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Alex Day
I like to keep my creation ambiguous, because I don’t want to say I’m a fighter.
- Fort Worth, Texas
- Joined November 2023
I like to keep my creation ambiguous, because I don’t want to say I’m a fighter.
Fort Worth, Texas
A girl said she grew up poor and felt unloved; her self-loathing let her like to eat, her eating habits get her weight problem, so she was the object of casual cruelties, teasing. #trappedin #lowIQ #badactors #putdownothers #feelbad
Mosquito bites, red bumps, and itchy. Some people said they wash the mosquito bite with warm soapy water or ice cubes to deal with red, bumpy marks. So the question is: Should they seek medical help if swelling is persistent? #nextdoorgirl #socializing #feelbad #itoldyouso #thingsjusthappened #healthyliving
Howard Fisher
Thanks for the tip. So warm soapy water and ice cubes can deal with red bumps and itchy, which is great.
Mark William
Agree. A great tip for those who feel bad after getting mosquito bites and have red bumps and don't know how to deal with them.
Edith Campbell
It's a big problem for those who grew up in low income areas, where kids felt unloved, others were cruel to them, teasing them, which let them have low self-esteem.
Hope Dye
Agree. For those who live in poor area they don't have a lot of choice, so they feel unloved, have low self-esteem, and sometimes were teased, treated cruelly.