

Jenny Webb

A girl said she finally got a job, which needs her to get up early, straight into makeup, pick up by someone, breakfast in restaurant, work till later afternoon, take a walk, get the intensity out, then eat, prepare for next day job.

A girl said she fina
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Kelly Wicks

A very interesting post and great picture.


Greg Hamilton

There are jobs that need people who have skills and can handle them beautifully, which needs both creative mind and artistic skills.


Donna Sears

Profound Effect: A girl said she re-organized her company and had a profound effect; her way to have a good effect is letting her employees be aggressive, sexy, attractive because she realized the only way she can continue her business is being bold.

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Jack Smith

A great post! Being bold can be different ways but the girl decided to let her employees be sexy is funny because it means she may tried other ways and felt being sexy is the answer to her business.


Hope Dye

My friend also has a business and she said being sexy is the way that let her has more business.


Katherine Boston

My friend’s sharper teeth and never say never, she said before she was trapped in, now she doesn’t like to cover up, hiding, faking; she said she likes beauty food, started to change herself and her routine is: do makeup, go to work, exercise, then, night life. #sharperteeth #beautyfood #neversaynever #changeyourself #trappedin

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Will Cohen

Many people trapped in for their job, family and city, once changed themselves they feel free and can do many things they like, which is great for life itself because life is short.


Karl Joyce

People complain about how they trapped in their work, family, city, but there are still a lot of others who find ways to be themselves.


Dana Foyle

A friend said she started aging maintenance process; it means she buys skincare and makeup products to stop wrinkles, using fillers to restore volume, even lasers to smooth skin, but she said it’s a hard work.

A friend said she st
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Katie Roberts

Aging maintenance is not easy because it means taking care of skin, eating health food, do exercise, and maintain a good mood, which is really hard.


Carol Young

My friend’s products are hype, sleek, and seductive because when she designing summer wearing, her cut and material are as modern as they can get; besides her printed stuff are also not bad, they attract young people, beach goers, tourists.

My friend’s produc
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Paul Parker

A great post for those who like to be professionals, also, the girl in the picture looks very cool and professional.


Amy Lynch

A very cool post and like it a lot.


John Austin

A great picture and it's cool.


Meg Cox

A friend said she went to an island, where she enjoyed hummingbirds, dragonflies, bikinis, picnics, and cocktails, which let her renew her energy.

A friend said she we
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Alex Day

A great post and like it a lot.


Daniel Frick

Staying away from the same situation for a while always helps renew energy.


Brian Lawrence

A girl said she works for a company but realized she’s wasting her time because she was trained as a dancer, piano player; when she felt it was not going to work out she started to work for the company but again she has dilemma.

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Summer Duff

Feeling waste time is common because many people learned skills but do something else, just for making a living, which is sad but is reality.


Scott Tar

A girl said she can’t trust her guy because there is an endless fight between them; when she met a man at workplace she felt he’s not good enough for her, but she wanted to start her life again anyway.

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Anderson West

A post let others think about how to deal with relationship.


Natalie Fanning

My coworker said he grew up being labeled trouble-maker because he’s from a single parent family. When he’s creative work getting others attention, he said he used to be a free person and always tried to do something new.

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Andy Hauser

A trouble-maker became a creative person, which is a great news for those who don't believe people can change and can be creative also.


Lona Green

A friend said his sound crazy idea becomes a success because his product is sexy, crazy and real, it’s not just for hippies, but also makes money and transforms shopping experience. #shoppingexperience #sexysecretary #makingmoney #crazyandreal

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Michael Ellis

Crazy idea sometimes can become a good business model, so this post is inspiring, thanks.


John Austin

My Heyday: A friend said she’s the one making a big splash in the past; her heyday was when she was a makeup artist, working with famous designer, actor, artist, and people were talking about her, seeing her on the TV, stopping her on street, taking picture with her. #wildparty #beautifulgirl #instantchic #buckmeboots #facemassage #theysuck #spaexperience #somethingbohemian

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Ted Douglas

Very interesting post because many people have their heyday, it could be their professional success, creative writing, so this post should let many people feel good and think about their good days.


Meg Cox

My friend said she cherishes strength and beauty even she’s aging, because she goes to social, looks cute. Once she met a woman just like her, the woman looked awesome, so she said to herself: you pass the test. Now she wants to enjoy her life, celebrate herself.

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Alex Day

Many successful women are still single, when they see others who are also successful but just like them, they feel good, which is a great thing.


Paul Parker

Feel Rejuvenated: A friend said his project let him make some money, but also felt very tired, so he went to a small town, staying in a boutique hotel, with rain forests scene, and feel rejuvenated.

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Rebecca Houston

A great tip for those who work hard and get back their good feelings.


Ted Douglas

A friend said she’s a confident girl and a late mom, she said she now knows how to strike the right balance for her career and family, because she struggled before, felt pressure for working, kids, making dinner, and learned a lesson. #confidentgirl #latemom #feelpressure

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Rebecca Houston

A great post for those career women who need to balance career and family.


Karl Joyce

My neighbor said he worked hard and looked for his break; he’s also helped other people in their success process.

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Will Cohen

A cool post.


Peter Price

Like the post and it seems you have a great neighbor.


Natalie Fanning

Fearless Sense: A girl said she’s fearless, when trying to get the thing she wants, she uses favors and her connection to contact people she needs, and let magic thing happens. #sexyboss #businesstrick #gutinstinct #yourlalala

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Jan Goodman

The girl may let others feel weird, but she knows what she wants and she's smart.


Neil Holland

A friend said that even though driving an electric car doesn’t burn fossil fuel, but it doesn’t mean the carbon footprint is zero, because when charging car’s big battery, the electricity is not from renewable sources, which is not good for the planet.

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Brian Lawrence

It's a great post and like it.


Duncan Berry

Agree. Electric car still has a long way to go in terms of protecting environment.


Shannon Benard

Office Rebel: A girl said she’s an office rebel, because she wears shorts, sandals, working there; and her coworker seems a weirdo, because he seems doom to suffer, yet still found the courage to joke.

Office Rebel: A girl
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Michael Ellis

Very interesting post and like it.


Lona Green

Yes, office rebels, like it!


Bill Atlanta

Night owl, morning person, and new lifestyle?

Night owl, morning p
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Lona Green

Cool and like it.


Howard Fisher

Change from night owl, to morning person is not easy, but many people did.


Meg Cox

Treasures, collections, and… being ignored? Some people said they have many treasures, collections; when they getting old they don’t know how to deal with them. So here is the question: Instead of being ignored or wasted, they should prepare those treasures and collections early? #bluezandjazz #barculture #longevity #cheatdeath #hotpotato #tangibleculture

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Kate Brown

My friend also has many collections, he put them in a small room and worry about how to deal with them, so this post may let him find a solution.


Neil Holland

Interesting post because many people have treasures, collections and they just put them there and don't know how to deal with them and when they move they worry about them.


Andy Hauser

A girl said she goes to dance class, yoga class, and exercise at gym. She also said she’s the one always searching for inspirations, because she’s tired of same design, color, style, and her products reflect the past, but also modern. #danceclass #yogaclass #exerciseandgym #socializing #enjoylife

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Natalie Fanning

Like the post. People get inspiration by going different places, parties, socializing, and go to dance class, yoga class, can let them discover something new, which is good for business.



A maior dor de um Homem, E não poder estar com a família perdida

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Lance Clark

Some people said they like simple life, prefer tangible culture, because they tried different things and said some of them suck. Now they fear ChatGPT, AI, because those tech tools will impact the labor market, and many jobs could disappear. Is ChatGPT and AI a bad thing? #simplelife #theysuck #tangibleculture

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Will Grant

I also prefer simple life, tangible culture; when I tried different restaurants, if I found they suck, I could stop going there, but ChatGPT and AI are different, they could damage many things and disturb people's normal life.


Carol Young

My friend wants to pursue her dream, her design is bold, she takes notes about subtle change, and wants to prove her worth, because she pays attention to all the trending brands, their conceptual ideas, their youthful spirits. #pursueyourdream #curiousgirl #wowdress #businesstrick #lookchic

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Michael Ellis

Cool post. Pursue dream let many girls be creative, they are smart, curious, and they know the subtle changes about pop cultures.


Greg Hamilton

My friend is a fun person, she has some humor, and wants to be forever young; when someone said her products are crazy, punchy, she said they also relate to people’s daily life: their clothes, bags, shoes. #humorandfun #foreveryoung #projectandsuccess #funtime #milliondollargirl

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Will Grant

Like the post. People need some humor, so life can be interesting, such as want to be forever young, se sexy, be crazy, and others can laugh, envy, follow.


Will Grant

My friend said everyone assumed that he’s by-racial and people sometimes don’t know where he comes from, because his parents are from different parts of the world. #diversity #inferior #unfairtreatment #professionalism #standupforyourself #climatechange #imigration #cynicism

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Joseph Clark

Like the post. We need more diversity because there are still many unfair treatments and discrimination there, so by-racial could be a help.


Jay Hall

I know many friends who said they are half this and half that, it means their parents come from different parts of the world, some friends even more missed and they have a little East Asian, a little Middle East, a little European background, which is interesting.


Liz Lewis

My friend said she learned how to diet, lose weight, and also give her more energy; now she looks younger, feels young, can tell about burning fat, boost energy level, and not feel hungry for many hours. #lookyounger #feelyoung #feelhappy #liftmood

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Go Long

A great post. So, in order to look younger, feel young, one needs to learn how to eat, lose weight, boost energy level, and if feels hangry, eats healthy food.


Bill Atlanta

Looking younger, feeling good, and having a good mood all need to deal with eating behavior, so diet, lose weight become very important because many people like parties, they go to eat, drink and realize they getting fat.


Edith Campbell

A girl said she had a toxic friendship and low self-esteem, when she struggled with an affair, eating became a comfort; when worried about weight, she started to diet, but she was always hungry. #lieanddishonest #crazyandreal #toxicfriendship #lowselfesteem #feelstuck #feelhopeless

A girl said she had
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Katherine Boston

When have an affair, eating usually let people feel good, but eating too much and always feel hungry, is something that needs to have professional help.


Peter Price

A friend said she worked with a guy and had a shattering experience with her partner; she said there was a tension, fight, and angry, which let her feel it’s better for her to leave her partner and start fresh again. #weirdguy #angry #greedymentality #nevergoodenough #telltruth #yourpassion #relationships #everyonelies #winewomensex #conversationseducesex

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Paul Parker

When you have a fight, feel there is a tension, it's the time to find a decide if still needs to be together.


Will Grant

Any relationship needs to have a respect, if there are tension, fight, or angry, it's time to think again the relationship.


Heather Redman

My friend’s product has a unique appeal, which is a neon-type business. She’s in a laid-back town, where has a boat trip attraction, a mom-and-pop store, a by water hideout, and a kids-run free place; so, her creation has many loyal customers. #rightdecision #visualpleasure #smalltownsincerity #eyecontact #instantchic #simplelife #facemassage #tangibleculture #spaexperience #lifelikeart

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Dana Foyle

A very cool post and love it.


Jan Goodman

Interesting and cool.