

james covit

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  • Joined September 2023

james covit

My friend said he went to a place, where people did not like to interfere with others; people there were very polite, even a bit feudal; they hire the labor they need; so, others said it's a real paradise, because it's for those who do not need to go to work every day, do not have 9-5 schedule. #interestingplace #politepeople #realparadise #escapefromcity #smalltown #slowlife #bikinisandcocktails

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Kelly Wicks

A friend also escaped from city to a small town, she said everything there is slow, but she enjoys hummingbirds, dragonflies, bikinis, picnics, and cocktails.,


james covit

A friend said he had waited for long time to find a good partner; when asked how good his partner is, he said his partner let him enjoy her body; it turns out when they were together, he would strip off her clothes as soon as they entered the door, and she always asked him to focus on her lower body, for she needed him so much. #addictedtosex #enjoylife #sexygirl #lifeisshort #findagoodman

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Scott Tar

There're people who want to enjoy life, sex; a girl said her guy liked to party, to drink, but she's OK with it, for they have great sex; when asked her guy's impression of her, her guy said when he held her, it was like holding a lighted bulb.


james covit

A girl said she had been with her guy for years, but she doesn't want to get married; she said an unmarried woman is a lover, once married, she's no longer a lover, at this time, women have become men's sex tools, machines for making children, and housework servants, and their men? They think of looking for other women. #livetogether #marriage #sextool #makingchildren #lieandbetray #divorce #secondchance #findagoodman #marriedpeoplenothappy

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Go Long

Seems right; a girl said her ex-lover betrayed her after their marriage and having a child, when he asked her to give him a second change, she said to her friend: since he likes to lie, betrayed her, why is he asking for second change now?


james covit

Some girls said they believe exercise can revitalize their skin; they also think eating health food can make their face more attractive, plus, they use jasmine, rosemary to purify their face, nose. #exercise #healthfood #skincare #antiaging #sleepbetter #beautytips

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Allen Pace

My friend said she goes to clinic, for she wants to take care of herself, to help her age backwards; now she feels increased energy level, improved circulation, has better sleep, sometimes she sleep like a baby, even missed a morning meeting.