Current Issues


Kelly Wicks

Edgy & Counter-cultural: If your products attract people because you have a bold idea; when people said your designs are edgy and counter-cultural, you said your effortless designs show their imaginative characters.

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Greg Hamilton

Very cool post and like it! When talking about design, many people think very practical because they want to make money, but there are designers who want to express themselves and they not think first how to make more money, which is really great.


Allen Pace

A girl said her business faces huge competition and she has stress; when she fund that telling stories for each of her products make her feel better and had fun, she realized that this is the way making life and business easy, better, and interesting.

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Scott Tar

Competition and stress are everywhere, for business people and for those who work for the company, so this post may help for some people, but there are others ways that also can be helpful for those who work for companies.


Jack Smith

A neighbor said he lived double-life for years, which ruined his career and had rumors about his personality, a person who had illicit desires, a thirst for pleasure and adventure. He regretted a little bit but said he still wanted to be himself.

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Hope Dye

Very interesting post! For those who want to be themselves and like to have pleasure and adventure, they may feel life is short and only thing they like is enjoying the life.


Kate Kinsley

My ex also lived double-life for a period and I discovered it he still wanted to be in relationship but I decided to move forward.


Natalie Fanning

My neighbor said she used to have eyes bags and after surgery she’s obsessed with people’s eyes bags, on TV, on buss, in work place, which let her feel lucky; she said she made a good decision because she thinks she looks much younger than her actual age.

My neighbor said she
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Andy Hauser

Girls like to look pretty and younger, with eyes bags they feel something weird and surgery is the only choice to get rid of that weird stuff, which is reasonable.


Shannon Benard

My neighbor said she had a haunting relationship after staying with a weirdo; when she started to date again, she met a guy and considered him a smart, funny, and cool guy; but when he said he likes to do weird things, she immediately remembered her ex; now she doesn’t know if continues the relationship.

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Peter Price

Relationship is tricky, when someone likes to do weird things others can become uneasy, because relationship needs to be committed and be for a long term.


Michael Ellis

My neighbor started a weird biz and now has exploded because her business attract weird people, a group of people who become her loyal customers; her biz may be edgy, counter-cultural, but it seems to work well.

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Steve Spencer

When start a business the most important thing is having customers, so the girl's business is weird but seems working.


Heather Redman

My friend’s learned several foreign languages by traveling around world; he also writes novel, travel notes, and one of his works is adapted to a TV show. When his friend says: he’s a rising star, but he smiles and says: That’s heavy, because he still doesn’t know what to do to make a living.

My friend’s learne
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Kurt Mcdonald

To make a living by writing novel or books is not easy, but the guy learned several foreign languages and also seems smart, he will find a way to make a living.


Joseph Clark

My coworker said she’s aging, so she started to buy nutrition products, and felt the positive impact; she’s also in the fat-burning zone, her goal is to lose weight.

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John Austin

Aging is not a problem, the most important thing is how to deal with it, so this post is great.


Lisa Daniel

Think Twice: If you worry about your work, family, or you have weight problem, eating behavior, stress; or you want to diet, you may think twice about what you choose, to eat or seek professional for help.

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Jay Hall

A great tip. Think twice may let people choose the right thing to do, instead of worrying about everything, complaining or feel hopeless.


Alex Day

Your Potential: A girl said she’s busy, but also realized her missing parts: her look, her health and her potential; so she started to eat healthy food, do exercise to get her missing parts back.

Your Potential: A gi
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Daniel Frick

A great post. Every one has his/her missing parts and how to get them back is an interesting question.


Will Grant

Never Know: A friend said he started to pursue his dream after making a mistake, but his creation is edge, weird, so he said doesn’t know who’s going to be interested in his works, but he still wants to be successful.

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Neil Holland

There are many things people don't know, but pursuing a dream is different and sometimes the never-know could be challenging but also could mean knowing how to be successful.


Kelly Wicks

A girl said she’s an activist for a cause, but her boyfriend cheated on her and she still stays with him, so she’s a morally ambiguous person, which also reflects her design and creation, that is not clearly making a statement.

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Greg Hamilton

My friend also said her boyfriend cheated on her but she still stays with him because she wants to give him a second chance.


Allen Pace

Bricks & Mortar-store: A friend said she just started a bricks-and-mortar-store; she used to travel, wondering round, or shopping online and now she likes to visit real stores, try skin products, buy beauty food, and feel young again. #wonderinground #shopping #skinproducts #beautyfood #feelyoungagain

Bricks & Mortar-stor
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Scott Tar

A cool post because more and more people feel they like visiting real stores and have real shopping experience.


Donna Sears

Gorgeous & Feisty: My friend has a flawless complexion, gorgeous bone structure, and perfect eyebrows; she’s also a feisty and sensitive person: she works hard, demands respect, promotion, and equal payment. #sensitiveperson #equalrights #weirdtalent #citizensresponsibility

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Jack Smith

A very cool post, which can inspire others.


Will Cohen

A girl said she’s been with a guy for a while and found that they both complained about their relationship. When talked to a doctor about it, the doctor said that the grief and complains have their own ebb and need to be addressed according to their natural course. It means that to get good results, she and her guy should address problems by looking at both parties’ willingness and its unique circumstance.

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Karl Joyce

A great post, which can let many people think about how to improve relationship.


Andrew Christy

A friend said she regretted she stayed with a bad guy for a long time and didn’t start a career when she was young; now she has an idea to start a business; she said she used to work for a company but wants to be a designer because she’s disciplined and knows when emotion is high she needs to turn it into action.

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Lance Clark

My friend also said the same thing. When she was young she worried about dating, when getting old she regretted she didn't have a career and wasted all her time with boyfriends.


Edith Campbell

My coworker treated his creation, artworks, writing as his lifetime treasure; he thinks he’s ahead of our time and believes his creation, its value, will be discovered by future generation.

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Lona Green

This post will inspires others, treating their creations as their real achievement even though their creations are not accepted at the moment.


Ali Turner

High-stakes Moment: A friend said he prepared long time for his high-stakes moment because he had an important interview and he tried it like hit-or-miss opportunity; but he regretted about his chance when he needed all his talent, energy, performance, and he came short.

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Jan Goodman

My friend also said she regretted about her chance because she also tried her interview like hit-or-miss opportunity.


Paul Parker

White men’s downfalls and vulnerability: A girl said she’s coming from Midwest where many white men complain their downfalls and vulnerability; she said many white men can’t handle rejection, can’t deal with other people’s success. So here are the questions: Do white men’s problems caused by their own flops? Does white men deserve other’s sympathy and forgiveness?

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Amy Lynch

A great post and topic! White men do deserve other's sympathy, but sometimes they also need to change themselves because the society is changing.


Debra Darling

Hunger Factor: a girl said she felt hungry and wanted to eat a big lunch, dinner; her eating behavior let her have weight problem because her hungry feeling let her craving for food, snack; now she wants to get her slender image back.

Hunger Factor: a gir
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Jacob Stone

Eating behavior let many people feel bad, so this post should let them think about how to deal with the problem.


Summer Duff

My neighbor said she buys different stuff for different meetings, so now she has many fancy clothes, shoes, bikinis because she wears different makeup by her mood, and wears her jewels, clothes, bags for making a statement.

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Will Grant

Enjoy life and have fun.


Jacob Stone

A guy said he sometimes goes to front lines to help unrepresented groups, because after traveling around world he sees he can do something to make a better world, which let him team with law officers to deal with drugs, sex-trafficking.

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Paul Parker

When traveling, one discovers good and bad things, so the guy really did some great thing.


Alex Day

My neighbor said he had a dream and an action plan, but his action plan was a joke because he always wrote new plans; when started to date, he saw his girlfriend determined to get her sexy look back, he said he also wanted to realize his dream.

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Brian Lawrence

Very interesting post and like it.


Ali Turner

If you stay in a place for years, get a little tired, and want to have a fresh experience, you can re-organized your place, put new furniture, interior decoration, which could have a profound effect.

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Liz Lewis

A great tip, really appreciated.


Natalie Fanning

A girl said her business is functional, inspirational, but not sell well; when her friend said she should make a dramatic move, to be sophisticated, she said she focus on women's needs, she doesn’t want to exclude her existing customers.

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Karl Joyce

Like the post because business is tricky.


Katie Roberts

Take Toll: A girl said she used to be stubborn and it took its toll; she’s now more reality based, she likes dancing, starts dating, and she lets her kindness, humor fly. #dancinginbikini #datingstory #beautytips #trendybags #shoestyles #fashiongirl

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Paul Parker

The girl was stubborn, when she changed herself, she feels more herself, which let her start to date, go to dance class, and have a sense of humor.


Will Cohen

My friend is a white guy, he complains about rejection and others taking his job; he said he suffered a lot, but the truth is that he can’t deal with other people’s success.

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Debra Darling

Minority usually talking about suffering, rejection, now white guys also join them, which is a problem.


Katherine Boston

I Missed: A friend said she didn’t have a good childhood, she missed something important in her life and wants to recreate it; she wants a playground for her kids, so they can catch, play, which she didn’t have.

I Missed: A friend s
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Ali Turner

Like the post because my friend also wants his children have a childhood he didn't have and missed.


Natalie Fanning

A girl said her partner is a night owl, so she choose to sleep apart, which is like a sleep divorce, because it leads to conflict and less sex. Sometimes her partner just rolls over on a whim, and wants sex, without considering her mood. #lovelesslife #lovejustsex #lifeisshort

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Karl Joyce

It let many people think about their relationship because night owl lifestyle, sleep apart can lead to sexless life and divorce.


Edith Campbell

Children’s suffering: Some people said they tried to alleviate children’s suffering, solve their problems, but it leads to children feeling more worried. So, in order to solve problems, people need to learn new things and make children resilient? #sufer #foodchoices #notwaitforever #familytradition #changestatusque #freakout #capableperson #worryingeverything

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Lona Green

Like the post. Children need to learn new things and become resilient, but parents need to play an important role in children's life, which means they need to learn more things so they can be prepared to deal with children's problems.