

Lance Clark

My girlfriend said she finds her potential, she said she’s busy, but she also goes to yoga, dance, even receives a certification, so I said to her: Congratulations!

  • Philadephia, Pennsylvania
  • Joined March 2024


My girlfriend said she finds her potential, she said she’s busy, but she also goes to yoga, dance, even receives a certification, so I said to her: Congratulations!

Philadephia, Pennsylvania



Lance Clark

Irrational Insecurities: A friend said she used to feel she didn’t look the way she should be because she didn’t like her eyes, her nose; after leaving her boyfriend, she worked hard and became independent and now she her irrational insecurities are gone and she feels much better about herself.

Irrational Insecurit
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Shannon Benard

Many girls have irrational insecurities, specially when they are dating; when they get old they realize they were very naïve when they were young because they considered boyfriend being their life.


Lance Clark

By Mistake: A girl said she made a mistake by dating a famous guy because her intention was something different from what the guy said; when she hired a person who tells her something that let her feel insane, she decided to stay with the course and make her mistake a brilliance choice.

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Shannon Benard

People sometimes make mistakes, but the important thing is how to learn from the mistake, so this post can help others make good choice next time.


Lance Clark

Ugly Stuff: A girl said her best friend turns out her enemy because of rumor; now she wants to start her life again and doesn’t want to socialize with others.

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Andrew Christy

A lesson learned from betrayal.


Matt Wood

It's scaring from your best friend to your enemy.


Lance Clark

I wanted a right place for my destination spot and I found a place that could be my home, but it was an aging property and I needed to do a big rehab; so I changed a little warmth and rat infestation place into a sweet home.

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Heather Redman

A very cool post.


Donna Sears

Dream comes true even did a big rehab.


Lance Clark

Some people said they like simple life, prefer tangible culture, because they tried different things and said some of them suck. Now they fear ChatGPT, AI, because those tech tools will impact the labor market, and many jobs could disappear. Is ChatGPT and AI a bad thing? #simplelife #theysuck #tangibleculture

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Will Grant

I also prefer simple life, tangible culture; when I tried different restaurants, if I found they suck, I could stop going there, but ChatGPT and AI are different, they could damage many things and disturb people's normal life.


Lance Clark

Less Stressful: A girl said she’s busy with work and family and finds a less stressful way; she has a list and wants her partner to share the house chore, because she said she’s tired of being the person making the dinner everyday. #busigirl #dealwithmen #housekeepers #workathome #machismo #maternalurge #getpregnant #pressureandsorrows #makingmoney #loveandfamily #feelstuck

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Jay Hall

Like the post. Many women said they are the only ones making dinner, do all the works at home and their partners even don't care about them, consider those things are not real works, which make them feel bad.


Lance Clark

Cultural Obsession: A friend said he lived in a place where had strange culture; so he started to be interested in different cultures, which let his cultural obsession deal with darkness, unknowable things. #changestatusque #freakout #capableperson #myhero #formerteacher #neversaynever #controversytopics #democracyandfreedom #loveformoney #embarrassingthing #peoplewatching #simplepleasure #conversationseducesex #blabbermouth #unforgettabletrip

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Liz Lewis

Cultural obsession is a great post because people can think and learn a lot.


Heather Redman

Love the post and learned something important in life.


Lance Clark

Keep On: My friend said he learned his skills gradually, at school, at home; now he wants to share his learning process: he learned each skill on a need-to-know basis, his secret of success is to keep on practicing, improving his skills daily. #passion #protectenvironment #moneyissues #controlling #amazingguy #healthyfood #hotpotato #BibleandGod #trappedin #lowIQ #trappedinmarriage #crazyinlove #temptationofwomen #Westernworldmyth

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Amy Lynch

That's right, keep on!


Andrew Christy

Skills learned on daily and need-to-know basis, which is very true.