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Greg Hamilton
I express my self very often; sometimes I experienced different things, but I think I’m smart than others.
- Seattle, Washington
- Joined November 2023
I express my self very often; sometimes I experienced different things, but I think I’m smart than others.
Seattle, Washington
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No Kidding: My friend’s a capable person, she wants to live a fabulous life; she treated each of her design, creation, differently, because she gave each of them a unique shape, color. #fashionableclothes #capableperson #fabulouslife
A friend said her lover is an old man, but she still cares about her image, likes fashionable clothes and always maintains a smoother silhouette, because she buys skincare products, does workout and reshapes her body. #oldmanandyounggirl #fashionableclothes #skincareproducts #capableperson #fabulouslife
Kate Brown
The girl is smart and she really enjoys life.
Daniel Frick
A friend said her design produced a show in a child’s eye; she said she always paying attention to details, to different people’s view-point; sometimes her design tailored to a niche group; other times her artist works use different angle for a special community. #fashionableclothes #capableperson #fabulouslife #professionalism #womenandbody #womenandtheirworth #femininity #coolwomen #sexydress #purposeoflife #yourworth
Amy Lynch
Very interesting post!
Will Cohen
Love the post and the child's eye could make things more attractive and youthful.
Some girls said they feel they need to hide something for their boyfriend. One girl said she doesn’t like her legs, her tummy, so on her date night she wears high heels to make her a little taller; she also buys magic dress to make her tummy disappear. #hidesomething #dating #capableperson #fabulouslife #lowIQ
Bill Atlanta
Love the topic.
Anderson West
Allen Pace
To hide something works; one girl said she's a capable person, wants to live a fabulous life, by hiding something for her boyfriend, for her workplace, now she's at executive level, and pregnant.
Scott Tar
Not just girls, men also; one girl said she had been with a man for a while but still didn't know him; one day she found out he has a low IQ, for he said she was his doll, asked her if she liked cakes, beef.
Bill Atlanta
A friend said her boyfriend also with a low IO; she said he couldn't concentrate, often distracted; once they got to bed, were intimate, he heard phone ringing, he left her on bed, started talking on the phone.
Terry Martin
Creative person always can find a way to express differently, which is great for society.
Brian Lawrence
A great picture and like it.