Your Specialty


Terry Martin

If you experienced some important event and you got into a situation where sensitivity and delicacy make you a target, a scandal, you may more appreciate those things that activists and feminists pursue because all they want is to make the society better.

If you experienced s
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Ann Hanson

A cool post and great picture. It's true many activists and feminists make the society better even though they are attacked by others as radical or not reasonable.


Allen Pace

A girl said her business faces huge competition and she has stress; when she fund that telling stories for each of her products make her feel better and had fun, she realized that this is the way making life and business easy, better, and interesting.

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Scott Tar

Competition and stress are everywhere, for business people and for those who work for the company, so this post may help for some people, but there are others ways that also can be helpful for those who work for companies.


Natalie Fanning

My neighbor said she used to have eyes bags and after surgery she’s obsessed with people’s eyes bags, on TV, on buss, in work place, which let her feel lucky; she said she made a good decision because she thinks she looks much younger than her actual age.

My neighbor said she
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Andy Hauser

Girls like to look pretty and younger, with eyes bags they feel something weird and surgery is the only choice to get rid of that weird stuff, which is reasonable.


Matt Wood

My coworker said she was a feisty person: she worked hard, demanded respect, promotion, equal right, but she paid price. Since she learned something in life, she said her suffering makes her a smart person.

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Andrew Christy

Many people said they learned something from the workplace because to be an activist is one thing, but demand equal right in workplace could be tricky and could also suffer.


Ali Turner

Love & Lust: A girl said she is not happy because her boyfriend shaking hand with another girl too long; when the tension between them was on a constant simmer, she said she believes love and lust can lurk around every corner.

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Jan Goodman

The girl may have a point because love and lust indeed could be lurk around, but if she wants to solve the relationship problem, she might need to seek professional help.


Mark William

A girl said she started spending money: she went to restaurant and shops because she had visited a glitzy newcomer, who showed her a stylish party, where model, rich people, celebrity, all come.

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Paul Parker

The girl is very lucky because many people want to be close to the society where fancy stuff happens.


Alex Day

Your Potential: A girl said she’s busy, but also realized her missing parts: her look, her health and her potential; so she started to eat healthy food, do exercise to get her missing parts back.

Your Potential: A gi
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Daniel Frick

A great post. Every one has his/her missing parts and how to get them back is an interesting question.


Brian Lawrence

A girl said she works for a company but realized she’s wasting her time because she was trained as a dancer, piano player; when she felt it was not going to work out she started to work for the company but again she has dilemma.

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Summer Duff

Feeling waste time is common because many people learned skills but do something else, just for making a living, which is sad but is reality.


Anderson West

Who’s Boss: My friend started a project, working with a group of people; when she determined to use each of the people’s skills to make the project work, she also showed them who’s the boss that can get the job done.

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Rebecca Houston

The girl is really smart, she not only get the job done but also let others know she's capable to be a leader of the group, which is really cool.


Peter Price

A guy said he started his sports business humble and now he has many branch stores because he believes life goes quickly and he needs to let his business keep moving forward.

A guy said he starte
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Katherine Boston

Yes, life goes fast and if you want to be successful you need to move forward.


Michael Ellis

Feel Embarrassed: A girl said she’s embarrassed in front of her friends sometimes, because she liked weird stuff and felt embarrassed mentioning it; once she obsessed with someone and tried to be close, but was rejected.

Feel Embarrassed: A
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Steve Spencer

Feel embarrassed is common, once my girlfriend tried to help a person and she was rejected, so she said she was embarrassed by doing some good thing to other.


Liz Lewis

A girl said she played dating game and lived the moment for a long time. When people liked her she said because of fate and luck; when she felt hurt she said she devoted her soul and energy; finally she felt tired and couldn’t continue anymore. #datinggame #livethemoment #fateandluck #feelinghurt

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Ali Turner

When they are young they can play dating game, live the moment, but when getting old, they worry about how to get a man and not live alone.


Jay Hall

A girl said she’s lucky; but when her dream was denied she kept trying; she didn’t want to be placed in a box because she’s a girl, she defied and now she’s a successful business owner.

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Carol Young

A great tip for those who want to pursue their dream.


Summer Duff

My neighbor said she buys different stuff for different meetings, so now she has many fancy clothes, shoes, bikinis because she wears different makeup by her mood, and wears her jewels, clothes, bags for making a statement.

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Will Grant

Enjoy life and have fun.


Jacob Stone

A guy said he sometimes goes to front lines to help unrepresented groups, because after traveling around world he sees he can do something to make a better world, which let him team with law officers to deal with drugs, sex-trafficking.

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Paul Parker

When traveling, one discovers good and bad things, so the guy really did some great thing.


Carol Young

Too Slow: A guy said he hated the traffic, noise, busy life in a city, so he escaped from city to a small town; he enjoyed his countryside life: slow, relax, no noise, but also felt life there was too slow, almost still, and he couldn’t go to internet, made phone call.

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Bill Atlanta

Small town life is great, but it's difficult to make a living, so city life is not perfect, but many people can make a living there.


Shannon Benard

One-hit Wonder: My friend had some success, he sold his artworks but still hasn’t made it big; now he works as a bartender. He said after initial success he didn’t have luck and now tries to date online, make ends meet.

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Lance Clark

My friend also had some success and then she didn't get any opportunity, so she just got married and said it's better to be a mother because it's natural for her, which is interesting and funny. .


Emily Hill

A guy said he’s a fan of pop culture, he has some success in commercial shooting; he said his life is pursuing any kind pop culture, including naked body.

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Greg Hamilton

Like the post and the guy is cool.


Liz Lewis

Interesting and funny.


Katherine Boston

I Missed: A friend said she didn’t have a good childhood, she missed something important in her life and wants to recreate it; she wants a playground for her kids, so they can catch, play, which she didn’t have.

I Missed: A friend s
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Ali Turner

Like the post because my friend also wants his children have a childhood he didn't have and missed.


Lona Green

Lovely Fan: My friend said she’s getting famous because some fan could stop her, asking: Are you the sexy girl in the evening show? She laughed, but said she likes her fans a lot.

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Kate Kinsley

Interesting and like the post!


Hope Dye

Cool post and love it.


Terry Martin

Body image and weight-loss. Some people said they like fashion, but also worry about their weight, so they said in order to improve health, self-esteem, body image, they need to lose weight, to diet. Is that true or it’s a complex issues? #lowselfesteem #feelstuck #lostenthusiasm #feelhopeless #lostpassion #hitthewall

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Jenny Webb

The post let people realize that our society view body image differently, so many girls worry about their weight and want to lose weight to improve the body image, which sends a mixed message.


Karl Joyce

Insurmountable Odds: A friend said he’s the one overcame the insurmountable odds and succeeded in his life; he’s a creative person in his field and can see a clear road ahead, even he faced huge challenges and still managed to be successful. #chasingdream #beyourself #projectandsuccess #purposeoflife #yourpassion

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Will Cohen

My friend coming from a different culture, he also faced huge challenges, overcame many difficulties, and became a successful professional.


Lona Green

Yes, there are many who come from other parts of the world and they work hard, overcoming the odds and managed to be successful, and those are American stories.



A maior dor de um Homem, E não poder estar com a família perdida

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Lance Clark

Some people said they like simple life, prefer tangible culture, because they tried different things and said some of them suck. Now they fear ChatGPT, AI, because those tech tools will impact the labor market, and many jobs could disappear. Is ChatGPT and AI a bad thing? #simplelife #theysuck #tangibleculture

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Will Grant

I also prefer simple life, tangible culture; when I tried different restaurants, if I found they suck, I could stop going there, but ChatGPT and AI are different, they could damage many things and disturb people's normal life.


Carol Young

My friend wants to pursue her dream, her design is bold, she takes notes about subtle change, and wants to prove her worth, because she pays attention to all the trending brands, their conceptual ideas, their youthful spirits. #pursueyourdream #curiousgirl #wowdress #businesstrick #lookchic

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Michael Ellis

Cool post. Pursue dream let many girls be creative, they are smart, curious, and they know the subtle changes about pop cultures.


Joseph Clark

Axis of Evil. We have a cold war now and face an axis of evil, led by Russia, China, Iran and North Korea and they attack on the international order. Since Russia started war, Western countries coordinate their strategy, provide military and material aid to Ukraine, in which US plays the leadership role in NATO and sets the example for other nations to follow. #warzone #helpothers #RussiaandChina #humanrights #USbeatChina #radicalcommunists #freeChina #freespeech #lessonlearned #democracyanddictators #dictatorialcountries #moralissues

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Katherine Boston

China reaffirmed its partnership with Putin, providing technology to Russia for military purposes, propped up Russia's economy and helped finance the war by buying Russian oil.


Hope Dye

My friend traveled around world and has projects he wants to do, which includes his environment project, eco-living, that needs his time and to work with different people. #ecoliving #Westernworld #thirdworld

My friend traveled a
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Amy Lynch

Interesting post. Environment protection is a urgent work, because not just in Western world, but also in other parts of the world, where the situation is worse and need more works to protect environment.


Lisa Daniel

Holiday Dream: A friend said she felt she had endless work; when she prepared her holiday dream and traveled around the world, she found her dream was shopping, so she got her stylish tops, fancy shoes, chic bags. #sexydress #stylishlooks #quietlyluxurious #trendingimage #facialskin #makeupsecrets #confidentgirl #fashionshow

Holiday Dream: A fri
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Jay Hall

Many people feel they have endless work, so this post let people realize they need something that can let them feel good, related, do what they like and have a good mood.


Mark William

Like the post. When feeling there are endless work, try to do something different, which can change mood, and travel is a good choice.


Katie Roberts

My friend said she used to be a girl not interested in makeup and dress up, but now she said it’s powerful in social, dating; so she spends hours for labor-intensive work for makeup, fixing her hair, putting stylish dress on, wearing fancy shoes. #datinggame #livethemoment #fateandluck #superficialanddumb #increaseintelligent #visualpleasure #wildparty #beautifulgirl #BYOBbeyourownbestie #instantchic #fuckmeboots #facemassage #theysuck #urbanwanderer #spaexperience #shoppingforfun #lifeisaparty

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Jan Goodman

Interesting post. My friend also changed herself, she said makeup let her feel she's attractive and has more friends now, so she's happy.


Liz Lewis

Makeup and dress-up make women feel life is good and they enjoy more and feel young and have a good mood.


Shannon Benard

Skincare Trend: My friend said she discovered a new generation of moisturizers, that can promise up to 24 hours of slow-release moisture. #fitnessroutine #cosmeticwork #eatingbehavior #feelstressful #datingandsex #foreveryoung #shoppingforfun #superbuyer #pursuehappiness #iearneditmyself

Skincare Trend: My f
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Lance Clark

Interesting and cool.


Dana Foyle

A great post and like it.