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Heather Redman
I work hard, make more, and hope one day I can buy a house.
- Nashville, Tennessee
- Joined April 2024
I work hard, make more, and hope one day I can buy a house.
Nashville, Tennessee
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A friend said he likes travel and visited many historic places; once he was in front of a mansion he reflected his hero’s courage and could not hold back his tears. #climatechange #imigration #democracyanddictators #universalvalues #grayarea #dictatorialcountries #moralissues #badguys #themeaningofpoverty #bluezandjazz #racism #hatecrime #discrimination
Some people say they’re a blabbermouth and tell people everything: their friends, family, job. One girl said she starts to date a law officer and thinks her talks may get her trouble; but she finds her guy just like her, eager to tell everything. #blabbermouth #datingstory #dancinginbikini #datingChinesegirl #datingLatingirl #datingblackgirl #standbyyourman #betray #breakup #temptationofwomen #firstnightout #socialtaboos #grayarea #drinkingandsex
Anderson West
Bill Atlanta
Agree, blabbermouth does tell funny story; one girl said her friend met a nice guy, he always listened to her, which let her get bored, have anxiety; her friend even said: Could she tell him that she wants sex?
Scott Tar
A guy said he dated different girls, he said dating Chinese girl like watching black-white TV, boring; Latin girls like animals when having sex, they like eat cake more than sex; black girl would desperately shout when having sex, which is an adventure.
Dana Foyle
Like the post and we need more people who have courage and get the bad guys out.
Katie Roberts
Yes, we need more activists who can help us solve the problems we face.