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Karl Joyce
I find my things that fit me, for I have unabashed personality that let others accept me.
- Dallas, Texas
- Joined March 2024
I find my things that fit me, for I have unabashed personality that let others accept me.
Dallas, Texas
My friend’s dream is to become a luxury designer, even though he’s in the service industry, so his starting point is to work hard, making sure his customers are happy, because he realized that if he wants others to respect him as a designer, he should first stop his own disrespectful way. #wonderinground #shopping #sensitiveperson #weirdtalent #equalrights #ecoliving #citizensresponsibility #skinproducts #antiaging #biking #feelyoungagain #trappedinmarriage
Gorgeous & Feisty: My friend has a flawless complexion, gorgeous bone structure, and perfect eyebrows; she’s also a feisty and sensitive person: she works hard, demands respect, promotion, and equal payment. #sensitiveperson #equalrights #weirdtalent #citizensresponsibility
Jack Smith
A very cool post, which can inspire others.
Alex Day
Great post! Yes, to let others to respect you, you need to stop your own disrespectful way.
Rebecca Houston
Love the post.