Green Life


Greg Hamilton

Do I Quit? My friend wants to accomplish her goal and said she will not wait for ever. When she wants to know why she can’t get the things done she realized the dream she pursued she could only try at home after working for the company; so she said and asked: No wonder it takes so long because I work for company, do I quit?

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Terry Martin

Many people have their dreams but quit job to pursue dream is risky, on the other hand keeping a job that does offer security but not interesting is also difficult to deal with.


Hope Dye

Caterpillar Moment: My friend said she changed herself and now feels much better; she said her caterpillar moment was giving her product wings and let it fly because when she encountered difficulties she worked very hard and determined to find a way to make it work.

Caterpillar Moment:
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Kate Kinsley

A great post and like it. When encounter difficulty it's the time to think about if the business is the right one for society and the girl found her way to continue the business and let it fly, which is an inspiration for others.


Katherine Boston

My friend’s sharper teeth and never say never, she said before she was trapped in, now she doesn’t like to cover up, hiding, faking; she said she likes beauty food, started to change herself and her routine is: do makeup, go to work, exercise, then, night life. #sharperteeth #beautyfood #neversaynever #changeyourself #trappedin

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Will Cohen

Many people trapped in for their job, family and city, once changed themselves they feel free and can do many things they like, which is great for life itself because life is short.


Karl Joyce

People complain about how they trapped in their work, family, city, but there are still a lot of others who find ways to be themselves.


Katie Roberts

A girl said she learned her value, which is being her own skin; when she started to date again after a bad partner, she respects her vagina; when she stopped having sex with the guy, she thinking: he didn’t deserve to be in her.

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Edith Campbell

A great post, which can let many girls learn how start to respect themselves and be their own skin.


Carol Young

My friend’s products are hype, sleek, and seductive because when she designing summer wearing, her cut and material are as modern as they can get; besides her printed stuff are also not bad, they attract young people, beach goers, tourists.

My friend’s produc
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Paul Parker

A great post for those who like to be professionals, also, the girl in the picture looks very cool and professional.


Amy Lynch

A very cool post and like it a lot.


John Austin

A great picture and it's cool.


Meg Cox

A friend said she went to an island, where she enjoyed hummingbirds, dragonflies, bikinis, picnics, and cocktails, which let her renew her energy.

A friend said she we
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Alex Day

A great post and like it a lot.


Daniel Frick

Staying away from the same situation for a while always helps renew energy.


Summer Duff

A friend said he’s a capable person, but for years he was not lucky, trapped in a place, and experienced cruel fate because he had no job, family, and lover; however his fate changed by a chance encounter and his former teacher, now he’s a professional and he cherishes his opportunity. #trappedin #changestatusque #freakout #capableperson #formerteacher

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Will Grant

A great post and like it. So people can be trapped in a place, a marriage or a job, but once having a chance to change, they can have successful stories.


Bobby Mcfarland

My neighbor said his business is booming because of his girlfriend and his signature products; he also said his creation can make a busy life simple because he let people make money, even sleeping on the bed.

My neighbor said his
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Allen Pace

Very interesting post and also a great picture.


Scott Tar

A business that can let people make money, even sleeping on the bed, which is really interesting.


Natalie Fanning

My coworker said he grew up being labeled trouble-maker because he’s from a single parent family. When he’s creative work getting others attention, he said he used to be a free person and always tried to do something new.

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Andy Hauser

A trouble-maker became a creative person, which is a great news for those who don't believe people can change and can be creative also.


Matt Wood

My friend can turn something normal into a funny, inspirational one; she called her works crazy because she always tried to make a bad taste into a good one, a girl's thing a feminism, a product green life, which let her have endless crazy ideas and want to try new things.

My friend can turn s
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Andrew Christy

A great post that will inspires many others to follow.


Lance Clark

Very interesting post and like it a lot.


Jan Goodman

A friend said she’s a fan of pop culture; she also has some success in commercial shooting. When asked about her guy, she said he likes beautiful girl, fancy clothes, wild party; when asked where she met him, she said once she went to a charity party, saw him playing guitar naked, and he lifted it up to show his private part, which she said was funny.

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Heather Redman

The girl is smart, and guy is funny, because they live a free and interesting life.


Mark William

A guy said he was looking for partner and wanted to expand his business; when his foodie friend said he liked rich mouth-feel wine, together with sausages, cured meats, seafood, he realized he also was a cooker, so he became his terrific partner.

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Carol Young

Very interesting post, thanks.


Neil Holland

My coworker said she likes sports, used to feel good and never got sick, but now she worrying about her eating habits, aging, even got sick recently without any symptoms.

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Tim Swann

Eating habits are tricky, my friend's very careful about her eating, but she worries about her energy and health.


Edith Campbell

My friend created something that people like, he said it’s because of less extreme; when his girlfriend said she has love and hate relationship with her work, he said it just like sometimes she’s affected by music, sometimes he feels it’s noise.

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Jacob Stone

A very cool and interesting post.


Rebecca Houston

My neighbor worked hard and became a leader in her field; she also worked hard to show her views, opinions, including her resentment, anger toward certain practices, which let her represent a significant voice for the community.

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Greg Hamilton

I admire those who work hard in the workplace and also voice their concerns in the community.


Andy Hauser

If you like farmer’s products: veggie, fruits, local food, you may be an Eco-mind-person, and may be interested in reusable items, animals, nature. #interestingplace #realparadise #escapefromcity #slowlife

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Natalie Fanning

A great post. I like farmer's products and also buy reusable items.


Karl Joyce

The post let me think about my life in small town.


Mark William

Your Mark: A guy said he created something he’s proud of and left his mark there; but at the beginning his creation did not attract people and he felt bad because he said it was not going to be a big thing.

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Dana Foyle

A great post that could inspire others.


Katie Roberts

Cool post and like it.


Howard Fisher

My friend embraced green life, she only eats organic food, buy environmental friendly stuff; she’s also active about renewable, clean materials.

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Neil Holland

Like the post. Yes, embrace green life and be active about protecting environment.


Lona Green

A friend said he liked to travel and got inspiration from it; now he has a business and wants to make his vintage store with a modern twist.

A friend said he lik
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Peter Price

Interesting post and a great picture.


Hope Dye

Mosquito bites, red bumps, and itchy. Some people said they wash the mosquito bite with warm soapy water or ice cubes to deal with red, bumpy marks. So the question is: Should they seek medical help if swelling is persistent? #nextdoorgirl #socializing #feelbad #itoldyouso #thingsjusthappened #healthyliving

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Howard Fisher

Thanks for the tip. So warm soapy water and ice cubes can deal with red bumps and itchy, which is great.


Lisa Daniel

Feeling younger, living longer, and… genetic secret? A friend said he likes to travel, feeling younger and wants to live longer. He said there are no genetic secret and immortality, he just enjoys living, wants to be outliving the prior generation and increase health span. #hiking #smalltown #helpothers #enjoyscenery #amazingguy #healthyfood

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Pat Davis

A great post and like it. It's true enjoying living is the answer to many problems because in many cases people can live happy even though they don't have a lot of money.



A maior dor de um Homem, E nĂŁo poder estar com a famĂ­lia perdida

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Jack Smith

Old-fashioned: A friend said he likes old-fashioned stuff, which includes his antiques and his old-fashion cooking style; when he travels around world, he appreciates century-old hotel, restaurant. #travelandhiddengems #foodlover #MiddleEastcuisine #Mediterraneafood #culturalfix

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Donna Sears

Interesting post. My friend also likes old-fashioned stuff, she likes her mother's cooking, wears her mother's clothes, which fashion girls were wearing at that time.


Howard Fisher

Old-fashioned stuff has its charm, because there is culture there; when traveling to Europe, people see those old stuff, they wonder if local people really know and care about those stuff, but for others, they feel different, and treat them like antiques.


Kurt Mcdonald

My friend is interested in many things, she said to feel younger and live longer people needs to have mental health and physical health plan, which includes dealing with the nutrition, sleep, living a disease-free life and avoiding loneliness. #healthfood #antiaging #sleepbetter #Qtips #protectenvironment #passion

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Jan Goodman

Agree. To feel younger, and to live longer can be designed by many ways, but dealing with mental health, physical health, and eating health food, are the most important steps.


Heather Redman

Why Not: A girl said she discovered herself, and decided not waiting forever, she said it’s her time, because she’s now a fan of fashion, she needs to be beautiful every day; so she wears eye lash extensions; she also said her hairstylist advises her to dye her hair to blond, and she thinks: why not? #discoveryourself #notwaitforever #itsmetime #yourcharm #dreamfrivolous #changestatusque

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Meg Cox

Like the post. Yes, can't wait forever, because some people said they want to change themselves, but they never take action, they wait, wait, even they said they getting old and complaining a lot.


Hope Dye

My friend traveled around world and has projects he wants to do, which includes his environment project, eco-living, that needs his time and to work with different people. #ecoliving #Westernworld #thirdworld

My friend traveled a
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Amy Lynch

Interesting post. Environment protection is a urgent work, because not just in Western world, but also in other parts of the world, where the situation is worse and need more works to protect environment.


Chris Chapmen

College Kid: A friend said he accepted a job after graduation and that project was a nightmare; after his failure he worked very hard and prepared his next job; now when he takes a job, starting to work, people say: I trust him after seeing his role in last job. #businesstrick #gutinstinct #amazingguy #yoursuccess #secondchance

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Kelly Wicks

Like the post. College kid taking first job and feeling failed is a common thing, the next step is how to lean from failure and do a good job next time; so work hard, prepare well for the role is the key.


Steve Spencer

Love the post. College kids taking jobs, staying there, learning new things, are a long process in their career, which let many of them leave their jobs, because modern life is not just a job, it's about interest.


Heather Redman

My friend said she lives her life with a rhythm, feels healthier and happier, because she never eats, drinks too much in the evening. #enjoylife #cookingclass #beyourself #lifelikeart #eatingbehavior #healthyliving

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Allen Pace

Like the post. To live a life with a rhythm means how to find a way best fit your situation, because some people work more, their schedule is different from others, but still find a way to enjoy life and be healthy.


Jan Goodman

To live with a rhythm means healthy living, which also can let people feel happy; and don't eat too much in the evening is also a great tip.


Katie Roberts

A girl said her life disrupted, because she now likes to experience new stuff; so she’s changed herself by embracing fashion. She buys stylish clothes, fancy shoes, and people say: she’s so pretty, and her silk eye-lashes like Disney princess, her hair has sexy rock-chick layers. #enviedbyothers #feelsexy #pursueyourdream #wowdress #firstnightout #sexyboss #romanticwords #lookchic #gutinstinct #findhappiness #modernlife #somethingtrivial #funmoments #localcuisine #womanizer

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Jan Goodman

Love the post. When start to experience new stuff, one can be excited because there are so many things we still don't know well, even thought many people think they know everything.


Liz Lewis

Fashion let so many girls addicted to buy stylish clothes, fancy shoes and bags, plus, there are makeups, so we can only say life is very rich and interesting.


Heather Redman

My friend’s product has a unique appeal, which is a neon-type business. She’s in a laid-back town, where has a boat trip attraction, a mom-and-pop store, a by water hideout, and a kids-run free place; so, her creation has many loyal customers. #rightdecision #visualpleasure #smalltownsincerity #eyecontact #instantchic #simplelife #facemassage #tangibleculture #spaexperience #lifelikeart

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Dana Foyle

A very cool post and love it.


Jan Goodman

Interesting and cool.