

james covit

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  • Joined September 2023

james covit

A girl said she had been with her guy for years, but she doesn't want to get married; she said an unmarried woman is a lover, once married, she's no longer a lover, at this time, women have become men's sex tools, machines for making children, and housework servants, and their men? They think of looking for other women. #livetogether #marriage #sextool #makingchildren #lieandbetray #divorce #secondchance #findagoodman #marriedpeoplenothappy

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Go Long

Seems right; a girl said her ex-lover betrayed her after their marriage and having a child, when he asked her to give him a second change, she said to her friend: since he likes to lie, betrayed her, why is he asking for second change now?


Chris Chapmen

College Kid: A friend said he accepted a job after graduation and that project was a nightmare; after his failure he worked very hard and prepared his next job; now when he takes a job, starting to work, people say: I trust him after seeing his role in last job. #businesstrick #gutinstinct #amazingguy #yoursuccess #secondchance

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Kelly Wicks

Like the post. College kid taking first job and feeling failed is a common thing, the next step is how to lean from failure and do a good job next time; so work hard, prepare well for the role is the key.


Steve Spencer

Love the post. College kids taking jobs, staying there, learning new things, are a long process in their career, which let many of them leave their jobs, because modern life is not just a job, it's about interest.


Ted Douglas

A girl said she always pursued the best, and liked bikini, cocktails. When she started dating she lived together with a guy; when she found her guy was not great, so she didn’t want to waste her time and said: “Goodbye.” After she tried non-surgical skin tightening treatment she had a young beach-ready body and she said: “Goodbye” to her old self. #bikiniandcocktails #livetogether #makingchildren #lieandbetray #secondchance #marriedpeoplenothappy #antiaging #bardancing #bullshitdiva #possessiveinstinct #drawntosomeone #passion #fantasyland #conquerman

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Donna Sears

Very funny and interesting post!


Howard Fisher

Girls want to pursue their best, which is great, but dating, living together and saying "Goodbye" is too much.