.

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Duncan Berry

Like the post and it's cool.


John Austin

The girl is very real and she's happy.


Shannon Benard

Office Rebel: A girl said she’s an office rebel, because she wears shorts, sandals, working there; and her coworker seems a weirdo, because he seems doom to suffer, yet still found the courage to joke.

Office Rebel: A girl
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Michael Ellis

Very interesting post and like it.


Lona Green

Yes, office rebels, like it!


Kurt Mcdonald

A guy said he always made bad decision, because he’s addicted to sex, spending all his hard-earned-money to get the pleasure of the moment.

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Sam Nash

There are a lot of people like that, they spend all their hard-earned-money for the pleasure of the moment, which is sad.


Neil Holland

Complaints, conflict, and tough relationships? If your life goals are different from your partner, which jeopardizes your relationship with your partner, you should re-value your relationship with your partner, instead of complaining, saying you had fight. #lifelesson #highschoolfriends #beingplayful #crushesanddesire #laughsandjokes #feelpainful #emotionandinstinct #dealwithmen

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Brian Lawrence

Like the post. Relationship is trick and many people feel their goal is different from their partner, but they can't do anything and they stuck there, complaining.


Lona Green

My neighbor changed herself from sexy girl, seducing men in bar to designer; she has a small boutique, where has unique stuff. She said she hates outdated products, so her designs not look stuffy, they are sustainable, stylish, and luxury. #pursueyourdream #curiousgirl #wowdress #sexyboss #businesstrick #lookchic

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Ted Douglas

Like the post. The girl is really cool, changing from a superficial and sexy girl to a professional designer, producing sustainable and stylish stuff, wow!



A maior dor de um Homem, E não poder estar com a família perdida

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Tim Swann

My coworker said if she feels her friend lies, making excuses, she thinks about her unhealthy friendship; if her boyfriend having strange behavior, trying to control her, or ignoring her feeling, she would quit. #machismo #lieanddishonest #friendship #friendsforlife #toxicfriendship

My coworker said if
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Peter Price

Like the post. Yes, if your friend lies, you should think about quit, if your boyfriend have strange behavior, you should ask yourself if the relationship is worth your time.


Ann Hanson

My neighbor is in show business; once she played a sexy girl, she felt strange, but great, because her family, friends, watched her cry, fighting, taking clothes off, in a show. #showbusiness #lifeexperience #sexygirl

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Steve Spencer

Very interesting post. The girl is great, and funny, because she invited her family members, friends to watch her performance, which includes she crying, fighting, taking clothes off.


Terry Martin

Crap Day: A guy said he’s smart person, missed some opportunities; when he tried to avoid certain pitfalls in his dating, working, but he still has his crap day, he said he doesn’t know why it happened to him, and he feels bad. #smartpeople #missedopportunities #struggle #burdenfeelings #possessive

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Jan Goodman

Smart people also feel bad sometimes because there are many things that are difficult to predict, so the best way is not give up, try to different ways, instead of feeling bad and complaining.


Donna Sears

A girl said she grew up comfortable, always had someone to hold her hand, lead her way; when she started to date, got engaged, but her guy cheated on her, because he was sleeping around, so she felt she got the worst deal in her life, started to drink, and wanted to revenge. #sleeparound #drinkingproblem #crazybehavior #nastyattitude #tearfulmoments #scaringsituation

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Hope Dye

Cheating is what makes so many girls scared, because it's not easy for young girls to understand real love, and men can always use others things to cover their bad behavior, let girls addicted to drink, sex.


Kurt Mcdonald

Spoil Yourself: A guy said he used to have a good relationship with his girlfriend, his coworkers, but he spoiled his chance of being a decent person because he had affair with a coworker, he said he did too much, did those ridiculous things, and he regretted his behavior. #ridiculousthings #sexualfaith #fidelity #onenightaffair #lifelongpromise #controversystuff

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Dana Foyle

People spoil themselves by doing stupid things and ridiculous things, so the question is how to recover from mistakes, which is also a huge challenge.


Katie Roberts

Some people said they were perfect couples, but something happened, so they had problems, and finally got divorce; so having affair, doing some stupid thing, which could be unintentional, but also could be human nature, which is when life getting bored, people want to do something different.


Edith Campbell

A girl said she had a toxic friendship and low self-esteem, when she struggled with an affair, eating became a comfort; when worried about weight, she started to diet, but she was always hungry. #lieanddishonest #crazyandreal #toxicfriendship #lowselfesteem #feelstuck #feelhopeless

A girl said she had
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Katherine Boston

When have an affair, eating usually let people feel good, but eating too much and always feel hungry, is something that needs to have professional help.


Mark William

A girl said she lived a life which made her feel she like a caged bird; she said she used to be a party girl, a person with scandals, with everything easy, wonderful; however, she’s from a caged bird to an activist, environmentalist, feminist, and volunteer. #partygirl #lovejustsex #lifeisshort #bikinigirl #nothappy #exlover #humanrights #sexualharassment #liftmood #feellonely #lifeexperience #machoman #mademistakes

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Lance Clark

Very interesting post and like it!


Katie Roberts

It's true that anyone can change him/herself because many people want to live a meaningful life.