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Dana Foyle
I feel the pursuit of wealth can’t replace my believe in love, my work, family, friends.
- Sacramento, California
- Joined February 2024
I feel the pursuit of wealth can’t replace my believe in love, my work, family, friends.
Sacramento, California
My friend knows how to add a chic twist to her look. She said her instant chic secret is looking for affordable items, such as cool earrings, that can have styling power, or a pair of modern shoes, that adds intrigue to her fashionable look. #instantchic #shoppingforfun #designerdress #skincare #culturalchifts #womenandtheirworth
Jan Goodman
Love the instant chic tips, so now more and more people will know earrings and modern shoes are parts of fashionable look.!
Liz Lewis
There are also other things that can make girls more fashionable and chic, such as mini bags, neutral color, and soft materials.