

Greg Hamilton

Do I Quit? My friend wants to accomplish her goal and said she will not wait for ever. When she wants to know why she can’t get the things done she realized the dream she pursued she could only try at home after working for the company; so she said and asked: No wonder it takes so long because I work for company, do I quit?

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Terry Martin

Many people have their dreams but quit job to pursue dream is risky, on the other hand keeping a job that does offer security but not interesting is also difficult to deal with.


Bobby Mcfarland

My friend said her business based on a simple philosophy and depends on people, she said she doesn’t need to ask her employees come on time and leave late because her employees are creative, so they can leave early to buy food for dinner, pick up their kids.

My friend said her b
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Ashley Parsons

A very cool post! When a business based on people and trust them there is no need to tell them everything such as what time to come and leave because employees know how to handle the business and make it work well.


Allen Pace

Certain business really depends on people's understanding of the job, but other business may needs employees to be there all the time, but this post is helpful anyway.


Natalie Fanning

My neighbor said she used to have eyes bags and after surgery she’s obsessed with people’s eyes bags, on TV, on buss, in work place, which let her feel lucky; she said she made a good decision because she thinks she looks much younger than her actual age.

My neighbor said she
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Andy Hauser

Girls like to look pretty and younger, with eyes bags they feel something weird and surgery is the only choice to get rid of that weird stuff, which is reasonable.


Matt Wood

My coworker said she was a feisty person: she worked hard, demanded respect, promotion, equal right, but she paid price. Since she learned something in life, she said her suffering makes her a smart person.

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Andrew Christy

Many people said they learned something from the workplace because to be an activist is one thing, but demand equal right in workplace could be tricky and could also suffer.


Lona Green

Phobias and: A girl said she would suffer from crippling, incapacitating arachnophobia if encountered any small creature; when asked if she exaggerated her fear, she said when she had a life-threatening situation, she just wanted to have a self-protection way.

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Michael Ellis

It's a funny post and like it a lot.


Michael Ellis

It's a funny post and like it a lot.


Liz Lewis

A girl said she had a traumatic time and never talked about her past because her love story turned ugly and she felt bad. It turned out that she used to envy rich people, and when she traveled with a rich guy and even wanted to do business with him, she was disappointed; now she wants to be herself.

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Ali Turner

Young girls have their dreams and meeting rich people is one of them, but rich people also have their own fantasias, which let many young girls feel bad, even have traumatic time.


Mark William

A girl said she started spending money: she went to restaurant and shops because she had visited a glitzy newcomer, who showed her a stylish party, where model, rich people, celebrity, all come.

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Paul Parker

The girl is very lucky because many people want to be close to the society where fancy stuff happens.


Emily Hill

No Flaws: My friend is very nice, she almost no flows; when she tried something else to deal with different people: crooks, sexists, street hustlers she learned all the tough things in life, but still tried to be nice, kind, and people just love her.

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Alex Day

My friend is also very nice, she deals with different people but still very nice, which has to do with her personality and her view about life.


Terry Martin

Lucky Number: A friend said he went to gamble, playing the roulette wheel, and believed his lucky number would come up, but he lost all his money in a short period; so he suffered for a while, didn’t know if there is a lucky number for him.

Lucky Number: A frie
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Ann Hanson

Some people believe their lucky number and they are sometimes lucky, but for gamble, it's a different story.


Kate Kinsley

My friend grew up with a famous person. She went to boarding school, and knows a lot things, so she said she’s a feminist, but not in the position to discuss the issues, because she had an affair with a powerful person.

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Allen Pace

A post let others think about their life and dilemma.


Karl Joyce

My Little World: A girl said when she was young she had feminist spirit and lived in her little world, where she played strip poker and truth-or-dare drinking until she was sick, and experimented with drugs and having to answer to mom and dad.

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Natalie Fanning

A life many girls experienced.


Sam Nash

My little world let many people think about their years when they did strange and funny things.


Michael Ellis

Feel Embarrassed: A girl said she’s embarrassed in front of her friends sometimes, because she liked weird stuff and felt embarrassed mentioning it; once she obsessed with someone and tried to be close, but was rejected.

Feel Embarrassed: A
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Steve Spencer

Feel embarrassed is common, once my girlfriend tried to help a person and she was rejected, so she said she was embarrassed by doing some good thing to other.


Liz Lewis

A girl said she played dating game and lived the moment for a long time. When people liked her she said because of fate and luck; when she felt hurt she said she devoted her soul and energy; finally she felt tired and couldn’t continue anymore. #datinggame #livethemoment #fateandluck #feelinghurt

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Ali Turner

When they are young they can play dating game, live the moment, but when getting old, they worry about how to get a man and not live alone.


Jay Hall

A girl said she’s lucky; but when her dream was denied she kept trying; she didn’t want to be placed in a box because she’s a girl, she defied and now she’s a successful business owner.

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Carol Young

A great tip for those who want to pursue their dream.


Summer Duff

My neighbor said she buys different stuff for different meetings, so now she has many fancy clothes, shoes, bikinis because she wears different makeup by her mood, and wears her jewels, clothes, bags for making a statement.

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Will Grant

Enjoy life and have fun.


Kate Kinsley

A girl said she’s trained as a musician, and feels she’s one-dimensional; when she gives up her passion, she starts to choose a middle way, to learn something new, to avoid the old way where she couldn’t do any other than her passion.

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Hope Dye

My friend also trained as a dancer, she finally gave up her passion and learned something to make a living.


Debra Darling

I traveled around world and developed my own must-see places, which let me rediscover my hometown where has amazing architecture, late-nights bars, luxury hotels, and museum.

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John Austin

A very cool post and like it.


Carol Young

Many people live in the same town for years but they don't know about their hometown; when they travel, they rediscover something interesting in their hometown and start to appreciate them.


Peter Price

My neighbor said she has kids, pets, and her house is a mess, because her kids and pets are at the same level in terms of mess-making abilities.

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Shannon Benard

It's a very interesting post because my kids and pets also make my house a mess.


Lance Clark

I wanted a right place for my destination spot and I found a place that could be my home, but it was an aging property and I needed to do a big rehab; so I changed a little warmth and rat infestation place into a sweet home.

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Heather Redman

A very cool post.


Donna Sears

Dream comes true even did a big rehab.


John Austin

I think everything has its beauty, just like flowers bloom in their time.

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Will Grant

Agree. Yes, everything has its beauty.


Will Cohen

A great post and like it.


Jack Smith

A girl said she has to decide which one is better for her: a guy who can do killer dance move or a cool and funny one who can be together with her for the rest of her life.

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Amy Lynch

The one who is funny and can be with her for the rest of the life.


Andy Hauser

Stuck in the past. Some people said they experienced poverty, worried about food, money, and they save many things, thinking certain items they may need them later, but this over-cautious mentality shows that those people may stuck in the past. #isacrificedalot #lifeexperience #savemoney #notstuck

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Natalie Fanning

Like the post. Many people complain that they stuck in a place, but stuck in the past also is true because they feel they don't have enough money, so they save everything for future, which is ridiculous.


Tom Edward

AI, misinformation, human manipulation, and an evil? Some people said AI has its flawed data, and is an evil and a nuclear bomb, which could lead to society deterioration, human extinction, robot takeover and to let bad actors do more and more harmful and inaccurate things. #feelingvulnerable #bullyingothers #sharperteeth #weirdtalent

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Heather Redman

AI could bring good things, but bad actors can use it to spread false info, provide not correct info, even make huge mistakes.


Lona Green

My neighbor changed herself from sexy girl, seducing men in bar to designer; she has a small boutique, where has unique stuff. She said she hates outdated products, so her designs not look stuffy, they are sustainable, stylish, and luxury. #pursueyourdream #curiousgirl #wowdress #sexyboss #businesstrick #lookchic

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Ted Douglas

Like the post. The girl is really cool, changing from a superficial and sexy girl to a professional designer, producing sustainable and stylish stuff, wow!



A maior dor de um Homem, E nĂŁo poder estar com a famĂ­lia perdida

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Shannon Benard

My neighbor said she has maternal urge, wants to get pregnant, and be a mother, but she used to have a sharper teeth, because she liked to win, which needs to not afraid criticism, to take risk, and make bold decision. #maternalurge #getpregnant #sharperteeth #beamother #dramaticchange

My neighbor said she
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Jenny Webb

Maternal urge is the key to let many girls think about life purpose and they decide to be a mother, which is a good news and very natural for girls.


Ann Hanson

My neighbor is in show business; once she played a sexy girl, she felt strange, but great, because her family, friends, watched her cry, fighting, taking clothes off, in a show. #showbusiness #lifeexperience #sexygirl

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Steve Spencer

Very interesting post. The girl is great, and funny, because she invited her family members, friends to watch her performance, which includes she crying, fighting, taking clothes off.


Terry Martin

Crap Day: A guy said he’s smart person, missed some opportunities; when he tried to avoid certain pitfalls in his dating, working, but he still has his crap day, he said he doesn’t know why it happened to him, and he feels bad. #smartpeople #missedopportunities #struggle #burdenfeelings #possessive

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Jan Goodman

Smart people also feel bad sometimes because there are many things that are difficult to predict, so the best way is not give up, try to different ways, instead of feeling bad and complaining.


Howard Fisher

A girl said she’s busy but also wants to take care of her skin, body; she said sometimes she envy others, so when she finds some cool skincare products, to-the-point of her needs, she would immediately buy them. #envyothers #fancybags #boldmakeup #sexyandedgy #girlshavedreams

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Edith Campbell

Girls do have many things to worry about, from skin care, eating habit, to body image; so when they see others look good, they feel they need to do something for themselves, which is a great thing.


Edith Campbell

Make Impact: My friend is a curious girl, she realized she needs something for herself, she wants to look younger, takes care her skin problem; when she finds a skin-rejuvenating product, she said it makes an impact on her, and she just needs to continue, like she does her laundry. #curiousgirl #wowdress #firstnightout #womanticwords #lookchic #everyonesays #gutinstinct #findhappiness

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Jenny Webb

Very interesting! A curious girl realized something for herself: taking care her skin problem. Once she finds a good product, she said she just needs to continue, like she does her laundry, which is very cool.


Chris Chapmen

Smart girls can do many things, and they always find something interesting and funny, because they can link skin care products to laundry!