

Jenny Webb

A girl said she finally got a job, which needs her to get up early, straight into makeup, pick up by someone, breakfast in restaurant, work till later afternoon, take a walk, get the intensity out, then eat, prepare for next day job.

A girl said she fina
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Kelly Wicks

A very interesting post and great picture.


Greg Hamilton

There are jobs that need people who have skills and can handle them beautifully, which needs both creative mind and artistic skills.


Hope Dye

Caterpillar Moment: My friend said she changed herself and now feels much better; she said her caterpillar moment was giving her product wings and let it fly because when she encountered difficulties she worked very hard and determined to find a way to make it work.

Caterpillar Moment:
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Kate Kinsley

A great post and like it. When encounter difficulty it's the time to think about if the business is the right one for society and the girl found her way to continue the business and let it fly, which is an inspiration for others.


Lance Clark

Irrational Insecurities: A friend said she used to feel she didn’t look the way she should be because she didn’t like her eyes, her nose; after leaving her boyfriend, she worked hard and became independent and now she her irrational insecurities are gone and she feels much better about herself.

Irrational Insecurit
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Shannon Benard

Many girls have irrational insecurities, specially when they are dating; when they get old they realize they were very naïve when they were young because they considered boyfriend being their life.


Ali Turner

Love & Lust: A girl said she is not happy because her boyfriend shaking hand with another girl too long; when the tension between them was on a constant simmer, she said she believes love and lust can lurk around every corner.

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Jan Goodman

The girl may have a point because love and lust indeed could be lurk around, but if she wants to solve the relationship problem, she might need to seek professional help.


Jay Hall

A girl said she likes her job but feels unsure if stays there for a long time; she also said she likes her guy, but is unsure getting married.

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Mark William

Young people like to see if they really like a job, a partner, because they still have time to choose, to see if it's really they want or like.


Kate Brown

Yes List: A girl said her yes list gets longer because she discovered a new brand, an expensive, sexy stuff; so she tries to eliminate something, add others; sometimes she only likes bottles, not the stuff inside.

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Meg Cox

Funny and like it.


Alex Day

People who live a comfortable life could have a very long list because they need to deal with their time, how to spend each day by doing something, which let them spend a lot of money.


Greg Hamilton

A guy said he started to date, but still remembered his high school sweet heart, his early lover. He said he’s now confident, fresh, bold, and he loves many things, but he still not finds his lover.

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Terry Martin

High school sweet heart is always great, but not many people can keep it, which is funny but also a lesson.


Hope Dye

A friend said her products can help other’s mental well being because she’s an expert on beauty food, digestive issues, and can change other’s eating behavior. #beautyfood #antiaging #skinproducts #lookinggreat

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Kate Kinsley

A great tip and like it.


Katherine Boston

My friend said she used to live a frugal life, but now she’s a fan of fashion. She not only buys stylish clothes, but also likes fragrance, because she said skin scents connect to people’s subconscious emotions and to their happy moments.

My friend said she u
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Will Cohen

Fragrance has its magic functions which do connect to people's subconsciousness and happy moments.


Dana Foyle

Guys’ Humor: A guy said he was a funny person and always tried to make jokes. When he was dating, he also making jokes. When his girlfriend asked: Guys just like that? Seeing a pretty girl, making a joke? He said: Oh my God, you’re so right. So his girlfriend left him.

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Katie Roberts

Very funny and interesting post, like it!


Ted Douglas

My friend said he returned to his glory days, where he had a mix of sex, art and fantasy, a life of the well-heeled and he said it’s his little world.

My friend said he re
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Liz Lewis

A cool picture and a great post, like it a lot.


Ali Turner

A life mixed with sex, art and fantasy, wow!


Lisa Daniel

A friend said she made a life change; she used to sit in the office and now are active; she goes to dance, compete the bikini show; she also wants to diet, but still wants to eat; sometimes she cheats meals, but finally she finds balance between healthy food and diet. #lifechange #coolwomen #popculture #longevity #exercise #visualpleasure

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Jay Hall

A great post about life change, which could let others think about their own life.


Ann Hanson

We’ll See: A girl said she wants to be rich, so she romanticizes with a married guy; she keeps things in perspective, wants to present them to others also, because she just tests water, saying: we’ll see if works.

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Brian Lawrence

Very interesting topic and the girl is smart also.


Terry Martin

My coworker said she’s a quick learner and can do things in a short time period; she said when she went to a market with her boyfriend, she quickly pointed out those items she needed for her party; she also can use her experience and eye to pick a dress, a pair of shoes, accessories, to dress like a model.

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Ann Hanson

A great post and like it a lot.


Will Grant

My neighbor said her work is about female body, because she uses her female body attracts people and gets what she wants.

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Kelly Wicks

It's true that female body has its charm, that many men can't resist it.


Jack Smith

If you grew up struggling to get food; or your mother raised you and your siblings and your guys lived in a tiny place, and now you’re successful and changed your views. You may still remember your odds against you that time, but you start to help others.

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Ted Douglas

A great post, because many people grew up poor and when they are successful they start to help others, which is a very good thing.


Karl Joyce

My neighbor said he worked hard and looked for his break; he’s also helped other people in their success process.

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Will Cohen

A cool post.


Peter Price

Like the post and it seems you have a great neighbor.


Dana Foyle

Laid Back: My friend said she used to be a laid back girl and now she changed herself, because she started to date, has a business; she said she follows the trend, wants to live a good life and she’s now aggressive, wild, and knows connect the dots. #followthetrend #liveagoodlife #datingstory

Laid Back: My friend
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Katie Roberts

A cool post. The girl changed from laid back to follow the trend, which is great news for those who try to live a good life.


Tim Swann

A guy said he switched career and changed himself, now he gets along with co-workers; he also socializes with friends, neighbors, and shows emotional warmth.

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Meg Cox

A great post for many who want to change themselves.


Hope Dye

A girl said she learned to be a confident person, since she likes acting, she started to rehearse her move, speak, relaxed pose, for she has an interview.

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Heather Redman

Interesting and like it.


Edith Campbell

Children’s suffering: Some people said they tried to alleviate children’s suffering, solve their problems, but it leads to children feeling more worried. So, in order to solve problems, people need to learn new things and make children resilient? #sufer #foodchoices #notwaitforever #familytradition #changestatusque #freakout #capableperson #worryingeverything

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Lona Green

Like the post. Children need to learn new things and become resilient, but parents need to play an important role in children's life, which means they need to learn more things so they can be prepared to deal with children's problems.


Lisa Daniel

Feeling younger, living longer, and… genetic secret? A friend said he likes to travel, feeling younger and wants to live longer. He said there are no genetic secret and immortality, he just enjoys living, wants to be outliving the prior generation and increase health span. #hiking #smalltown #helpothers #enjoyscenery #amazingguy #healthyfood

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Pat Davis

A great post and like it. It's true enjoying living is the answer to many problems because in many cases people can live happy even though they don't have a lot of money.



A maior dor de um Homem, E não poder estar com a família perdida

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Tim Swann

My coworker said if she feels her friend lies, making excuses, she thinks about her unhealthy friendship; if her boyfriend having strange behavior, trying to control her, or ignoring her feeling, she would quit. #machismo #lieanddishonest #friendship #friendsforlife #toxicfriendship

My coworker said if
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Peter Price

Like the post. Yes, if your friend lies, you should think about quit, if your boyfriend have strange behavior, you should ask yourself if the relationship is worth your time.


Greg Hamilton

A guy said he’s stressed and wants to escape from city, because he’s tired of noise, traffic, busy lifestyle; so he wants to find a place he wants to live, where he can hiking, picnic, enjoy scenery, relax. #hiking #picnic #smalltown #enjoyscenery

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Katherine Boston

A post that let many people feel they stuck with traffic everyday because they need to go to work, they also stuck with other things, with family, place, and they feel hopeless.


Joseph Clark

Axis of Evil. We have a cold war now and face an axis of evil, led by Russia, China, Iran and North Korea and they attack on the international order. Since Russia started war, Western countries coordinate their strategy, provide military and material aid to Ukraine, in which US plays the leadership role in NATO and sets the example for other nations to follow. #warzone #helpothers #RussiaandChina #humanrights #USbeatChina #radicalcommunists #freeChina #freespeech #lessonlearned #democracyanddictators #dictatorialcountries #moralissues

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Katherine Boston

China reaffirmed its partnership with Putin, providing technology to Russia for military purposes, propped up Russia's economy and helped finance the war by buying Russian oil.


Karl Joyce

A guy said he missed his opportunity because of his laziness; he said he learned his mistake and now he’s ready to kick off his activities to meet challenges. #lifelesson #meetingchallenges #wearealllived #feelstuck #lostenthusiasm #lostpassion

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Jenny Webb

Like the post. It's true people missed opportunity because of their laziness, so learned something from mistake is very important.


Chris Chapmen

College Kid: A friend said he accepted a job after graduation and that project was a nightmare; after his failure he worked very hard and prepared his next job; now when he takes a job, starting to work, people say: I trust him after seeing his role in last job. #businesstrick #gutinstinct #amazingguy #yoursuccess #secondchance

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Kelly Wicks

Like the post. College kid taking first job and feeling failed is a common thing, the next step is how to lean from failure and do a good job next time; so work hard, prepare well for the role is the key.


Steve Spencer

Love the post. College kids taking jobs, staying there, learning new things, are a long process in their career, which let many of them leave their jobs, because modern life is not just a job, it's about interest.


Jay Hall

So Thrilled: My friend said she felt so thrilled in her stylish moments and experience because she wearing stylish clothes, shoes, went to a fashion show, where seemed a fantasy land and she met many friends there; now she’s a fan of fashion. #passion #fantasyland #sexydress #stylishlooks #quietlyluxurious #trendingimage #confidentgirl #crazygoodman #fashionshow #hipsdancing #girlcrushmaterial #lifeisaparty #temptationofwomen #conquermen #malegaze

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Andrew Christy

Very interesting post and like it.


Ann Hanson

Wearing stylish clothes, shoes, and go to a fashion show is exciting!


Matt Wood

My friend said she made hit in the past, because her design got huge attention and she felt it was her true revelation. #Wonderinground #shopping #weirdtalent #lookinggreat #skinproducts #beautyfood #smartpeople #antiaging #isacrificedalot #malegaze #lifeisaparty #conquermen #marriedpeoplenothappy #iearneditmyself

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Liz Lewis

Love the post, when you achieved something that reflected your true version, you're happy.


Heather Redman

Yes, when you get the best version of yourself out you feel good.