

Mark William

I enjoy my night out, feeling it renews my energy.

  • Baltimo, Maryland
  • Joined December 2023

Mark William

A girl said her guy was jealous and angry because once he saw a man saying hello to her. What she did? She started to fight back and question her guy: “Did you have a secret?” “Had an affair with a friend?” “When did it start?” Her guy knew he couldn’t deny, he brought his secret to light. #jealousandangry #haveaffair #fightback #trappedin #weirdbehavior #geniusandfool #lostincity #stupidbitch #thingsjusthappened #notloyal #nextdoorgirl

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Greg Hamilton

Men like to play game, pretending jealous, angry. One girl said her guy was jealous about her classmate, he played guess game, said he felt the pain; but she fight back, said she found there was some rumor about him, secretly meeting a woman.


Tim Swann

Those girls who can fight back are admirable, but there're people willingly be a fool. A girl said she's trapped in the relationship: her guy's erratic behavior, her repressed sexuality, feeling bitter, sarcastic in a labyrinth, but still hoping to chant to glory.


Allen Pace

A girl said her boyfriend cheated on her. When he said he needs more space and time, she asked her friend if she should stand by her man. When asked how she met him, she said after met him she decided to watch him making it to the top, because she looked at him and went: I would have fallen in love with him; she even told others: No one else is going to want this person but me. Now she’s tortured, asking question: Get back with former lover? #cheating #standbyyourman #fallinlove #formerlover #betray #geniusandfool #datingandsex #lovejustsex #winewomensex #stupidquestions #trappedin #embarrassingthing #blabbermouth #lowIQ #notloyal #sleepingaround #addictedtosex #mademistakes #firstnightout #romanticwords #everyonelies #womanizer #femalefault #cowboysnevercry

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Amy Lynch

When hearing giving space and time, it's a red flag that girls need to be careful, because men use it for more cheating, flirting, and betray, so in this case, the girl should not get back with her former lover.


Kelly Wicks

A girl said she’s worried about her guy because he likes to flirt. When asked what she wants from her guy, she said what she wants is simple, just like those basic things, like her drinking coffee everyday, sleeping with a pillow, and that’s all. #sexygirl #mademistakes #hateloverelationship #everyonelies #somethingtrivial #womanizer #wealllived #femalefault #cowboysnevercry #lovejustsex #partygirl #winewomensex #haveaffair #blabbermouth #lowIQ #sleepingaround #geniusandfool #itoldyouso #allmenarenotgood

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Jenny Webb

Man liking flirting is difficult to deal with, so the best way for the girl is leaving him after warning, this is what my friend did and she said now she feels much better than before because she doesn't need to worry about boyfriend's flirt anymore.


Bill Atlanta

A friend said he likes walking because it can get the blood flowing, reduce stress, increase energy, improve creativity, and let him feel healthier in body and mind; but his girlfriend said she didn't do anything, she just sitting at the desk and worries about her weight. #beinglazy #loseweight #reducestress #bodyandmind #mademistakes #geniusandfool #beyourself #embarrassingthing #blabbermouth #lowIQ #bigcompanydoll

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Will Grant

My friend also said same thing, she wants to lose weight, but her job needs her to sit in front of desk and she really worries about her weight.


Kelly Wicks

My friend is creative, sometimes people called her a talented radical, so she said If people think her creation is weird, grotesque, so be it, because she likes strange look, foreign image. When her products reflect power, masculinity, she said her beauty concept is ugly, and she considers crazy stuff is new beauty. #talentedradical #powerandmasculinity #weirdandgrotesque #geniusandfool #chasingdream #lifelikeart #controversytopics #followyourfeeling #notloyal #funthings #getattention #coolgirl

My friend is creativ
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Jenny Webb

Love it! When girls are creative and can freely express themselves, our society is making good progress, because there're many men who created strange stuff and no one said negative thing, when girls try something new, they're called crazy.


Jenny Webb

Husband Material? One girl said she’s getting old and really wants to start her life. When she started to date, she found it’s not easy to find a right man, so she started to travel around the world, looking for her potential husband. Once she met a guy in a small town and her unintentional flirting turned into a passion. #husbandmaterial #gutinstinct #femalefault #cowboysnevercry #lifeexperience #greatromance #neversaynever #changeyourself #malegaze #embarrassingthing #conversationseducesex #followyourfeeling #unforgettabletrip #catchuplosttime #bigcompanydoll #lovelesslife #worklikeslave #whymustilivelikethis? #geniusandfool #careerwomen

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Will Grant

Love the post! There're many people find a way to solve the problem, and flirting could be helpful, because after all life doesn't have to be too serious.


Jenny Webb

One girl said she made drunken mishaps because she looked sexy, drinking with male friends and law officers. She also said since her drunken mishaps she turned them a positive impact and thinks life is not only being sexy, fun, it has many other important things to do. #mademistakes #feelsexy #femalefault #cowboysnevercry #partygirl #winewomensex #lostincity #bigcompanydoll #geniusandfool #careerwomen #isacrificedalot

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Greg Hamilton

Girls said they made mistakes because of drinking and bad actors, but many time they also seduced guys, which becomes so called sexual harassment or rape.


Amy Lynch

Some girls said they pursue their dream and never being satisfied. Others said when dating their guys, they feel it’s better for them to stay with them, instead of being single again, because they discovered shocking things about their guys: they’re never been satisfied. #datingandsex #sexylook #beingsingle #pursueyourdream #geniusandfool #shockingthings #woderfulfeeling #trappedin #embarrassingthing #blabbermouth #hateloverelationship

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Carol Young

Dating is tricky. A friend said her last lover was attracted by her sexy look, creamy skin, soft lips, so their dating was just sex.


Emily Hill

A girl said at party that some people were self-destructive, struggled with their insecurities and were a sort of gossipy. However, another girl said her friends just went to different bars, drinking, listen music, and it turned out they’re good now, because people said they can identify blues, jazz. Gershwin. #selfdestructive #barculture #somethingtrivial #bluezandjazz #popculture #localcuisine #lostincity #artistandinspiration #patygirl #showbusiness #husbandmaterial #poeplewatching #geniusandfool #lifelikeart #stupidbitch #cosmeticwork #fitnessroutine #modernsociety #beingsingle #datingandsex #weirdbehavior #crush #freezeeggs #chronologicalage #breastandvirgina #negativefeeling #moralissues #blackhumor #badguys #popculture #sexandshouting #themeaningofpoverty #insecurities

A girl said at party
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Tim Swann

Some girls said they were denied to do something, to let them try. One girl said she always had a dream: becoming a star; but someone would say she was not good enough, now she's successful.


Meg Cox

After split up with her boyfriend, my friend said love just sexual intercourse; she also said women can not live without love, which gives men an advantage, because men don't have to worry about pregnancy, children, and can use the same cheating tricks to have more women, to have more sex. #breakup #lovejustsex #cheating #addictedtosex #geniusandfool

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Bill Atlanta

A girl said she met her guy in a business meeting; when he said their cooperation was good, she was a genius, she was happy, later she found he said the same thing to other girls, so she said to herself: You're a genius or a fool?


Bill Atlanta

One girl asked a question: Is it very difficult to find a good man? Because her ex-lover is weird, he went to a place where there were naked women picking fruits, sexy girls seduced him, he said he knew she's not happy, and endured pain; so the girl said: She's in her thirties, she needs to work, make money, and find a really good man, for she doesn't want to wake up in bed along. #findagoodman #liftmood #sexygirl #lifeexperience #machoman #mademistakes #lovejustsex #winewomensex #yourregret #geniusandfool #embarrassingthing

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Go Long

Find a good man is not easy, but girls have their way; a girl said her guy cheated on her, she said there are several people who pursue her, but she needs to do it quietly, for she likes sex, and also not let others thinks she's mean.