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Jenny Webb
I’m the lucky one and feel thankful to my boss, parents.
- Dallas, Texas
- Joined October 2023
I’m the lucky one and feel thankful to my boss, parents.
Dallas, Texas
Hosting Skills: My friend learned her hosting skills from her mother; she said her parents were very general, and always had many friends coming to their house; so her hosting skills are being kind to everyone, well dressed up, do makeup, offering her best to her guests. #familytradition #healthfood #perfectcouple #mylighthouse #preparedinner #feelrenewed #yourbrain #goodtiming #livelonger #crazyinlove #trappedinmarriage #conquermen
Some people said their sleep is disrupted by their partner’s snoring and night-owl-lifestyle, so they choose to sleep apart, which is considered by others a sign of loveless and sexless relationship, but those choosing to sleep apart said that it improves mood, lowers stress, increases sexual desire and pleasure because of better quality sleep. #telltruth #relationships #sleepbetter #Qtips #perfectcouple #showrestraint #feelpressure #tightropewalk #rawpassages #ashamedthings #trappedin #hateloverelationship #sleepingandsex
Ann Hanson
Very interesting post! But snoring, night-owl-lifestyle also let people feel not comfortable.
Dana Foyle
Sleep apart actually is good for many people because it can have better sleep.
Katie Roberts
Love the post! It seems hosting skill has to do with family tradition and those girls learned skills are lucky.
Shannon Benard
Very interesting topic and girls can learn a lot.