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Will Cohen
Sometimes my behavior is criticized by others, because I would do anything reasonable to get more attention.
- Denver, Colorado
- Joined March 2024
Sometimes my behavior is criticized by others, because I would do anything reasonable to get more attention.
Denver, Colorado
At party there was a girl who didn’t just look pretty, also kicks butt, likes a girl-on-girl hookup; she said she’s vulnerable, but her embarrassed behavior let her feel a mission accomplished, a want to be a real-life gay. #nearlynaked #Hollywoodequivalent #bikiniandcocktails #envy #anotherlife #dressupforlover #sleepingandsex #liveinbighouses #sexualscenes #womensbreasts #crazyinlove #marriedpeoplenothappy #conquermen #conversationseducesex
Missing Part: My friend said he lived in a small town for years, enjoyed hiking, boating, fishing; when he moved to the big city, his routine life makes him feel something missing; he said he likes others in the big city, struggling with the traffic, working hard, and always looking for, and tried to find his missing part. #highbloodpressure #modernstyle #fastfood #crushesanddesire #laughsandjokes #differentcultures #bellyfat #crucialmoment #meetingchallenges #pooranddesperate #coolandsexy #sexualscenes #wearealllived #feelpainful #artexhibitionhall #artgallery #museum #emotionandinstinct #hateloverelationship
Ann Hanson
When a person feels something missing, it's time to find out why and do something.
Summer Duff
Everyone has missing part so the question is how to find out the missing part and how to let it be back in life.
Bill Atlanta
Very interesting post!
Peter Price
So the girl is cool?