

Scott Tar

Some people said they firm up a saggy neck, deal with pouches under the eyes; one girl said after a scandal with a rich guy, she did beauty surgery but worries about swelling, bruising, pain, so she’s hiding behind sunglasses, hearing cracking, the metal rod under the skin.

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Anderson West

Beauty surgery is a hit or miss situation because my friend also encountered difficult situation after paying a lot of money for getting her pretty face back.


Donna Sears

Profound Effect: A girl said she re-organized her company and had a profound effect; her way to have a good effect is letting her employees be aggressive, sexy, attractive because she realized the only way she can continue her business is being bold.

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Jack Smith

A great post! Being bold can be different ways but the girl decided to let her employees be sexy is funny because it means she may tried other ways and felt being sexy is the answer to her business.


Hope Dye

My friend also has a business and she said being sexy is the way that let her has more business.


Katherine Boston

My friend’s sharper teeth and never say never, she said before she was trapped in, now she doesn’t like to cover up, hiding, faking; she said she likes beauty food, started to change herself and her routine is: do makeup, go to work, exercise, then, night life. #sharperteeth #beautyfood #neversaynever #changeyourself #trappedin

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Will Cohen

Many people trapped in for their job, family and city, once changed themselves they feel free and can do many things they like, which is great for life itself because life is short.


Karl Joyce

People complain about how they trapped in their work, family, city, but there are still a lot of others who find ways to be themselves.


Lona Green

Phobias and: A girl said she would suffer from crippling, incapacitating arachnophobia if encountered any small creature; when asked if she exaggerated her fear, she said when she had a life-threatening situation, she just wanted to have a self-protection way.

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Michael Ellis

It's a funny post and like it a lot.


Michael Ellis

It's a funny post and like it a lot.


Ali Turner

Love & Lust: A girl said she is not happy because her boyfriend shaking hand with another girl too long; when the tension between them was on a constant simmer, she said she believes love and lust can lurk around every corner.

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Jan Goodman

The girl may have a point because love and lust indeed could be lurk around, but if she wants to solve the relationship problem, she might need to seek professional help.


Carol Young

My friend’s products are hype, sleek, and seductive because when she designing summer wearing, her cut and material are as modern as they can get; besides her printed stuff are also not bad, they attract young people, beach goers, tourists.

My friend’s produc
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Paul Parker

A great post for those who like to be professionals, also, the girl in the picture looks very cool and professional.


Amy Lynch

A very cool post and like it a lot.


John Austin

A great picture and it's cool.


Debra Darling

My friend knows how to take care of her skin because she has a perfect skin; she also learned how to buy right skincare products to make her skin beautiful, refine her skin tone, buy antioxidant product, and boost luminosity before a night out.

My friend knows how
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Jacob Stone

Many girls worry about how to take care of skin and this post is useful for them.


John Austin

Beautiful picture and like it.


Neil Holland

A guy said he felt he’s never attracted to others because he wants to impress his boss, his girlfriend; once he goes to fancy party, where celebrities get interviewed, so he feels exposed.

A guy said he felt h
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Tim Swann

A great post! So the guy finally felt he did something that attracted to others, which is interesting and funny.


Greg Hamilton

A guy said he started to date, but still remembered his high school sweet heart, his early lover. He said he’s now confident, fresh, bold, and he loves many things, but he still not finds his lover.

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Terry Martin

High school sweet heart is always great, but not many people can keep it, which is funny but also a lesson.


Bobby Mcfarland

My neighbor said his business is booming because of his girlfriend and his signature products; he also said his creation can make a busy life simple because he let people make money, even sleeping on the bed.

My neighbor said his
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Allen Pace

Very interesting post and also a great picture.


Scott Tar

A business that can let people make money, even sleeping on the bed, which is really interesting.


Andy Hauser

Finishing Touches: A girl said she’s at the top of her field but still cares about details; she said her product has three stages: design, making it, and finishing touch; and the finishing touches are the most important part of her product for it will meet her customers.

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Sam Nash

A great post and very cool.


Donna Sears

Interesting and cool.


Lance Clark

By Mistake: A girl said she made a mistake by dating a famous guy because her intention was something different from what the guy said; when she hired a person who tells her something that let her feel insane, she decided to stay with the course and make her mistake a brilliance choice.

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Shannon Benard

People sometimes make mistakes, but the important thing is how to learn from the mistake, so this post can help others make good choice next time.


Katie Roberts

A friend said someone misleads her intention about health living and makeup project, and the result is different; so she said she hates people fabricate things and feels her life is in chaos.

A friend said someon
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Edith Campbell

There are people who envy others and they make those who want to create something new difficult, which is a sad thing.


Liz Lewis

A girl said she played dating game and lived the moment for a long time. When people liked her she said because of fate and luck; when she felt hurt she said she devoted her soul and energy; finally she felt tired and couldn’t continue anymore. #datinggame #livethemoment #fateandluck #feelinghurt

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Ali Turner

When they are young they can play dating game, live the moment, but when getting old, they worry about how to get a man and not live alone.


Mark William

A guy said he was looking for partner and wanted to expand his business; when his foodie friend said he liked rich mouth-feel wine, together with sausages, cured meats, seafood, he realized he also was a cooker, so he became his terrific partner.

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Carol Young

Very interesting post, thanks.


Summer Duff

My neighbor said she buys different stuff for different meetings, so now she has many fancy clothes, shoes, bikinis because she wears different makeup by her mood, and wears her jewels, clothes, bags for making a statement.

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Will Grant

Enjoy life and have fun.


Edith Campbell

My friend created something that people like, he said it’s because of less extreme; when his girlfriend said she has love and hate relationship with her work, he said it just like sometimes she’s affected by music, sometimes he feels it’s noise.

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Jacob Stone

A very cool and interesting post.


Daniel Frick

When talking about beauty at a party, a girl said merely beautiful can only go so far, she said it needs to be also sexy; so people learned how some girls use their naked declaration, good time, to get what they want.

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Carol Young

Very interesting post and like it.


Ann Hanson

Interesting but also it's true.


Andrew Christy

If your products got attention and people say you’re genius, you may say you created something that makes life easier, because you got real results, and people like them.

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Matt Wood

It's a cool post and like it.


Steve Spencer

It's true if you created something that people like, they really appreciate your creation and say that you're genius.


Donna Sears

A girl said she’s a weird stickler, because her marriage is strange, her lover is a weird person and sometimes she doesn’t understand his motives.

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Howard Fisher

Strange things happened, so the girl is a real weird stickler.


Mark William

There are so many people still single, they try to get a date, so for those who have lovers they may need to learn how to deal with their lovers for a long time.


Daniel Frick

A friend said her biz is preparing, waiting for the big moment, because she’s getting famous.

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Emily Hill

Wow, cool.


Greg Hamilton

The girl is smart, she knows what she wants in life.


Rebecca Houston

If a person has depression, feels sadness, lack of interest in activities because of concern his/her weight and body type, is it a mental health problem?

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Summer Duff

It's a mental health problem, but still need to see professional.


Kelly Wicks

Weight problem is a main reason for many people feel stressful because it's both a health and mental problems and needs to get help from professionals.


Heather Redman

Hardships & Resolve: A girl said she underwent self-imposed hardships so as to strengthen her resolve to wipe out a humiliation, an incompetent, which was triggered by not happy with her current condition under a cruel boss.

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Lona Green

Very interesting post and like it.


Donna Sears

Most important meal of the day.

Most important meal
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Lona Green

Love the post and it's really cool.


Neil Holland

Complaints, conflict, and tough relationships? If your life goals are different from your partner, which jeopardizes your relationship with your partner, you should re-value your relationship with your partner, instead of complaining, saying you had fight. #lifelesson #highschoolfriends #beingplayful #crushesanddesire #laughsandjokes #feelpainful #emotionandinstinct #dealwithmen

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Brian Lawrence

Like the post. Relationship is trick and many people feel their goal is different from their partner, but they can't do anything and they stuck there, complaining.


Andy Hauser

A girl said she goes to dance class, yoga class, and exercise at gym. She also said she’s the one always searching for inspirations, because she’s tired of same design, color, style, and her products reflect the past, but also modern. #danceclass #yogaclass #exerciseandgym #socializing #enjoylife

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Natalie Fanning

Like the post. People get inspiration by going different places, parties, socializing, and go to dance class, yoga class, can let them discover something new, which is good for business.



A maior dor de um Homem, E não poder estar com a família perdida

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Matt Wood

My friend said he usually burns midnight oil, because those dark, quiet hours bring him his best ideas, compared to hustle and bustle of the day. But now he goes to bed early and rises early because he said the early bird catches the worm. #creativemindset #modernstyle #bestmoment #meetingchallenges #charmingpersonality #artexhibitionhall #artgallery #museum #emotionandinstinct #workathome

My friend said he us
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Heather Redman

Interesting post. I also burned midnight oil for a long time and now I changed my lifestyle and feel much better, because...early bird catches the worm?


Greg Hamilton

A guy said he’s stressed and wants to escape from city, because he’s tired of noise, traffic, busy lifestyle; so he wants to find a place he wants to live, where he can hiking, picnic, enjoy scenery, relax. #hiking #picnic #smalltown #enjoyscenery

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Katherine Boston

A post that let many people feel they stuck with traffic everyday because they need to go to work, they also stuck with other things, with family, place, and they feel hopeless.


Terry Martin

Crap Day: A guy said he’s smart person, missed some opportunities; when he tried to avoid certain pitfalls in his dating, working, but he still has his crap day, he said he doesn’t know why it happened to him, and he feels bad. #smartpeople #missedopportunities #struggle #burdenfeelings #possessive

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Jan Goodman

Smart people also feel bad sometimes because there are many things that are difficult to predict, so the best way is not give up, try to different ways, instead of feeling bad and complaining.