

Scott Tar

Offer a fresh perspective on enjoying life

  • Philadephia, Pennsylvania
  • Joined September 2023

Scott Tar

It's true that there are employees who understand the job well and others who need to be in workplace so that they can get the job done well.


Scott Tar



Scott Tar

Competition and stress are everywhere, for business people and for those who work for the company, so this post may help for some people, but there are others ways that also can be helpful for those who work for companies.


Scott Tar

When you know some famous or powerful people, you don't know if tell everything you know about them, even if some of those things are bad for the society.


Scott Tar

A business that can let people make money, even sleeping on the bed, which is really interesting.


Scott Tar

A cool post because more and more people feel they like visiting real stores and have real shopping experience.


Scott Tar

Like the post. People sometimes feel bad because the mistake they made, but change location, make new friends and learn about new things could be a choice, and it also can change the mood.


Scott Tar

Rafah offensive shows that radical Israeli government and its followers want to kill more innocent people and they are not afraid of committing crimes and they need to be judged in international court in the future for their crimes, just like Nazis were judged by the international community.


Scott Tar

Start a day with good mood is very important, so chose the right cloth, shoe, accessories can help achieve it.


Scott Tar

For many people, dating is indeed a number's game, the only thing is if one has patient.


Scott Tar

Agree, it's the vanity and ring of light that let many young people jump into the business; they may say they're talented, but mostly they dreamed quick fame, money, and success.


Scott Tar

My friend opposed to treat art as a slave to exhibition halls; when he started his search for art, he found a beautiful figure, discovered unforgettable images, and has something he liked: a punk club, roadside burgers, and cocktails.


Scott Tar

A friend said after divorce, she learned life lesson: spend all the money, enjoy every moment, date a lot of people, and find her happiness.


Scott Tar

A guy said he has a desire to do ridiculous things; when met a sexy girl, he felt the sexy taste, so, he dreamed how to make her let him tough her, and have sex.


Scott Tar

My friend could tell from the conversation, who is seducing, who is having sex with whom; he can judge the degree of their sexual relationship, from their body language, laugh, eyes, and expressions.


Scott Tar

A guy said he got lucky at a party; he played guitar naked there, when finishing a piece of song, he raised his guitar, let people see his private parts; so, he became a local celebrity, found a blonde, who said he was funny.


Scott Tar

More people learned to be flexible. A girl said she's been dating for years, but one day a man asked her going out, so, she spends hours doing makeup, to dress herself, for she doesn't want to be alone at home, and thinks any going out is a privilege.


Scott Tar

My friend considers beauty and strength are the important things for a woman; once she went to social, met a woman, she wondered: the woman was her age, single, successful, and she looked awesome, so she thought: I passed test.


Scott Tar

A guy said his girlfriend is a man-eating beauty, she likes sex, but also knows she has to play roles to get job done, and she wants to find a guy who can stay through thick and thin.


Scott Tar

My friend also said he never take a rick, when was tired of his routine life, he traveled to a faraway place, saw a blue water, and a girl on the beach, clad with bikini, and she became his lover.


Scott Tar

There're people who want to enjoy life, sex; a girl said her guy liked to party, to drink, but she's OK with it, for they have great sex; when asked her guy's impression of her, her guy said when he held her, it was like holding a lighted bulb.


Scott Tar

My friend said her coworker has been with a young man after divorce, when asked if she wants to marry him, she said if turned him into her husband, it would be boring, for she thinks very few married people are happy.


Scott Tar

A girl said breasts are private, can only be seen by her lover; if some women expose their breasts too much, it's immoral, for they try to get attention, even seduce men; so she always dressed conservatively, never showed her breasts.


Scott Tar

Being kind to others is very important, but one girl said she tried to avoid being perceived as tricky, difficult, even though there were heated moments, so she asks her friend: Should she stands up for herself?


Scott Tar

There are a lot of prejudice; a girl said she's sensitive, avoid talking about skin color, for her friend is a brown girl; so she realized how skin color affects her friend's daily life, her interview for job, search for makeup, social, etc.


Scott Tar

One girl said she's not happy, for she found her guy staring at a woman at the party; so she asked her friend if her guy wants to seduce that woman; she said she had dated several people, but they only interested in sex.


Scott Tar

A guy said he dated different girls, he said dating Chinese girl like watching black-white TV, boring; Latin girls like animals when having sex, they like eat cake more than sex; black girl would desperately shout when having sex, which is an adventure.


Scott Tar

A guy said he met her lover in a bar; when he found she was very sexy for dancing so charmingly that many people couldn't take their eyes off her; so he rushed up, kissing her, and they became lovers.


Scott Tar

My friend said she uses mineral-rich clay to unclog pores, to refine her skin; she also takes vitamin C for brighten her skin, smooth wrinkles.


Scott Tar

One girl said before having child, she was romantically involved with her lover; once she said to him, they both close eyes, so he realized it was their best kiss; later, he found out she likes to sleep, it turns out the more they sleeping, the more sex.


Scott Tar

Controlling may be a female fault, but many men like flirting; a friend said she hearing her boyfriend flirting with other girls, her intuition told her to leave him, for there is no trust there.


Scott Tar

Agree, but Chinese people have not awakened, we're in 21 century, but China still in semi-feudal society, not civil liberties, no freedom, and most Chinese bury their heads in the sand.


Scott Tar

One guy said one day he walked into a mall, saw a sales girl smiling at him, so he smiled too; he spent a lot of money, so the girl thanked him, they became friends and have affair; he met her again at party, they talked a lot.


Scott Tar

Commitment itself is not enough; one girl said she was stuck in marriage for long time, because of bound together mentality; now she said it's better to leave her lover, for he liked to fight, always slamming door, and leaving.


Scott Tar

It also means intuition is at work, or following your feeling; just like one sees someone on the street with a good bag, goes to buy the same bag.


Scott Tar

Not just girls, men also; one girl said she had been with a man for a while but still didn't know him; one day she found out he has a low IQ, for he said she was his doll, asked her if she liked cakes, beef.


Scott Tar

Now many people look younger than their actual age; one girl said she likes to dress up, dye hair, when asked why dye hair, she said: Why not? When she got jealousy of others, she fights back, saying: Didn't I also achieve something?


Scott Tar

Many people know Las Vegas style: fast cars, luxury homes, drunk on love, or a jet-set lifestyle; but there're also many people sit in offices, using their brain, once they discover the real life's feeling, they addicted.


Scott Tar

Greed mentality let many people regret; one girl said her mother wanted her to get a job first, but she starts to date, and always ended with a wrong person, for her never good enough mentality.


Scott Tar

Some jobs need collective mentality, need support, so people can get confidence, ideas, and energy, but with a girl-boss, or a sexy, flirty boss, people do get wrong signals.


Scott Tar

Lose sense of awareness works. One guy said he worked hard, sometimes he felt so tired and just went back to eat, sleep; since dating, he learned a lot about life, and feels much better.


Scott Tar

People say they have certain rules in life, such as be honest, never cheat, but in real life, they change rules, just like actor playing bad guy on TV.


Scott Tar

Rejections are many ways, besides professional level, could be your body type, look, skin color, so people just guess, don't know why others reject them.


Scott Tar

Old man and younger woman is not a new thing, plus it's free society.


Scott Tar



Scott Tar

Treat life like a party, enjoy life, so you see many girls' clothes are feminine, silhouettes, combined with their skin, action, and chicly professional.


Scott Tar

Good looking not only let others envy or hit on you, even can be girl-crush material, because you know how to wear clothes, womanly, sexy, beautiful.


Scott Tar

Many career people experienced sweetness and bitterness, they maybe single mom, torn between work and family, their only lift mood time is lunchtime, so they can get rid of physical and mental fatique.


Scott Tar

Fashion people are smart because they enjoy the most of the modern society life.


Scott Tar

Express yourself, be a responsible citizen.


Scott Tar

People said many things about life, such as buy expensive wrinkle-fighting cream, having a passionate one-night stand, and they think it worth the price they paid; but compared to those things, America democracy worth any price.


Scott Tar

China is almost Soviet Union, but just many people said, selling cheap stuff will not make it stronger, when more and more countries can make the same cheap stuff, it will reduce the threat to the free world.


Scott Tar

Asking stupid questions is just a surface image, you need to know its background; just like you see a jewelry, its not just a simple jewelry, you need to get into its world, to understand it.


Scott Tar

A lot of interesting things there, a girl said she went for an audition, saw other girls looked cute in high heels, wearing makeup, except her, looked terrible, but her strange look was her luck, and now she started her career.


Scott Tar

In bar you meet different people, they are teacher, writer, journalist, manager, they are all disciplined, rigorous, but also stressful, so they go to bar, to relax, nothing else.


Scott Tar

One girl worked together with a designer and falling in love with him; but she said now she was lucky and grateful for having that opportunity, for being where she's today.


Scott Tar

Friendship and betray is two versions of life; in one version, someone is hero, suffered to help his friend, but in another version, he betrayed his former lover, started another relationship.


Scott Tar

People do by groups and many people feel lonely, but a guy said he participated in some events and his humble cause for feed poor, fundraising for local school, made him forget he is a minority, and even loneliness disappeared.