

Scott Tar

Offer a fresh perspective on enjoying life

  • Philadephia, Pennsylvania
  • Joined September 2023

Scott Tar

If you graduated from college, but you decided to work in a fast-food restaurant, you may feel you’re little silly because of an idea and a quick decision; you may open a restaurant in the future, but when you have your own style of eating habit, you find people still like to eat burger, hot-dog, so you don’t know if they should eat in a healthy, nutritious way, if you should quit job, start your business.

If you graduated fro
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Anderson West

It seems it's a dilemma because if quit a job and start a business it risks too much, besides, food business is tricky and it's hard to be successful if don't have enough investment and time.


Scott Tar

Some people said they firm up a saggy neck, deal with pouches under the eyes; one girl said after a scandal with a rich guy, she did beauty surgery but worries about swelling, bruising, pain, so she’s hiding behind sunglasses, hearing cracking, the metal rod under the skin.

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Anderson West

Beauty surgery is a hit or miss situation because my friend also encountered difficult situation after paying a lot of money for getting her pretty face back.


Scott Tar

A girl said she can’t trust her guy because there is an endless fight between them; when she met a man at workplace she felt he’s not good enough for her, but she wanted to start her life again anyway.

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Anderson West

A post let others think about how to deal with relationship.


Scott Tar

Some people said they have slow metabolism and they dislike themselves, because they feel lethargic, even they having a good sleep. One girl said she got weight, even she eat less, diet; so, maybe it’s time for changing themselves, so they can get their charm back. #exercise #nottalk #senseofurgency #foodchoices #emotionlesspeople #modyparents #loneliness #trappedinmarriage #yourworth

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Peter Price

When you feel no energy, don't want to do anything, it's time to change yourself.


Lance Clark

Yes, when you feel not interested in anything it's time to change and get your charm back.


Shannon Benard

When eat less, diet, and still get weight, need to see doctor.


Scott Tar

My friend started to enjoy her life after working: she wondering round, shopping without the telephone ringing, taking an hour to get ready to go out to dinner, talking to her friends on the phone, even travelling to a foreign country! #enjoylife #wonderinground #hiking #shopping #trendybags #travelingandspending #friendsforlife #friendship #makeupfans #beautyproducts #girlstime

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Liz Lewis

Great story! It seems people really need to start enjoying life because not only it's part of life but making work hard more meaningful.


Scott Tar

A girl said her guy is a law officer, making money, but he’s weird; so when they go out she wants to spend money on clothes, makeup, restaurants, but he’s not happy, because he likes cheap stuff. When she said she wants presents, vacations, buying house, he said they have money issue. #weirdperson #moneyissue #controlling

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Allen Pace

The guy is smart, but the girl has her choice, otherwise she's going to be controlled by the guy.


Scott Tar

A girl said when she met her guy, she thought that she and her guy would get married, so she gave birth to a child. After a while, her guy said that he had not thought about what to do in the future. When she became a single mother, she kept thinking about her ex-lover, who was very nice at the time, and she is like a spring flower that is blooming. However, the spring breeze is thin. She said that as a single mother, it is very difficult to raise children, but it is also fun, because she sees her children grow up day by day. Sometimes, she felt human emotions, so she laughed with her child and experienced happy moments. #dating #marriage #singlemother #exlover

A girl said when she
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Elizabeth Le Glaire

My friend is single mother, when she gave her children food, they would stare at her, so she realized it was not fresh, so she had to get fresh food everyday, which let her feel hardships and sacrifices of being a single mother.


Scott Tar

My friend said she has an unforgettable trip; when she and her guy reached the foot of the mountain, her guy said they could ride horses to the top, so they enjoyed scenery, tasted seafood in restaurant, and they were so full that could hardly more. #unforgettabletrip #enjoyscenery #amazingguy

My friend said she h
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james covit

Great story.


Scott Tar

Some girls said they feel they need to hide something for their boyfriend. One girl said she doesn’t like her legs, her tummy, so on her date night she wears high heels to make her a little taller; she also buys magic dress to make her tummy disappear. #hidesomething #dating #capableperson #fabulouslife #lowIQ

Some girls said they
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Bill Atlanta

Love the topic.


Anderson West



Scott Tar

My friend is an old dad because he has a new baby. He said if he’d had a child earlier, he would have been a lousy father because he would have misplaced his attention on his career. He also said he doesn’t want to deny another woman being a mother, so he’s not a selfish man, not hypocrisy, because a woman’s biological clock is also a difficult thing to deal with. #lousyfather #selfishman #hypocrisy #biologicalclock #catchuplosttime #oldmanandyounggirl

My friend is an old
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Bill Atlanta

Seems right.


Go Long

My friend said he was busy for his job and didn't have time for himself; now he thinks he's old, when start dating, he going out for dinner, shopping, tries to catch up his lost time.
