

Amy Lynch

I create something, market it, and try to make it successful.

  • Detroit, Michigan
  • Joined December 2023

Amy Lynch

My friend likes makeup, but when she feels hungry, she likes to eat, so food becomes a comfort she could find: when she eats hamburger, pizza, cookie, soda, chips, she realizes that she needs to lose weight and has depression. #eatingbehavior #feelhaungry #loseweight #healthyliving #selfsabotage #depression

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Debra Darling

Eating behavior let many people enjoy the moment of life, but got the problem, and those girls say they want to be thin, but end up opposite, because they like to eat.


Bill Atlanta

A friend said he likes walking because it can get the blood flowing, reduce stress, increase energy, improve creativity, and let him feel healthier in body and mind; but his girlfriend said she didn't do anything, she just sitting at the desk and worries about her weight. #beinglazy #loseweight #reducestress #bodyandmind #mademistakes #geniusandfool #beyourself #embarrassingthing #blabbermouth #lowIQ #bigcompanydoll

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Will Grant

My friend also said same thing, she wants to lose weight, but her job needs her to sit in front of desk and she really worries about her weight.


Brian Lawrence

Some people said they have cold fingers and toes, which might relate to their health issues, such as having fewer red blood cells and diabetes. Others said hands and feet have smaller blood vessels, which have less blood flowing to keep them warm. So, what should people do? #anxiety #depression #loseweight #healthyliving #feelhungry #feelstressful #nothappy #feellonely

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Carol Young

Cold fingers and toes also related to age, lose weight, so it's important to get advice from doctor.


Mark William

Some people say they are stressed at work, because they are emotionally detached at work and consider quitting their job for their well-being. Others said their cumulative stress leads to burnout and they want more joy, less stress. I also encountered those situations and my way is: take short breaks when feel stressed, so I can recharge, increase the mood and improve productivity. #feelstressful #feelburnout #fitnessroutine #eatingbehavior #anxiety #depression #loseweight #healthyliving #feelhungry #beinglazy #worklikeslave #whymustilivelikethis? #wrongbusiness

Some people say they
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Jay Hall

My friend's job is by contract, he needs to go different places and countries to get the job done. He feels stressful, and very tired, but his hustle and bustle let him learn a foreign language.