

Anderson West

A friend said her interview didn’t help her get the job she wanted; but she likes to use her gesture, hands, face expression that attracted other people, who offered her an even better job.

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Rebecca Houston

Very interesting post. Some people like using their gesture and face expression which could be skill for certain job, so this post is a good tip.


Andy Hauser

Ultra-Relaxed: A girl said she likes to focus on ultra-relaxed products, wardrobe because she designs everyday basic items, which includes her trick that is creating something like boy-meets-girl ease.

Ultra-Relaxed: A gir
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Sam Nash

Like the ultra-relaxed products because when designing something that can let young people feel it's one of them it will be successful.


Howard Fisher

A very cool post and picture.


Donna Sears

A cool post and beautiful picture!


Shannon Benard

My neighbor said she had a haunting relationship after staying with a weirdo; when she started to date again, she met a guy and considered him a smart, funny, and cool guy; but when he said he likes to do weird things, she immediately remembered her ex; now she doesn’t know if continues the relationship.

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Peter Price

Relationship is tricky, when someone likes to do weird things others can become uneasy, because relationship needs to be committed and be for a long term.


Heather Redman

My friend’s learned several foreign languages by traveling around world; he also writes novel, travel notes, and one of his works is adapted to a TV show. When his friend says: he’s a rising star, but he smiles and says: That’s heavy, because he still doesn’t know what to do to make a living.

My friend’s learne
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Kurt Mcdonald

To make a living by writing novel or books is not easy, but the guy learned several foreign languages and also seems smart, he will find a way to make a living.


Paul Parker

Just Because: A friend said her product is successful and thinks her success is just her past; she said just because her product is popular and she wants to work even harder and she’s still open-minded, wants to learn new stuff.

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Amy Lynch

Success is only about past, so the girl thinks she needs to work even harder and to learn new stuff is a great news for others who want to continue to be successful.


Alex Day

Your Potential: A girl said she’s busy, but also realized her missing parts: her look, her health and her potential; so she started to eat healthy food, do exercise to get her missing parts back.

Your Potential: A gi
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Daniel Frick

A great post. Every one has his/her missing parts and how to get them back is an interesting question.


Will Grant

Never Know: A friend said he started to pursue his dream after making a mistake, but his creation is edge, weird, so he said doesn’t know who’s going to be interested in his works, but he still wants to be successful.

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Neil Holland

There are many things people don't know, but pursuing a dream is different and sometimes the never-know could be challenging but also could mean knowing how to be successful.


Jenny Webb

It’s Hard: My friend is from a different culture, she’s in a high-level position for a company and her online presence helps her break through into a field where people like fashion and makeup. So she tried to win her fans one by one but it's hard; sometimes she had sad eyes, but still wanted to be a star.

It’s Hard: My frie
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Kelly Wicks

The girl looks cool and she will be successful even though it might be hard.


Greg Hamilton

Girls have dreams and they will try their best to see if they can succeed.


Will Cohen

A girl said she’s been with a guy for a while and found that they both complained about their relationship. When talked to a doctor about it, the doctor said that the grief and complains have their own ebb and need to be addressed according to their natural course. It means that to get good results, she and her guy should address problems by looking at both parties’ willingness and its unique circumstance.

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Karl Joyce

A great post, which can let many people think about how to improve relationship.


Dana Foyle

Guys’ Humor: A guy said he was a funny person and always tried to make jokes. When he was dating, he also making jokes. When his girlfriend asked: Guys just like that? Seeing a pretty girl, making a joke? He said: Oh my God, you’re so right. So his girlfriend left him.

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Katie Roberts

Very funny and interesting post, like it!


Ted Douglas

My friend said he returned to his glory days, where he had a mix of sex, art and fantasy, a life of the well-heeled and he said it’s his little world.

My friend said he re
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Liz Lewis

A cool picture and a great post, like it a lot.


Ali Turner

A life mixed with sex, art and fantasy, wow!


Pat Davis

Unborn Audience: A guy said his creation, writing, project, research, still wait to have his audience because his passion is to make people live a better life, live longer; but he also feels overwhelmed by his mission, his unborn audience.

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Lisa Daniel

When pursue a dream, sometimes needs a lifetime devotion, so the guy is great, even he feels overwhelmed by his mission.


Terry Martin

My coworker said she’s a quick learner and can do things in a short time period; she said when she went to a market with her boyfriend, she quickly pointed out those items she needed for her party; she also can use her experience and eye to pick a dress, a pair of shoes, accessories, to dress like a model.

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Ann Hanson

A great post and like it a lot.


Kelly Wicks

A friend said she started to enjoy her life, because she wants to look pretty, which let her buy makeup, do exercise, tone her body, boost her butt.

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Greg Hamilton

The girl is smart because life is short and enjoy life is the way to go.


Allen Pace

A guy said he tried to find a good paying job and worked as a stuntman; when he jumped from the top of building down, he was scared, but said he did this to support his girlfriend, his child; when others said he’s stupid, an idiot, for he jumps again he may crash, die; but he said: it pays well.

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Ann Hanson

Living is not easy and to support a family is even more difficult.


Go Long

One guy said no one understands his tastes; he said he always listens closely to others but no one cares about what he feels and thinks.

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Shannon Benard

There are many people who have dreams, and feel they are talented, but others not understand them, which is the reality now.


Mark William

Your Mark: A guy said he created something he’s proud of and left his mark there; but at the beginning his creation did not attract people and he felt bad because he said it was not going to be a big thing.

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Dana Foyle

A great post that could inspire others.


Katie Roberts

Cool post and like it.


John Austin

My friend said she can draw attention by her physical appearance; she’s an enigmatic blond, but also sweet, funny; she likes exercise, and her body shape has a balletic composure.

My friend said she c
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Howard Fisher

So cool and like it!


Neil Holland

Cool post and love it.


Heather Redman

Hardships & Resolve: A girl said she underwent self-imposed hardships so as to strengthen her resolve to wipe out a humiliation, an incompetent, which was triggered by not happy with her current condition under a cruel boss.

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Lona Green

Very interesting post and like it.


Hope Dye

Mosquito bites, red bumps, and itchy. Some people said they wash the mosquito bite with warm soapy water or ice cubes to deal with red, bumpy marks. So the question is: Should they seek medical help if swelling is persistent? #nextdoorgirl #socializing #feelbad #itoldyouso #thingsjusthappened #healthyliving

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Howard Fisher

Thanks for the tip. So warm soapy water and ice cubes can deal with red bumps and itchy, which is great.


Jacob Stone

A coworker said she had stress, started to do exercise, and liked walking. She considers walking her self- therapy, because her slow walking helps her plan her life, get a fit body, and can get her to her life goal. #feelpressure #antiaging #sleepbetter #Qtips #mentalfatique #rawpassages

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Debra Darling

Yes, walking is a self-therapy, because my friend also said the same thing, which is it can let people plan their life and get a fit body.


Lisa Daniel

Feeling younger, living longer, and… genetic secret? A friend said he likes to travel, feeling younger and wants to live longer. He said there are no genetic secret and immortality, he just enjoys living, wants to be outliving the prior generation and increase health span. #hiking #smalltown #helpothers #enjoyscenery #amazingguy #healthyfood

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Pat Davis

A great post and like it. It's true enjoying living is the answer to many problems because in many cases people can live happy even though they don't have a lot of money.



Nice collection

Nice collection
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Ali Turner

Cool and like it.



A maior dor de um Homem, E nĂŁo poder estar com a famĂ­lia perdida

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Jack Smith

Old-fashioned: A friend said he likes old-fashioned stuff, which includes his antiques and his old-fashion cooking style; when he travels around world, he appreciates century-old hotel, restaurant. #travelandhiddengems #foodlover #MiddleEastcuisine #Mediterraneafood #culturalfix

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Donna Sears

Interesting post. My friend also likes old-fashioned stuff, she likes her mother's cooking, wears her mother's clothes, which fashion girls were wearing at that time.


Howard Fisher

Old-fashioned stuff has its charm, because there is culture there; when traveling to Europe, people see those old stuff, they wonder if local people really know and care about those stuff, but for others, they feel different, and treat them like antiques.


Jay Hall

A girl said she worried about her chronological age, after freezing eggs, she paying attention to makeup, looks younger, now she focus on beauty food, eating eggs, because they’re loaded protein, good fats, vitamin A, which are good for skin cells repair, healthy hair, nails. #chronologicalage #freezeeggs #beautyfood #skincareproducts #beautytreatment

A girl said she worr
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Paul Parker

Very interesting post. My friend also said she worries about her chronological age, she freezes eggs, feels not so desperate looking for partner, which is a good thing.


Jacob Stone

A girl said her friend got married and she still works hard for her dream; but her instinctive desire is to date, have a family, so she said achieving her dream is very difficult, now she wants stylish clothes, fancy shoes, luxury stuff, just like everyone does. #chasingdream #careerwomen #anxiety #depression #modernsociety #feelstressful #beingsingle

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Will Cohen

Chasing dream is not easy, it needs working hard, persistence and sacrifice, so the girl decides to start her real life, dating, having a family, buying stylish clothes, fancy shoes, just like everyone else, is understandable.


Alex Day

A girl said she grew up poor and felt unloved; her self-loathing let her like to eat, her eating habits get her weight problem, so she was the object of casual cruelties, teasing. #trappedin #lowIQ #badactors #putdownothers #feelbad

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Edith Campbell

It's a big problem for those who grew up in low income areas, where kids felt unloved, others were cruel to them, teasing them, which let them have low self-esteem.


Will Grant

My friend said everyone assumed that he’s by-racial and people sometimes don’t know where he comes from, because his parents are from different parts of the world. #diversity #inferior #unfairtreatment #professionalism #standupforyourself #climatechange #imigration #cynicism

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Joseph Clark

Like the post. We need more diversity because there are still many unfair treatments and discrimination there, so by-racial could be a help.


Jay Hall

I know many friends who said they are half this and half that, it means their parents come from different parts of the world, some friends even more missed and they have a little East Asian, a little Middle East, a little European background, which is interesting.


Liz Lewis

My friend said she learned how to diet, lose weight, and also give her more energy; now she looks younger, feels young, can tell about burning fat, boost energy level, and not feel hungry for many hours. #lookyounger #feelyoung #feelhappy #liftmood

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Go Long

A great post. So, in order to look younger, feel young, one needs to learn how to eat, lose weight, boost energy level, and if feels hangry, eats healthy food.


Bill Atlanta

Looking younger, feeling good, and having a good mood all need to deal with eating behavior, so diet, lose weight become very important because many people like parties, they go to eat, drink and realize they getting fat.