

Scott Tar

Offer a fresh perspective on enjoying life

  • Philadephia, Pennsylvania
  • Joined September 2023

Scott Tar

                           Life artist


People often say that they know a person who can give people a lot of life advice and help people solve various problems. Of course, this includes making people fashionable, young, how to find the ideal husband, and how to do business. So, people say, that person is not only very capable, but even a life artist.

Once, a young lady said that she knew a man whose specialty was helping people solve problems, even though those problems were sometimes a headache.

Speaking of that man, he used to work behind the scenes. It is said that he was never recognized for his hard work. When his colleagues became famous, he still lived in a cottage because he said he had a place to live and could drink freely.

Soon after, the man quit that job and he started working in law enforcement, of course, he was an open-minded person. When he heard that some law enforcement officers did not stop wrongdoing and even tolerated racism, he felt that it should be a wake-up call, so, he used racial discrimination and hate crimes as a teaching material to guide people in a good direction, because he did not want law enforcement officers to acquiesce to racial discrimination and hate crimes.

The man worked in that place for a while and then changed job. This time he started designing and writing books. He hoped to be successful one day. He started sell himself all over the place, so he talking to people, asking this and that, because he found that it wasn't that difficult, just like he always got people asking him what he wanted to eat, what he wanted to drink, so he used this, went to sell himself, and asked others if they wanted anything, if they were interested in his creations. So, he met a young lady, and admired her wit and charming appearance.

Of course, people who knew the man said that the man also had shortcomings. Sometimes, he thought it didn't matter what he wrote, because no one really looked at it, that is, no one would take what he wrote seriously. Later, He changed his mind because he really couldn't stand a lot of things. So, he started writing about the little things in life, the people who enforce the law, the misfortunes people suffer, their optimism, their fantasies, and expectations.

When he fell in love with a girl, he found that the girl was a easy-going person, because she said that she ate fast food, had been in love with several people, and had done different jobs.

When the girl said, she seemed to have everything, because she has children and a lover, but she still works hard every day, because the girl said: life is a gradually formed art, a picture drawn by ordinary things. So, the man got inspiration from it, he always said to people that life is an art, it is a picture that people paint with everyday ordinary things.

When the man made plans for the future, he found that he wanted to do a lot of things, so he pondered for a while about the things he had encountered before. At this time, he found that he was very interested in every detail of the things he had experienced before. So, he saw a hall, when he opened the door of the hall, he began to analyze those pictures, and saw the ins and outs of those pictures, so he said to himself: You have discovered the mystery of life and understood life’s connection with art.

So, the man intends to be a person who creates life and art, because he has rich life experience. So he finds that his mind is like a computer, as long as he enters a question, he will see the pictures start to work and help him find a solution to the problem, so, he said to himself: Only those who have entered the lobby of life can truly understand its meaning, because the reason why life is an art is because in life, many people use their wisdom and hard work, with their everyday trivial things, are painting those beautiful pictures.

Soon after, the man set up a consulting company, and he wanted to help others solve problems in life. When he met the young lady again, he immediately hired her as an assistant. So, he and the young lady often spent time together thinking about life, this includes how to make people fashionable, youthful, and how to help others solve life's problems.

 Once, a friend said that he had been in business for several years, but he still didn't know what to do. That is to say, the friend didn't know whether to increase investment and expect a return, or not to blindly expand the business. At this time, the man's mind was in pictures of life that emerged. When he pondered those pictures for a while, he said to his friend: Let's look at it later.

After a while, the friend found the man again and asked him what to do with his business. The man still had the same mantra, he said to the friend: Let's see when the time comes. The man always said this, the friend was a little puzzled, he asks the man why he keeps saying that, then the man said to his friend: When doing business, if someone says, he knows everything, it shows that the person is not a good businessman.

At this time, the friend asked him why he said that. the man said: Because business depends on customers. It is the customers, not the people who do business, that depends on the success of the business. So, the friend learned how to do business, when deciding whether to increase investment, that depends on whether his business has a good omen. When the business does not show a good omen, he cannot blindly invest. When the friend asked the man if this is the trick to doing business, the man nodded.

Another time, a girl said that although she bought a lot of expensive clothes, she still felt that she could not express her strong will. At this time, some pictures of life appeared in front of the man’s eyes, many of them were fashion designers, so the man told the girl that the designs of those fashion designers were all inspired by the market. The man also said that if the girl wanted the fashion designer to design a dress that could express her strong will, he would do the best to help.

The girl listened to the man's words and agreed on the spot. At this time, the girl stared at the diamond ring on her hand, which was given to her by her boyfriend not long ago. She thought the diamond ring was very charming, because it looked at night like a star that fell from the sky. So the girl said to herself: If she had that costume designer's cloth, and some other jewelry, she would be more able to show her charm.

Soon after, the girl received the dress that the costume designer designed for her, and it turned out to be a translucent sexy dress. But the girl immediately said that she liked it very much, because it showed a fashionable will, the kind of her she’d been looking for.

When she met the young lady, she said to the young lady that she was lucky because she met the life artist. Now whenever she wears that sexy outfit and goes shopping with her friends, she feels so wonderful. The girl also said, now whenever she sees something she likes on the street, she immediately gets it. One day, the girl saw a lady wearing a very cool coat on the street. When the girl learned that the coat was from a boutique abroad, she immediately flew abroad and bought the coat there.

At this time, the lady found that the girl became more and more focused, because she had been paying attention to the good things on the market, and she saw it and bought it immediately.

One day, the lady told the man on the phone that since the girl had that sexy dress, she told people everywhere that she was lucky and met a life artist, which made her not only fashionable and sexy, but also younger. The man listened to the lady and told her, it seems that their company's business is going to get busy.

When the lady asked the man how he told the costume designer that he wanted to design a costume that showed strong will, the man said that a colleague he used to work with was famous and he asked him to help an actor with fashion clothes, so, the man said that since the actress asked to design clothes, they must be sexy, and the less they wore, the better. So the man said that it depends on how to interpret the actress's request and how to look at the words about "sexy, the less wear, the better". It didn't take long for the man to help the actress solve the problem.

At this time, the lady said that it seems that there are many girls who like fashion, sexy stuff, and want to be younger. When the lady said that the girl has focused on finding some old things, and on those attractive, when it comes to things that both men and women can use, the man said that he also found that many women pay attention to those things that models like, those that are not yet popular, but have special tastes. The man also said that many girls have begun to be interested in some very soft things, jewelry that can be matched with various clothes, and things that can express a strong will. So the lady asked the man whether this is a good sign for the company's prospects, the man said, yes, because they will not only have new customers, but also many repeat customers.



Matt Wood

Love it!


Daniel Frick

Very well written story!


Dana Foyle

Great story!


Mark William

It's a truly great story!


Rebecca Houston

Really great story!


Carol Young

Hope to read more!


Steve Spencer

Great story and see more!


Meg Cox

Interesting and inspiring.


Debra Darling

Great story!


Summer Duff

Very interesting story and hope more coming.


Joseph Clark

Interesting and great!