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My favorite cultural hub is where has cobbled streets, alleys, cafes, boutiques.
- Los Angeles, California
- Joined February 2023
Some people said they’re the best-selling authors about life. Others said their innovation looks cool, practical and their flexible services win people’s heart, because they hear others say: Yes, we like; so they feel they’re the winners.
Rebecca Houston
People appreciate if others can let them learn or enjoy life, so those who can create something and let others like them are the winners indeed.
Meg Cox
Yes, we like winners!
Summer Duff
Winners work hard and they also very creative.
Joseph Clark
Winners not rest, they work hard and sometimes greedy.
Tim Swann
When you make a product people like or write something others say they learned something, you're cool and therefor a winner.
Paul Parker
Yes, anything that can let others feel there are something there and can lean is cool and therefor the person created the thing is a winner.
Katie Roberts
Winner could be a happy wife, a loving husband, a young person who works hard to realize his dream, a professional who is creative, or a social worker who helps others.
Duncan Berry
Winners work hard.