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Will Grant
I start a business to pay my bills, but my art-related products getting popular.
- Atlanta, Georgia
- Joined November 2023
I start a business to pay my bills, but my art-related products getting popular.
Atlanta, Georgia
Some people said they’re cool girls, and life is a party; when they travel, they carry a beauty kit, but they hate mosquito bites, which leave red bumps, sometime cause large swelling and redness, so their tips are using anti-itch lotions and hydrocortisone creams to deal with the bites. #yourcommunity #hairstyle #beautykit #workinggirl #coolgirlsilhouette #entertainlife #lifeisaparty #sharpedged #dressupgame #fashionway #girlsdrinks #isacrificedalot
Passers-by: You’re a curious person, you just pass-by a place, and feel great; or your passers-by place let come back again and again, decide to move there and start your new life there. #lifeisaparty #chiclyprofessional #fashionway #girlsdrinks #datinganddrinking #intimatejourney #feelrenewed #femininelifeforce
Donna Sears
My friend said she lived in a place for a while she always wants to move to another place because she said there are so many good places and she wants to know different people and different things.
Jack Smith
Not just young people feel this way, some old people also said the same thing that they want to move another place because their whole life just live in one place and their motivation to move to another place is also to learn new things and to meet different people.
My friend said she likes to highlight her skills; she’s from a different culture, has a strong lip, likes to dress up, to dance, to show her skin, and to drink. #dressupgame #fashionway #girlsdrinks #femininelifeforce #showoffbody
Kate Kinsley
It mostly has to do with personality and grow up background, instead of different culture.
Hope Dye
It's possible.
Trends & Chic: My friend said her business is related to fashion, sports, because she can entertain life, create cool girl silhouette; she also follows the trends and knows the sophistication of a chic. #coolgirlsilhouette #entertainlife #lifeisaparty #chiclyprofessional #sharpedged #dressupgame #fashionway
Matt Wood
Interesting and cool.
Alex Day
Like the post. Some girls are very creative, they enjoy life, treat life as a party, they like fashion, like dress up, and they are also very smart and cool.
Success for Teens: A friend said her child wrestles with his self-identity, another one said her daughter struggles to fit into a society, so if you have a teen obsessed with clothes and pop culture, or find an adolescent alienation, you may agree a teen capable of success only through rigorous education. #putdownothers #daddycomplex #sharpedged #dressupgame #girlsdrinks #fashionway #trappedin #lowIQ
Jacob Stone
Love the post! So those parents who have difficult kids can think about how to let their children be successful.
Emily Hill
Rigorous education can let teen be successful.
Jay Hall
Very useful tips and love it!
Rebecca Houston
Mosquitos let people feel they don't like going some places, so the tips here are helpful.