Foreign Languages


Jenny Webb

A girl said she finally got a job, which needs her to get up early, straight into makeup, pick up by someone, breakfast in restaurant, work till later afternoon, take a walk, get the intensity out, then eat, prepare for next day job.

A girl said she fina
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Kelly Wicks

A very interesting post and great picture.


Greg Hamilton

There are jobs that need people who have skills and can handle them beautifully, which needs both creative mind and artistic skills.


Anderson West

A friend said her interview didn’t help her get the job she wanted; but she likes to use her gesture, hands, face expression that attracted other people, who offered her an even better job.

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Rebecca Houston

Very interesting post. Some people like using their gesture and face expression which could be skill for certain job, so this post is a good tip.


Donna Sears

Profound Effect: A girl said she re-organized her company and had a profound effect; her way to have a good effect is letting her employees be aggressive, sexy, attractive because she realized the only way she can continue her business is being bold.

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Jack Smith

A great post! Being bold can be different ways but the girl decided to let her employees be sexy is funny because it means she may tried other ways and felt being sexy is the answer to her business.


Hope Dye

My friend also has a business and she said being sexy is the way that let her has more business.


Peter Price

A guy said he visited a home and saw evocative items: old movie pictures, musical instruments, surfboards; now he wants his kids to have a good life and he let them take pictures, play sports, travel, see different cultures.

A guy said he visite
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Katherine Boston

A cool post and like it. Many people inspired by other's life and they want to let their kids have a good life if they missed it themselves.


Edith Campbell

My friend traveled a lot; when she started her business, she tried to make her products perfect because she always sticks with her belief; she said ever since she found local gems, craftspeople, she believed in generational experience.

My friend traveled a
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Lona Green

Traveling let people have inspiration and once started a business, it's important to believe it's potential.


Steve Spencer

Interesting and cool.


Ted Douglas

A friend said she liked charity, but her life is an unending insecurity: she worked for several companies, moved to different places, and now she said she might go to all places, walk carefully in her field, and she doesn’t know her future.

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Liz Lewis

How to balance work and personal interest is very important for many people because some people can just don't like the environment and people there and change to another company or place and still not feel good, which let them feel they don't know their future.


Jay Hall

A girl said she likes her job but feels unsure if stays there for a long time; she also said she likes her guy, but is unsure getting married.

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Mark William

Young people like to see if they really like a job, a partner, because they still have time to choose, to see if it's really they want or like.


Meg Cox

A friend said she went to an island, where she enjoyed hummingbirds, dragonflies, bikinis, picnics, and cocktails, which let her renew her energy.

A friend said she we
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Alex Day

A great post and like it a lot.


Daniel Frick

Staying away from the same situation for a while always helps renew energy.


Summer Duff

A friend said he’s a capable person, but for years he was not lucky, trapped in a place, and experienced cruel fate because he had no job, family, and lover; however his fate changed by a chance encounter and his former teacher, now he’s a professional and he cherishes his opportunity. #trappedin #changestatusque #freakout #capableperson #formerteacher

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Will Grant

A great post and like it. So people can be trapped in a place, a marriage or a job, but once having a chance to change, they can have successful stories.


Allen Pace

Bricks & Mortar-store: A friend said she just started a bricks-and-mortar-store; she used to travel, wondering round, or shopping online and now she likes to visit real stores, try skin products, buy beauty food, and feel young again. #wonderinground #shopping #skinproducts #beautyfood #feelyoungagain

Bricks & Mortar-stor
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Scott Tar

A cool post because more and more people feel they like visiting real stores and have real shopping experience.


Howard Fisher

My friend said he liked traveling and started a project. When he expected his project having bit success, it turned out that his bomb moment was he becoming famous. So he said he made his girlfriend and his parents proud of him because he made a dramatic change, suddenly has a lot money and bought a dream house. #travelingandspending #shoppingexperience #makingmoney #loveandfamily #crazyandreal #romanticpeople #funnythings #dramaticchange #dreambouse

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Donna Sears

A great post for those who want to change themselves.


Jack Smith

Like the post, it can let people think about how to change life.


Shannon Benard

My neighbor said when she was young she used to search different styles to meet her chic standard, now she’s getting old she just wants to get pregnant because she has a maternal urge; she now likes her natural curling hair, no makeup.

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Peter Price

My friend also has maternal urge and just wants to get pregnant because she's over 30.


Dana Foyle

Guys’ Humor: A guy said he was a funny person and always tried to make jokes. When he was dating, he also making jokes. When his girlfriend asked: Guys just like that? Seeing a pretty girl, making a joke? He said: Oh my God, you’re so right. So his girlfriend left him.

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Katie Roberts

Very funny and interesting post, like it!


Joseph Clark

A girl said she feels happy after dating a guy for a while. When asked why she said that, she said a happy relationship needs both parties to be generous in love and constantly communicate each other.

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John Austin

It's true a happy relationship needs both parties to be generous in love and communicate well.


Debra Darling

Hunger Factor: a girl said she felt hungry and wanted to eat a big lunch, dinner; her eating behavior let her have weight problem because her hungry feeling let her craving for food, snack; now she wants to get her slender image back.

Hunger Factor: a gir
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Jacob Stone

Eating behavior let many people feel bad, so this post should let them think about how to deal with the problem.


Greg Hamilton

No Kidding: My friend’s a capable person, she wants to live a fabulous life; she treated each of her design, creation, differently, because she gave each of them a unique shape, color. #fashionableclothes #capableperson #fabulouslife

No Kidding: My frien
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Terry Martin

Creative person always can find a way to express differently, which is great for society.


Brian Lawrence

A great picture and like it.


Brian Lawrence

My coworker said he used to like big things such as achieving something in workplace, but now pays attention to simple, small things; he said he can’t afford a house, it’s expensive, it’s too much for him, but he promised to his girlfriend that they will buy a house together one day.

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Tim Swann

A cool post and like it.


Jan Goodman

A girl said she worried about her business and wanted to change her practice; when she let her employees be aggressive, sexy, attractive, she said it has a profound effect and it works.

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Ali Turner

Business has its own tricks, if one way not working, other way may just fine; so the girl let her employees be aggressive and sexy, which may be her business' trick.


Jay Hall

Offbeat Sense: A friend said he's a fashion fan, if people say he’s weird, and he feels it’s true, because he lived in a different culture, where people do strange things and he has an offbeat sense.

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Katherine Boston

A cool post. So for people from different culture can try their best to compete because they have an offbeat sense.


Kurt Mcdonald

People coming from different cultures sometimes have their advantages because in fashion we see a lot of people wearing different styles, which mean different cultures.


Debra Darling

My friend said she grew up in a family where she had pocket money, so she liked movie, singing; when she becomes a designer, she still likes her childhood friends, who used to put their idols on the walls of their room.

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Rebecca Houston

A cool and interesting post.


Natalie Fanning

A great post and like it.


John Austin

My friend said she can draw attention by her physical appearance; she’s an enigmatic blond, but also sweet, funny; she likes exercise, and her body shape has a balletic composure.

My friend said she c
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Howard Fisher

So cool and like it!


Neil Holland

Cool post and love it.


Peter Price

A friend said she’s a professional and she wishes to spend a day with her idle, with her favorite author, who writes so beautiful and inspired her to be a professional.

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Lona Green

Interesting post and like it.


Jack Smith

My friend also said the same thing, she also wants to meet her favorite author.


Bill Atlanta

Night owl, morning person, and new lifestyle?

Night owl, morning p
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Lona Green

Cool and like it.


Howard Fisher

Change from night owl, to morning person is not easy, but many people did.


Meg Cox

Treasures, collections, and… being ignored? Some people said they have many treasures, collections; when they getting old they don’t know how to deal with them. So here is the question: Instead of being ignored or wasted, they should prepare those treasures and collections early? #bluezandjazz #barculture #longevity #cheatdeath #hotpotato #tangibleculture

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Kate Brown

My friend also has many collections, he put them in a small room and worry about how to deal with them, so this post may let him find a solution.


Neil Holland

Interesting post because many people have treasures, collections and they just put them there and don't know how to deal with them and when they move they worry about them.


Andy Hauser

A girl said she goes to dance class, yoga class, and exercise at gym. She also said she’s the one always searching for inspirations, because she’s tired of same design, color, style, and her products reflect the past, but also modern. #danceclass #yogaclass #exerciseandgym #socializing #enjoylife

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Natalie Fanning

Like the post. People get inspiration by going different places, parties, socializing, and go to dance class, yoga class, can let them discover something new, which is good for business.



A maior dor de um Homem, E não poder estar com a família perdida

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Katie Roberts

A girl said she didn’t do well in high school and she felt the wounds. When seeing kids bullying others, she felt her own pain. But she doesn’t treat all these too serious now and thinks she can’t make everybody happy. #bullyingothers #weirdbehavior #negativefeeling #moralissues #badguys

A girl said she didn
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Heather Redman

Cynicism is the problem, though many people experienced bully, but they ignore it because they think they can't fix it.


Anderson West

My friend is feminist, she looks forever young; she goes out with her friend in the late afternoon, gets a glass of wine; she also finds a new world: a new community, and there is a cool bar with mosaic tiles. #foreveryoung #funtime #purposeoflife #shoppingforfun #travelandsocial

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Paul Parker

Cool post, like it.


Carol Young

There are a lot cool girls who said they're feminists, and they are smart and always find something new, interesting.


Lona Green

Personal Space: A guy said he worked hard, seeking his personal space; when he started his romance, he wants to have a perfect marriage, intimacy, and luxury space, where he is in a villa, enjoying blue sky, water, his dream. #chasingdream #beyourself #lifelikeart #funtime

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Duncan Berry

Like the post. Sometimes people need personal space, where they can think about life, their future, and enjoy themselves.


Ann Hanson

Eye-catching: A girl said her products get people’s eye-catching, but she said she’s tired of her look, felt getting old, so she did beauty treatment, freeze eggs, changed herself to an awesome blonde. #beautytreatment #freezeeggs #chronologicalage

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Duncan Berry

Some girls are successful, but they also worry about their chronological age, so they do beauty treatment, freeze eggs, and try to look younger.