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Daniel Frick
I learned how to control my emotion, become more mature team member.
- Denver, Colorado
- Joined November 2023
I learned how to control my emotion, become more mature team member.
Denver, Colorado
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When seeing some individuals who spread false information, use aggressive tactics to harm others people say they can't be silent, they feel rage, because those individuals are religious beliefs, radical zealots, but people also need to understand that there are bad law officers there, who violated the law. #cannotbesilent #rage #stereotypes #freespeech #revenge #jealousyandfighting #feelpanic #womensbreasts #trappedinmarriage #Westernworldmyth #lowIQ
A guy said he lived a normal life and suddenly changed the situation; now he lost his job, lover, and has financial problem, difficult to pay his rent, which changed his mood, behavior… #feelpressure #feelpanic #feeltrapped #ventanger #weirdbehavior #feeldesperate #selfdestructive #Westernworldmyth
Will Grant
Suddenly changed life could make people feel there is no hope, so they need professional help.
Summer Duff
When someone lost his job, lover, and can't pay rent, it's the time that local community needs to come out and give help.
Lance Clark
Radical zealots needed to be stop and false information is harmful for society.
Andrew Christy
Bad law officers are the ones let those bad things happen.