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My favorite cultural hub is where has cobbled streets, alleys, cafes, boutiques.
- Los Angeles, California
- Joined February 2023
My friend thinks he’s good at sports, but other people say: I told-you-so before, go to get a real job, don’t waste your time, you’re not good at sporting. He ignored it, and now he feels great.
Rebecca Houston
I told-you-so seems common and if people have a passion, can just ignore it.
Summer Duff
Those who have a passion and ignore others words are usually successful.
Joseph Clark
Yes, you need to believe yourself.
Tim Swann
Do what you believe and you may not get what you want, but you tried.
Paul Parker
Agree. If you don't do what you like, you might be ok, but might also regret.
Katie Roberts
We always hear someone said I told you so, but for those who want to do what they like, they can ignore those words, they may have setback, but they still need to get their best version of themselves out, so they can feel good.
Duncan Berry
If you have a passion, you should follow your passion.