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Carrie Johnson
I like fashion and makeup, I can explain it, prove it, style it out, and maintain it.
- , Alabama
- Joined November 2024
I like fashion and makeup, I can explain it, prove it, style it out, and maintain it.
, Alabama
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Beauty Arsenal: If you start to deal with heat, you buy against sweat skin product; or you travel a lot, think high altitude means less oxygen, less blood flow to the skin, so you may buy antioxidant products to protect your skin, hair. #curiousgirl #wowdress #lookchic #findhappiness #modernlife #funmoments #followthetrend
Laid Back: My friend said she used to be a laid back girl and now she changed herself, because she started to date, has a business; she said she follows the trend, wants to live a good life and she’s now aggressive, wild, and knows connect the dots. #followthetrend #liveagoodlife #datingstory
Katie Roberts
A cool post. The girl changed from laid back to follow the trend, which is great news for those who try to live a good life.
Paul Parker
My friend used to be casual and now feels she needs to follow the trend and live a good life, because she feels there are only certain times, places, she can be girly, pretty, and cool; so, she wears cool clothes, fun prints, buys fancy makeup products, goes to chic nail salon, and tries to be at her best. #followthetrend #stylishclothes #fancyshoes #liveagoodlife
Kelly Wicks
That's right, needs to follow the trend, which let my friend not only buy fancy clothes, do makeup, also play hair game: loose curling style, gorgeous-strait-long, a simple bun, a ponytail.
Rebecca Houston
A coworker also said same thing: follow the trend and live a good life. She always wears stylish clothes, fancy shoes, and makeup, for she doesn't want to let others see her bare face in office, at lunch time.
Anderson West
Great post and comments.
Katie Roberts
Very useful tip and like it.
Edith Campbell
I travel a lot and this post is really good for me because now I can try those stuff I never used before.