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Greg Hamilton
I express my self very often; sometimes I experienced different things, but I think I’m smart than others.
- Seattle, Washington
- Joined November 2023
I express my self very often; sometimes I experienced different things, but I think I’m smart than others.
Seattle, Washington
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A guy said he’s stressed and wants to escape from city, because he’s tired of noise, traffic, busy lifestyle; so he wants to find a place he wants to live, where he can hiking, picnic, enjoy scenery, relax. #hiking #picnic #smalltown #enjoyscenery
A girl said she’s feminist and likes makeup, but she hates people fabricate things because someone misleads her intention, which let her life in chaos; but it made her smart, more cautious, and her life is getting better. #weirdguy #angry #loneliness #rape #dancinginbikini #standbyyourman #betray #hiking #picnich #badneighborhood #temptationofwomen
John Austin
Like the post because there're people hate feminists and they fabricate things.
Sam Nash
Feminists are great because they make things better, which let some people not happy and try to make them feel bad.
Katherine Boston
A post that let many people feel they stuck with traffic everyday because they need to go to work, they also stuck with other things, with family, place, and they feel hopeless.
Jay Hall
Most people need to deal with noise, traffic and busy lifestyle in the city, even they feel stuck there, because small town life is great, but it's difficult to make a living.