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Bill Atlanta
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- Joined September 2023
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One girl said she missed her ex-lover, but her friend said they were in this sick game, for he's inside her brain, under her skin, and couldn't escape, because she said after everything that's happened, she still lost her guy. #Exlover #sickgame #notloyal #sexobject #allmenarenotgood #trappedin #loveformoney#lowIQ #sextool #nextdoorgirl #sleepingaround #womanizer #wealllived #femalefault #itoldyouso #lovejustsex #urbanlabyrinth
My friend said she feels she has pressure on herself to be a successful person; she said whenever her boss asked about her project she felt there was a pressure and pain, because she tried to work hard, be wife and mom, but scared to fail. #pursueyourdream #wealllived #lostincity #worklikeslave #whymustilivelikethis
Joseph Clark
It's true many people feel pressure whenever their boss asks about their project and they feel they work like slave.
Amy Lynch
Career women have more pressure because they have to deal with career, kids, family and they want to be a winner.
Allen Pace
It seems many people play sick game; one girl said her guy said he's not loyal to anything, to any brands, groups, which made her not happy, for his attitude let her difficult to have a long-term plan.
james covit
One girl said after sick game, she met a guy who treated her like a sex object; now she can get everything by posing nude; once she met a guy, when they were in room, she took off her clothes, when the guy staring at her, she knew she'd won.
Go Long
Sick game is related to cheating; a girl said her guy cheated on her, so all men are not good, for she had watched her father cheat on her mother; when fighting with her brother, she said when he grew up, he would cheat on women like his father.
Shannon Benard
Sick game let many people think about their own dating and relationship; some girls may say all men are not good after being fooled, others may think being sex object has nothing wrong, because at least they can get what they want by taking off clothes and having sex.