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Natalie Fanning
I start to enjoy life and have a list of things I want to buy and try.
- Austin, Texas
- Joined March 2024
I start to enjoy life and have a list of things I want to buy and try.
Austin, Texas
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A guy said he worked hard for his present place; he also likes to make a joke, to social with different people; but he said he’s tired of being the person people perceive and wants to try something different. #politicalpolarization #culturewar #socializing #prettygirl #luckyandsmart #expressyourself #richpeople #spendmoney #workplaceculture #putdownothers #isacrificedalot #Westernworldmyth
Rebecca Houston
People are polarized and they don't know if they can be themselves, which is bad because we have a culture war there.
Andrew Christy
Political polarization and culture war is a big problem now and we all need to be alert.