Health Living


Scott Tar

Some people said they firm up a saggy neck, deal with pouches under the eyes; one girl said after a scandal with a rich guy, she did beauty surgery but worries about swelling, bruising, pain, so she’s hiding behind sunglasses, hearing cracking, the metal rod under the skin.

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Anderson West

Beauty surgery is a hit or miss situation because my friend also encountered difficult situation after paying a lot of money for getting her pretty face back.


Howard Fisher

A girl said she changed her lifestyle; now she’s a feminist and makeup artist, and she cares about many things, from protecting environment to giving advises to others about makeup, healthy living, and body workout.

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Donna Sears

Changing lifestyle and being active for what you believe are the most rewarding things for many people because it means life has a purpose and everyday has its real meaning.


Peter Price

A guy said he visited a home and saw evocative items: old movie pictures, musical instruments, surfboards; now he wants his kids to have a good life and he let them take pictures, play sports, travel, see different cultures.

A guy said he visite
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Katherine Boston

A cool post and like it. Many people inspired by other's life and they want to let their kids have a good life if they missed it themselves.


Katie Roberts

A girl said she learned her value, which is being her own skin; when she started to date again after a bad partner, she respects her vagina; when she stopped having sex with the guy, she thinking: he didn’t deserve to be in her.

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Edith Campbell

A great post, which can let many girls learn how start to respect themselves and be their own skin.


Amy Lynch

My neighbor said her job is to make people healthy, look younger because she’s a fitness trainer, makeup artist and nutritionist, which means she’s a simple person and her life goal is also simple enough.

My neighbor said her
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Joseph Clark

The girl is very smart because modern life needs people to look good and live a healthy life.


Jacob Stone

Bad Luck: A girl said her project didn’t work out well and she considered it a bad luck because she had an affair with a coworker; however she’s lucky recently after suffering a lot; now she worries about her skin because of her sun exposure.

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Pat Davis

Girls have many things to worry about, but when having a project and also having affair with coworker is stupid.


Kate Brown

Yes List: A girl said her yes list gets longer because she discovered a new brand, an expensive, sexy stuff; so she tries to eliminate something, add others; sometimes she only likes bottles, not the stuff inside.

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Meg Cox

Funny and like it.


Alex Day

People who live a comfortable life could have a very long list because they need to deal with their time, how to spend each day by doing something, which let them spend a lot of money.


Greg Hamilton

A guy said he started to date, but still remembered his high school sweet heart, his early lover. He said he’s now confident, fresh, bold, and he loves many things, but he still not finds his lover.

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Terry Martin

High school sweet heart is always great, but not many people can keep it, which is funny but also a lesson.


Jack Smith

Modern Face: A girl said when she became a fan of fashion and makeup, once she wearing a fancy cloth and having a modern face, with a hyper sexy image, but she hit the wall. When she went home in tears her mother knew that she wanted to change, but others call her names.

Modern Face: A girl
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Hope Dye

Many girls want to be stylish and they like makeup, but they also are scared by others who envy them and also sometimes mean.


Kate Kinsley

Young girls want to be part of modern life but they also encounter bad guys and mean people, which is sad.


Shannon Benard

My neighbor said when she was young she used to search different styles to meet her chic standard, now she’s getting old she just wants to get pregnant because she has a maternal urge; she now likes her natural curling hair, no makeup.

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Peter Price

My friend also has maternal urge and just wants to get pregnant because she's over 30.


Katie Roberts

A friend said someone misleads her intention about health living and makeup project, and the result is different; so she said she hates people fabricate things and feels her life is in chaos.

A friend said someon
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Edith Campbell

There are people who envy others and they make those who want to create something new difficult, which is a sad thing.


Joseph Clark

A girl said she feels happy after dating a guy for a while. When asked why she said that, she said a happy relationship needs both parties to be generous in love and constantly communicate each other.

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John Austin

It's true a happy relationship needs both parties to be generous in love and communicate well.


Kate Brown

Fitness Fan: My friend used to sit in office and hate exercise, now she thinks exercise can make her feel energetic and became a fitness fan. Also, she goes to vigorous hiking, ocean sounds yoga class and meditation.

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Emily Hill

A very cool and interesting post and like it a lot.


Kelly Wicks

A friend said she started to enjoy her life, because she wants to look pretty, which let her buy makeup, do exercise, tone her body, boost her butt.

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Greg Hamilton

The girl is smart because life is short and enjoy life is the way to go.


Brian Lawrence

My coworker said he used to like big things such as achieving something in workplace, but now pays attention to simple, small things; he said he can’t afford a house, it’s expensive, it’s too much for him, but he promised to his girlfriend that they will buy a house together one day.

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Tim Swann

A cool post and like it.


Ali Turner

If you stay in a place for years, get a little tired, and want to have a fresh experience, you can re-organized your place, put new furniture, interior decoration, which could have a profound effect.

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Liz Lewis

A great tip, really appreciated.


Kurt Mcdonald

A friend said she’s created something others say it’s crazy; she said her spiritual stuff can boost energy, heal skin problem.

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Sam Nash

It's a cool and interesting post.


Andy Hauser

For those who believe in spiritual stuff, the girl is a genius.


Jan Goodman

My friend said she worked hard and achieved something but was passed by promotion; she said she can still be herself because she’s beautiful and stylish.

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Mark William

A great post. It's cool, inspiring, and like it.


Dana Foyle

Like the post.


Tim Swann

A guy said he switched career and changed himself, now he gets along with co-workers; he also socializes with friends, neighbors, and shows emotional warmth.

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Meg Cox

A great post for many who want to change themselves.


Heather Redman

Hardships & Resolve: A girl said she underwent self-imposed hardships so as to strengthen her resolve to wipe out a humiliation, an incompetent, which was triggered by not happy with her current condition under a cruel boss.

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Lona Green

Very interesting post and like it.


Edith Campbell

Children’s suffering: Some people said they tried to alleviate children’s suffering, solve their problems, but it leads to children feeling more worried. So, in order to solve problems, people need to learn new things and make children resilient? #sufer #foodchoices #notwaitforever #familytradition #changestatusque #freakout #capableperson #worryingeverything

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Lona Green

Like the post. Children need to learn new things and become resilient, but parents need to play an important role in children's life, which means they need to learn more things so they can be prepared to deal with children's problems.


Lisa Daniel

Feeling younger, living longer, and… genetic secret? A friend said he likes to travel, feeling younger and wants to live longer. He said there are no genetic secret and immortality, he just enjoys living, wants to be outliving the prior generation and increase health span. #hiking #smalltown #helpothers #enjoyscenery #amazingguy #healthyfood

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Pat Davis

A great post and like it. It's true enjoying living is the answer to many problems because in many cases people can live happy even though they don't have a lot of money.



A maior dor de um Homem, E não poder estar com a família perdida

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Jack Smith

Old-fashioned: A friend said he likes old-fashioned stuff, which includes his antiques and his old-fashion cooking style; when he travels around world, he appreciates century-old hotel, restaurant. #travelandhiddengems #foodlover #MiddleEastcuisine #Mediterraneafood #culturalfix

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Donna Sears

Interesting post. My friend also likes old-fashioned stuff, she likes her mother's cooking, wears her mother's clothes, which fashion girls were wearing at that time.


Howard Fisher

Old-fashioned stuff has its charm, because there is culture there; when traveling to Europe, people see those old stuff, they wonder if local people really know and care about those stuff, but for others, they feel different, and treat them like antiques.


Jay Hall

A girl said she worried about her chronological age, after freezing eggs, she paying attention to makeup, looks younger, now she focus on beauty food, eating eggs, because they’re loaded protein, good fats, vitamin A, which are good for skin cells repair, healthy hair, nails. #chronologicalage #freezeeggs #beautyfood #skincareproducts #beautytreatment

A girl said she worr
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Paul Parker

Very interesting post. My friend also said she worries about her chronological age, she freezes eggs, feels not so desperate looking for partner, which is a good thing.


Jacob Stone

A girl said her friend got married and she still works hard for her dream; but her instinctive desire is to date, have a family, so she said achieving her dream is very difficult, now she wants stylish clothes, fancy shoes, luxury stuff, just like everyone does. #chasingdream #careerwomen #anxiety #depression #modernsociety #feelstressful #beingsingle

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Will Cohen

Chasing dream is not easy, it needs working hard, persistence and sacrifice, so the girl decides to start her real life, dating, having a family, buying stylish clothes, fancy shoes, just like everyone else, is understandable.


Lona Green

Personal Space: A guy said he worked hard, seeking his personal space; when he started his romance, he wants to have a perfect marriage, intimacy, and luxury space, where he is in a villa, enjoying blue sky, water, his dream. #chasingdream #beyourself #lifelikeart #funtime

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Duncan Berry

Like the post. Sometimes people need personal space, where they can think about life, their future, and enjoy themselves.


Ann Hanson

Eye-catching: A girl said her products get people’s eye-catching, but she said she’s tired of her look, felt getting old, so she did beauty treatment, freeze eggs, changed herself to an awesome blonde. #beautytreatment #freezeeggs #chronologicalage

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Duncan Berry

Some girls are successful, but they also worry about their chronological age, so they do beauty treatment, freeze eggs, and try to look younger.


Edith Campbell

Make Impact: My friend is a curious girl, she realized she needs something for herself, she wants to look younger, takes care her skin problem; when she finds a skin-rejuvenating product, she said it makes an impact on her, and she just needs to continue, like she does her laundry. #curiousgirl #wowdress #firstnightout #womanticwords #lookchic #everyonesays #gutinstinct #findhappiness

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Jenny Webb

Very interesting! A curious girl realized something for herself: taking care her skin problem. Once she finds a good product, she said she just needs to continue, like she does her laundry, which is very cool.


Chris Chapmen

Smart girls can do many things, and they always find something interesting and funny, because they can link skin care products to laundry!


Heather Redman

My friend said she lives her life with a rhythm, feels healthier and happier, because she never eats, drinks too much in the evening. #enjoylife #cookingclass #beyourself #lifelikeart #eatingbehavior #healthyliving

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Allen Pace

Like the post. To live a life with a rhythm means how to find a way best fit your situation, because some people work more, their schedule is different from others, but still find a way to enjoy life and be healthy.


Jan Goodman

To live with a rhythm means healthy living, which also can let people feel happy; and don't eat too much in the evening is also a great tip.