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Jan Goodman
I had an unhealthy behavior, got weight; but the rough experience made me smart.
- Miami, Florida
- Joined February 2024
I had an unhealthy behavior, got weight; but the rough experience made me smart.
Miami, Florida
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Sharp tongue: My neighbor said she felt guilty, for she just wanted to drink, party, and was not nice to her guy. When her guy left her she became more bizarre and emotional because she felt lonely, no sex life, and her sharp tongue extended to her friend, who was witty, and her mother, who was warm and lovely. #lovelesslife #lovejustsex #winewomensex #nothappy #isacrificedalot #purposeoflife
A girl said her partner is a night owl, so she choose to sleep apart, which is like a sleep divorce, because it leads to conflict and less sex. Sometimes her partner just rolls over on a whim, and wants sex, without considering her mood. #lovelesslife #lovejustsex #lifeisshort
Karl Joyce
It let many people think about their relationship because night owl lifestyle, sleep apart can lead to sexless life and divorce.
Will Cohen
Relationship challenge! But the girl's partner is weird, he not considering her mood, just rolls over and wants sex, which is rude.
A friend said she encountered a problem. Since she experienced something strange because she found happiness outside her marriage, she started to think about her loveless life, which made her revisit another place whenever she needed a pick-me-up. #lovelesslife #marriage #weirdperson #divorce #lifelesson #findhappiness
Greg Hamilton
A girl said her loveless life let her met a business man, but he's weird, his penchant is throwing his book on table or coughs, for working not well; so she realized he doesn't like to say words, when he gives her a bag, she knows what he wants.
Scott Tar
A friend said after divorce, she learned life lesson: spend all the money, enjoy every moment, date a lot of people, and find her happiness.
Heather Redman
Sharp tongue could really hurt others because people may do some stupid things but they still don't want to hear words that could be mean and offensive.
Kurt Mcdonald
It's about personality, but it also related to our current culture because many people like cultural wars and they become more aggressive, and they have sharp tongue.
Liz Lewis
Current cultural wars and sharp tongue make things more difficult because nothing good thing could happen if continue like this.
Ted Douglas
Interesting post and like it a lot.
Mark William
Sharp tongue sometimes could be useful but mostly it could hurt others, so the girl may have a problem which could be fixed if seeking professional help.