My friend said she has to turn down new proposals because she feels suffocated by her works and people’s expectations; she said her environment project needs her time and to work with different people so she must turn down other interesting proposals.
My neighbor said she becomes a new face of her company; she said she doesn’t have many connections, she just works her ass off for years and achieved her success because she has a sense of fashion: her jewelry, dress, accessories, are all chic and glamorous.
Matt Wood
Smart girls always rewarded by what they believe because most people like them and they do provide something unique in terms of freshness and fashionable pleasure.
Andrew Christy
The girl worked there for years and finally becomes her company's face which means her talent is being discovered gradually and her fashionable look definitely played a role.
More Energy: A girl said she knows how to boost energy; she’ a busy person: she’s booked for teaching dance, doing a stunt, dealing with her skin products, nutrition stuff, so she can have more energy because she works hard, but still has energy to do her hobbies.
Heather Redman
Like the post a lot. People always say their life is boring but actually there are a lot of things they can try, so the girl is great in this sense because she gives others hope and can let think about how to deal with life.
Kurt Mcdonald
To have more energy means finding ways to be active, not feeling lazy which is the cause for no energy.
If you’re successful, but also want to be sexy, authentic, friendly, you may go to beach, wearing bikini, so you can be yourself, also talk to people, which could let them view you as approachable, a people person.
Paul Parker
A good tip for those who feel sexy only for young people and successful women feel difficult to be themselves because of the current pop culture.
Amy Lynch
Creative people always want to be kind of attention and sexy is one of them, so this post is great because there are many people there who try to find out a way to get attention.
My neighbor said she grows up comfortable, getting spoiled, so she wants to challenge herself: she left her home, comfortable lifestyle, to pursue her dream; she also likes to hike, bike, go to remote area, develop a bond with local people, and let them feel they’re included, welcome in the society.
Debra Darling
It's a great post and like it a lot. Yes, there are people who feel they want to do something for the society and they are great because we still have so many people who need help.
Jacob Stone
We need more people such as those who want to help others because have so many people who feel they have a comfortable life but they don't feel they need to help others, sometimes they even teasing those who help others which is ridiculous.
Through Everything: A girl said she went through everything: she was poor, no money, no hope; when she met a guy she got into a scandal; but she still has a dream, so she worked hard, changed herself and feels a sense of worth.
Summer Duff
Many people made mistakes, the important thing is how to learn lessons and become more responsible persons, in this sense the girl is smart.
Will Grant
The girl is smart even though she went through all those bad things but still has a dream and work hard.
What Bullshit: My coworker likes new ideas, but sometimes she just laughs, saying: Oh, what bullshit; her side job is also unique because it’s for both men and women; when she sells sports products, she said they can strength muscle, sweat more and lose weight.
Karl Joyce
Like the post. The girl is great because she's treating life with humor and selling products that focus on their benefits.
Natalie Fanning
Smart people know how live a good life and be in good mood.
My coworker said she grew up poor and has a strong resilience; she traveled around world, found a place where she wanted to settle down when met an environmentalist, because they both loved nature, animals. After living with wild plants, herbs, dogs, donkeys for a while her guy got into a scandal, which let her leave there.
Matt Wood
The girl is smart because when having a scandal it's difficult to tell what happened and the best way is getting rid of it.
Andrew Christy
A scandal usually is about cheating, betrayal, so the girl did the right thing by leaving her guy.
Your Gaze: My neighbor’s sexy, attractive, but her real power is her gaze; after she used her gaze get what she wanted: rich boyfriend, luxury lifestyle, she bragged how she used her sexy body, gaze, to achieve her goal. When she wanted to buy a big house she realized her guy cheated on her.
Heather Redman
A cool and interesting post. Since many girls know how using their sexy gaze get what they want, it could let them think again about their attractive gaze, which could be both good and bad.
Kurt Mcdonald
Using sexy gaze to get what you want is common, specially for girls who want to get something quickly, which include a rich man, big house, luxury lifestyle, but it also let many girls feel sad when their guys cheat on them, even dumping them.
If your dream is to become a model for you always try different clothes in fitting rooms; or when you put a fancy dress on, look at mirror, smiled, you may be lucky because someone is paying attention when you leave the fitting room and you may be spotted by an agent, which could make your dream true.
Amy Lynch
Very cool post and picture. It's true if your dream is to become a model and you always show yourself in public area, in party, you may be discovered by someone who is also looking for someone who can get the thing done.
Joseph Clark
My friend is a model and she was discovered by someone on street, so there always some hope there.
Liz Lewis
My former student also discovered by people on street and now she's doing a lot of modeling things.
A girl said she wears stylish clothes, shoes, accessories, plus makeup, which made her prettier but experienced an ordeal and had freak-out; she said her beauty adventure let her like all kinds of beauty products, including eye-lashes, sexy dress, which is also a pleasure.
Daniel Frick
Interesting post. When you are young you should enjoy life because when getting old, you don't have the mood and time to try different things, specially for beauty adventure.
Debra Darling
It's true when young you have more mood and can try more things that are impossible for those who have family and kids.
Messier Stuff: If you don’t want your boyfriend to know your messier stuff, you can just not talk about yourself, which can prevent others to know how many guys you’ve dated, the shocking things you did or why you always be quiet about your past.
Summer Duff
Funny post but could be a help for those who don't want their partner knowing their past.
Will Grant
Some people don't let their partner know anything that is not good because they want to live a new life.
My coworker can get everything done quick, effective; she’s also a beauty expert, stylist, and can give tips. She said life is an art, she goes to dance class, wants to live near the beach, but worries about sunburn, skin cancer. #lifelikeart #fitnessroutine #beyourself #careerwomen
Tom Edward
Very cool post and picture and like it a lot!
Chris Chapmen
Yes, indeed.
Rebecca Houston
A great picture and like it.
Less Magic: A friend said her products have a magic character; since she lives in a small town, she created a smart business, which has less magic but it also has a unique character because she let her guests dine outdoors, to discover the nature, themselves.
Jack Smith
Very interesting post. When having a place where people can dine and enjoy the nature, it's unique and attractive because they can also discover themselves.
Hope Dye
Interesting post that can let others feel if being creative there are always something there that is good.
My friend said when she started to change herself, buy makeup, eat healthy food, do exercise, people started to say good things about her, and she even got a promotion; now she said she did the right things for herself and considers them the way to better herself, to a higher self.
Matt Wood
Like the post. When change yourself you find there are a lot of potential, including feel good, even a promotion!
Andrew Christy
Like the post. To better yourself and to a higher self seems the way many people should follow.
Lance Clark
Will Cohen
Try to get your best version out!
Sisterhood: A coworker said she has friends and always hangout together; it turned out she goes to a book-club, considers herself, her friends, a sisterhood; so one of them likes menswear, and other friends like khakis, desert boots, oversize T-shirts, and they also discuss women's challenges, feminism, career and green life.
Ali Turner
A very cool post and picture. I also know a friend goes to book club and they treat it like their social and chat circle, and always bring something there.
Jan Goodman
Book club could last for a while, but if people just want to social, get for party, it will not last for a long time.
Heather Redman
Most book clubs last for a short time because reading a book is a work and not many people have time to read a lot, so book club is only for certain people who have time and life a comfortable life.
My neighbor is a genius because her tech-skin products like a virtual-reality game, that gets real results, and people say she’s smart and understands what women really want, so she’s a total genius.
Lisa Daniel
Really like the post. A creative person can let other's life get better, so the girl is a genius indeed.
Jay Hall
Paul Parker
Interesting and funny.
If you care about what’s happening in life around the world you may feel fearful about future because biggest fear is that you, like many others, always think about the haves, the have-not, and those who are in the between, who feel their life is not getting better, but worse.
Meg Cox
We live in a world where the rich people getting richer and the poor people struggle all the time, which is really not fair and needs to be changed.
Emily Hill
Yes, a very small group of rich people get richer and most of the people get poorer which is totally absurd and need to be changed.
Daniel Frick
The world is becoming more chaotic and more and more poor people struggling to survive.
If you experienced some important event and you got into a situation where sensitivity and delicacy make you a target, a scandal, you may more appreciate those things that activists and feminists pursue because all they want is to make the society better.
Ann Hanson
A cool post and great picture. It's true many activists and feminists make the society better even though they are attacked by others as radical or not reasonable.
Brian Lawrence
Love the post and we need more activists because they do move society forward.
Will Grant
Like activists and feminists because they are parts of the modern society and they contribute a lot to the society.
Some people said they firm up a saggy neck, deal with pouches under the eyes; one girl said after a scandal with a rich guy, she did beauty surgery but worries about swelling, bruising, pain, so she’s hiding behind sunglasses, hearing cracking, the metal rod under the skin.
Anderson West
Beauty surgery is a hit or miss situation because my friend also encountered difficult situation after paying a lot of money for getting her pretty face back.
Rebecca Houston
But still there are a lot of people dream about beauty surgery and want to let them stay young forever.
A girl said she changed her lifestyle; now she’s a feminist and makeup artist, and she cares about many things, from protecting environment to giving advises to others about makeup, healthy living, and body workout.
Donna Sears
Changing lifestyle and being active for what you believe are the most rewarding things for many people because it means life has a purpose and everyday has its real meaning.
Jack Smith
Totally agree.
My neighbor said she had a haunting relationship after staying with a weirdo; when she started to date again, she met a guy and considered him a smart, funny, and cool guy; but when he said he likes to do weird things, she immediately remembered her ex; now she doesn’t know if continues the relationship.
Peter Price
Relationship is tricky, when someone likes to do weird things others can become uneasy, because relationship needs to be committed and be for a long term.
Katherine Boston
Relationship needs commitment, if a person is not committed, it's better stop the relationship.
A girl said she learned her value, which is being her own skin; when she started to date again after a bad partner, she respects her vagina; when she stopped having sex with the guy, she thinking: he didn’t deserve to be in her.
Edith Campbell
A great post, which can let many girls learn how start to respect themselves and be their own skin.
Michael Ellis
Totally agree.
Rag-tag Team: A girl said her fashion and beauty products had some success, then followed by disaster because of her crazy boyfriend; when she started her rag-tag team again, her business is combined with fashion, beauty, health and nutrition products, which let her have a positive impact.
Ted Douglas
The girl is a talented business person because once she encountered disaster she knows how started again, making it successful.
Liz Lewis
It seems she did the right thing.
Jan Goodman
She's smart and cool.
My friend knows how to take care of her skin because she has a perfect skin; she also learned how to buy right skincare products to make her skin beautiful, refine her skin tone, buy antioxidant product, and boost luminosity before a night out.
Jacob Stone
Many girls worry about how to take care of skin and this post is useful for them.
Pat Davis
Yes for sure.
John Austin
Beautiful picture and like it.
My friend said her design, creation, is weird, but reasonable; she said she’s disappointed because her hard work, year’s trying, all vanished; now she has baby pressure, but still likes makeup. #controversytopics #malegaze #babypressure #neversaynever
Kate Brown
Many professionals work very hard but not produce the result the expected, so the question is keeping what they believe or try something else, which may be hard to make decision.
Emily Hill
Professionals are sometimes in a box and if they really want to be themselves they may need to change themselves.
A girl said she’s an activist for a cause, but her boyfriend cheated on her and she still stays with him, so she’s a morally ambiguous person, which also reflects her design and creation, that is not clearly making a statement.
Greg Hamilton
My friend also said her boyfriend cheated on her but she still stays with him because she wants to give him a second chance.
Terry Martin
Everyone should have a second chance.
My friend grew up with a famous person. She went to boarding school, and knows a lot things, so she said she’s a feminist, but not in the position to discuss the issues, because she had an affair with a powerful person.
Allen Pace
A post let others think about their life and dilemma.
Scott Tar
When you know some famous or powerful people, you don't know if tell everything you know about them, even if some of those things are bad for the society.
My Little World: A girl said when she was young she had feminist spirit and lived in her little world, where she played strip poker and truth-or-dare drinking until she was sick, and experimented with drugs and having to answer to mom and dad.
Natalie Fanning
A life many girls experienced.
Sam Nash
My little world let many people think about their years when they did strange and funny things.
My friend can turn something normal into a funny, inspirational one; she called her works crazy because she always tried to make a bad taste into a good one, a girl's thing a feminism, a product green life, which let her have endless crazy ideas and want to try new things.
Andrew Christy
A great post that will inspires many others to follow.
Lance Clark
Very interesting post and like it a lot.
Natalie Fanning
Some people are so busy that they need help but only those who have the same skills and energy could be part of the business which is also kind of regret.
Andy Hauser
Interesting and cool post.