

Rebecca Houston

A guy said when leading with business he giving in to temptation and letting an innocent flirtation turn into passion, which let him have a secret life; when he was fearful of discovery, he realized that his life’s forever marked by shame.

A guy said when lead
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Jenny Webb

Dealing with business and getting into a secret life let many people ruined their relationship, so this post can be useful for those who can't resist temptation of women.


Kelly Wicks

Business people can't resist women's temptation also has to do with men's flirtation, so we see many men cheat and ruined their relationships.


Sam Nash

A guy said he ordered some artworks online, but they failed to meet his expectations because they look crap, but expensive. When asked how he decided to buy those artworks he said now he realized even some big companies that can say one thing but do other thing, which is kind of scandals.

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Howard Fisher

Big companies are very greedy, they say they support social change, but they also damage society, such as big tech companies said they support climate change actions, but they also help oil companies find new wells and drill more oil by providing them the cloud and AI technology,


Steve Spencer

A girl said she worked hard but also played multiple roles because she was a designer, artist, and stylist. When her beach-chic label finally becomes popular and she said she’s happy now after struggling for years.

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Matt Wood

Many people worked hard for years and still don't see any hope, so the girl is lucky because she finally sees her success.


Ted Douglas

A friend said she liked charity, but her life is an unending insecurity: she worked for several companies, moved to different places, and now she said she might go to all places, walk carefully in her field, and she doesn’t know her future.

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Liz Lewis

How to balance work and personal interest is very important for many people because some people can just don't like the environment and people there and change to another company or place and still not feel good, which let them feel they don't know their future.


Daniel Frick

A girl said she likes sports, used to think that she did not need to buy skin products because they are expensive; when she started to try new products, she got rid of concern, unnecessary confusing, and starts to take care of herself.

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Debra Darling

My friend said skin products are expensive, which could cost her a month's salary, but she still thinks she needs to spend the money because she doesn't want to wait until she feels she desperately needs to buy them.


Ann Hanson

A girl said she liked travel, found some hidden gems and loves different foods; when she tried some me-time but experienced rude behavior in her night out because some drunken men tried to hit her or rape her; so she changed her routine and likes going out during day. #itsmetime #travelandhiddengems #foodlover #MiddleEastencuisine #Mediterraneafood #culturalfix

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Brian Lawrence

Me-time is cool, but for girls also some problems going out in night because there are always some bad guys there, so this post is a good tip for them.


Bobby Mcfarland

My neighbor said his business is booming because of his girlfriend and his signature products; he also said his creation can make a busy life simple because he let people make money, even sleeping on the bed.

My neighbor said his
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Allen Pace

Very interesting post and also a great picture.


Scott Tar

A business that can let people make money, even sleeping on the bed, which is really interesting.


Andy Hauser

Finishing Touches: A girl said she’s at the top of her field but still cares about details; she said her product has three stages: design, making it, and finishing touch; and the finishing touches are the most important part of her product for it will meet her customers.

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Sam Nash

A great post and very cool.


Donna Sears

Interesting and cool.


Matt Wood

My friend can turn something normal into a funny, inspirational one; she called her works crazy because she always tried to make a bad taste into a good one, a girl's thing a feminism, a product green life, which let her have endless crazy ideas and want to try new things.

My friend can turn s
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Andrew Christy

A great post that will inspires many others to follow.


Lance Clark

Very interesting post and like it a lot.


Jan Goodman

A friend said she’s a fan of pop culture; she also has some success in commercial shooting. When asked about her guy, she said he likes beautiful girl, fancy clothes, wild party; when asked where she met him, she said once she went to a charity party, saw him playing guitar naked, and he lifted it up to show his private part, which she said was funny.

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Heather Redman

The girl is smart, and guy is funny, because they live a free and interesting life.


Jay Hall

A girl said she’s lucky; but when her dream was denied she kept trying; she didn’t want to be placed in a box because she’s a girl, she defied and now she’s a successful business owner.

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Carol Young

A great tip for those who want to pursue their dream.


Will Grant

A guy said he had his fleeting moment of triumph because he played roles in different ways, but they were forgettable roles; now his fleeting triumph made him know himself: be a real person, work hard.

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Neil Holland

A very cool post.


Tim Swann

Interesting and cool.


Lona Green

My friend said she likes to highlight her skills; she’s from a different culture, has a strong lip, likes to dress up, to dance, to show her skin, and to drink. #dressupgame #fashionway #girlsdrinks #femininelifeforce #showoffbody

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Kate Kinsley

It mostly has to do with personality and grow up background, instead of different culture.


Matt Wood

My friend said she has a passion for design and charity, and her chic products come from Eighties and Nineties, which let her design and product be a strong competitor. #design #yoursuccess #passion #fantasyland

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Steve Spencer

A great post and like it.


Katie Roberts

A cool and interesting post.


Heather Redman

A girl said she dated a law officer and knows details about a controversy; she said she didn’t want to talk about a sensitive issue because she might be a target.

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Donna Sears

There are many things people scared to talk because those who have the power can give hard time to those who tell the truth.


Howard Fisher

My friend embraced green life, she only eats organic food, buy environmental friendly stuff; she’s also active about renewable, clean materials.

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Neil Holland

Like the post. Yes, embrace green life and be active about protecting environment.


Michael Ellis

A guy said he was against his parents when he was young, he went to a wild party, where had an unpredictable atmosphere and had a social tribe member of punks, hippies, art crowds.

A guy said he was ag
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Lona Green

A cool and interesting post, like it!


Kurt Mcdonald

A guy said he always made bad decision, because he’s addicted to sex, spending all his hard-earned-money to get the pleasure of the moment.

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Sam Nash

There are a lot of people like that, they spend all their hard-earned-money for the pleasure of the moment, which is sad.


Jacob Stone

A coworker said she had stress, started to do exercise, and liked walking. She considers walking her self- therapy, because her slow walking helps her plan her life, get a fit body, and can get her to her life goal. #feelpressure #antiaging #sleepbetter #Qtips #mentalfatique #rawpassages

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Debra Darling

Yes, walking is a self-therapy, because my friend also said the same thing, which is it can let people plan their life and get a fit body.



A maior dor de um Homem, E não poder estar com a família perdida

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Shannon Benard

A friend said she changed from envious of others for their success, social activities, lifestyle, to be herself; she still wears something fashionable, but goes for natural hair and make-up to avoid overdoing it. #superficialperson #envyothers #beingcrazy #fancybags #crazybehavior #nastyattitude

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Ann Hanson

Changing from envious of others to be yourself is a big deal because many people can't make it, so this post is great.


Kurt Mcdonald

My friend is interested in many things, she said to feel younger and live longer people needs to have mental health and physical health plan, which includes dealing with the nutrition, sleep, living a disease-free life and avoiding loneliness. #healthfood #antiaging #sleepbetter #Qtips #protectenvironment #passion

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Jan Goodman

Agree. To feel younger, and to live longer can be designed by many ways, but dealing with mental health, physical health, and eating health food, are the most important steps.


Meg Cox

A guy said he started to date, but his desire was based on sex, so his girlfriend was upset and left him; when he met another girl, his girlfriend liked sex, so he would go down on her whenever he met her, having sex. #controversytopics #embarrassingthing #loveformoney #moneytalk #catchuplosttime #sextool

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Ted Douglas

Interesting topic. It seems there are a lot of people like this because my friend also said the same thing and he said he just wants to be himself, which is addicted to sex.


Donna Sears

A girl said she grew up comfortable, always had someone to hold her hand, lead her way; when she started to date, got engaged, but her guy cheated on her, because he was sleeping around, so she felt she got the worst deal in her life, started to drink, and wanted to revenge. #sleeparound #drinkingproblem #crazybehavior #nastyattitude #tearfulmoments #scaringsituation

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Hope Dye

Cheating is what makes so many girls scared, because it's not easy for young girls to understand real love, and men can always use others things to cover their bad behavior, let girls addicted to drink, sex.


Steve Spencer

A girl said she dated someone and declared she doesn’t want to have kids, because she has everything: job, career, interesting life, but no kids. #yoursuccess #interestingplace #bikiniandcocktails #marriedpeoplenothappy

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Greg Hamilton

Interesting post. Many people just dating, live together and not want to get married, because they think married people are not happy.


Terry Martin

Young people don't want to get married because they see so many married people just work, take care of their kids, and no life, some even complaining no sex.


Jay Hall

So Thrilled: My friend said she felt so thrilled in her stylish moments and experience because she wearing stylish clothes, shoes, went to a fashion show, where seemed a fantasy land and she met many friends there; now she’s a fan of fashion. #passion #fantasyland #sexydress #stylishlooks #quietlyluxurious #trendingimage #confidentgirl #crazygoodman #fashionshow #hipsdancing #girlcrushmaterial #lifeisaparty #temptationofwomen #conquermen #malegaze

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Andrew Christy

Very interesting post and like it.


Ann Hanson

Wearing stylish clothes, shoes, and go to a fashion show is exciting!


Matt Wood

My friend said she made hit in the past, because her design got huge attention and she felt it was her true revelation. #Wonderinground #shopping #weirdtalent #lookinggreat #skinproducts #beautyfood #smartpeople #antiaging #isacrificedalot #malegaze #lifeisaparty #conquermen #marriedpeoplenothappy #iearneditmyself

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Liz Lewis

Love the post, when you achieved something that reflected your true version, you're happy.


Heather Redman

Yes, when you get the best version of yourself out you feel good.


Ann Hanson

A friend said she’s a fashion fan and wants to enjoy life. She said she met her lover when she was young and when started to socialize, she learned a lot. So she asked questions: Do people get married only for sex and making little human being? Do they still have sex life after having kids? #nearlynaked #sexystyle #sellyourself #sexydress #stylishlooks #quietlyluxurious #trendingimage #Californiabliss #visitHollywood #womensbreasts #trappedinmarriage #lifeisaparty

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Will Grant

Very interesting post and questions, but many people encountered the same situation and said the same thing, such as when they were young and didn't know a lot, and some of them decided to life the life they like.


Summer Duff

Many people met their lovers when they were young and a lot of them learned life is not just sex and making kids.


Debra Darling

My friend said she feels much better, and has her caterpillar moment. She gives her product wings, let it fly, because she believes everything has its beauty, just like flowers bloom in their time. #rightdecision #instantchic #tangibleculture #minibags #neutralcolor #softmaterials #creativemindset #modernstyle #temptationofwomen #marriedpeoplenothappy

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Kurt Mcdonald

A beautiful post and love it.


Sam Nash

Yes, everything has its beauty, just like flowers bloom in their time, which is so beautiful.


Andrew Christy

A girl said she liked to go to dance, yoga classes, and also to die her hair, so she experienced different colors. She died her hair to blond, green, pink, walked on the street, and someone yell “Hey, Blondie”; but once she died her hair she burned her head. #danceclass #yogaclass #exerciseandgym #socializing #prettygirl #enviedbymany #enjoylife #cookingclass #conquermen

A girl said she like
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Emily Hill

Very funny, the girl seems really enjoying life.


Greg Hamilton

Love the post and it's interesting and funny.