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Debra Darling
Like ethnic food, folk chic, and makeup.
- Sacramento, California
- Joined December 2023
He's stuck there
A friend said he’s good at technical things, but he feels he’s stuck there and made mistakes because his coworker tried new things, changed his career, and feels much better.
Kurt Mcdonald
So many people feel they stuck there and only those who make a right decision can feel better.
Heather Redman
Yes, we always hear someone said he feels stuck there and can't do anything he likes, so the question is if you feel you made a mistake and now feel stuck there, would you continue to make same mistake and stay there for a long time or change yourself soon?
Kelly Wicks
People complain about how they can't do anything because they have a job and are stuck there, but the real reason is that those people scared of changing themselves.
Sam Nash
When someone feels stuck there, it could lead to think that life is not interesting.