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Jan Goodman
I had an unhealthy behavior, got weight; but the rough experience made me smart.
- Miami, Florida
- Joined February 2024
I had an unhealthy behavior, got weight; but the rough experience made me smart.
Miami, Florida
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Sharp tongue: My neighbor said she felt guilty, for she just wanted to drink, party, and was not nice to her guy. When her guy left her she became more bizarre and emotional because she felt lonely, no sex life, and her sharp tongue extended to her friend, who was witty, and her mother, who was warm and lovely. #lovelesslife #lovejustsex #winewomensex #nothappy #isacrificedalot #purposeoflife
A girl said she’s smart, pretty, but feels sometimes too girly. Her feminine look let her falling in love, but she realized her guy is a womanizer. #lovejustsex #partygirl #iearneditmyself #lifeisshort #winewomensex #haveaffair #lostincity #urbanlabyrinth
Daniel Frick
A tip for some girls who feel they are smart, pretty, but they just forget that there are bad guys there and they can hurt them.
Debra Darling
Bad guys are everywhere and girls just need to be very careful because when we have so many cases that people said it was because of consensual sex but in reality it was always using some force that let girl give up.
Some people said they know they waste time, and consider it self-sabotaging, because they just drinking, smoking, and being sexy. They said they had ideas, but they let their enthusiasm disappear. #datinganddrinking #yourbody #yourbrain #seethroughdress #showoffbody #obsessedwithsex #winewomensex #trappedin #conversationseducesex #womensbreasts
Duncan Berry
Self-sabotage is real because many people don't know what to do with life and they just spend money and live the moment.
Howard Fisher
So, first step is how to stop self-sabotage.
A guy said he’s a little extreme, waiting for his success, but he has a love and hate relationship with his work, which likes his girlfriend’s experience: sometimes she’s affected by music, sometimes she feels noise. #hateloverelationship #everyonelies #lovejustsex #iearneditmyself #winewomensex #isacrificedalot #trappedin
Dana Foyle
Many people feel they trapped in their job and have hate and love relationship, for their passion is not working there and they feel they waist their time.
Jan Goodman
Many professionals worked for years and they still feel the same thing: they feel they trapped in their job, going no where, and their so called success is just fool themselves, because no one cares about their studies, their works, books, etc., and they not happy.
My friend said she appreciates clothes in the same way as a fine wine because her chic is always leaving something to the imagination. When she wears a miniskirt it gets thigh-grazing. When people see her with a slick of red lipstick, they have a sense of mystery. #sexygirl #crush #winewomensex #modernsociety #malegaze #conversationseducesex #sextool #datingandsex #getattention #allmenarenotgood #stupidbitch #seduceboss #beingsingle #sexylook #wowdress #firstnightout #sexyboss #lovejustsex
Greg Hamilton
There're girls who know well about chic, wine, and imagination. A girl said at party that her friend would send massages to her crushes, because she would ask which of her friends would she go on a date with.
Jay Hall
Wine, imagination, and sexy girls let people fantasize things. A guy said her ex liked to flirt, when she wearing a miniskirt, drinking wine, saying she like someone's stuff in a vague pattern, people fantasized things.
My friend said she loves cocktail world, especially margarita, because it has a luxurious taste. It turns out that margarita does have a subtle sweet and salty taste, so people in bar watch bartender using shaker tin, ice, fresh lime, basil, to make an enjoyable drink. #cocktailworld #enjoyabledrinks #streetwiseattitude #champagnebubbles #margaritaluxurioustaste #celebratoryatmosphere #winewomensex #firstnightout #everyonesays #modernlife #funmoments #lifeisshort
Will Grant
Love the post! My friend has a street-wise attitude, she gets inspiration from bar, gym, daily life, and discovers new, cool things; even cooking, she learned how to cook pasta from scratch.
Emily Hill
Agree, and street-wise attitude let people enjoy life. My friend is a chef, he likes to connect the old world styles to new ones, so people have a new experience: champagne bubbles, caviar, celebratory atmosphere.
Anderson West
Many people still don’t know how to enjoy life and those who already live a good life are smart.
(People talk about different things in bar, party or lunch meeting. They are X, Y and Z. Below is their chat.) X: He’s a high-energy person. Y: Really? X: He said most of his friends are only worth a short conversation, except the ones he had affair with. Y & Z: (Laughs.) #haveaffair #seducewoman #conquerman #prettygirl #bullshitdiva #cheapbeauty #manslust #findagoodman #winewomensex #lifeisshort #lovejustsex
Scott Tar
One guy said one day he walked into a mall, saw a sales girl smiling at him, so he smiled too; he spent a lot of money, so the girl thanked him, they became friends and have affair; he met her again at party, they talked a lot.

Bill Atlanta
Women also have charming effect; one girl said she has a trick when it come to falling in love; so whenever she goes out, she can conquer man by using a red lipstick.
(People talk about different things in bar, party or lunch meeting. They are X, Y and Z. Below is their chat.) X: Her friend got divorce, so she adjusted her behavior, became wiser. Y: Really? X: Yes, now she seeing herself through the eyes of her lover. Z: How? X: She said when her lover was stoked seeing her naked, she felt a million bucks. Y & Z: (Laughs.) #divorce #milliondollargirl #angry #jealous #partygirl #luckyandsmart #easylife #enviedbymany #iearneditmyself #winewomensex #lovejustsex

Tom Edward
Anderson West
She looks a million-dollar girl.
Allen Pace
Girl's behavior, lover's mood, is tricky; one girl said once she went to a party, got home, found her guy locked the door, for her guy thought she was out a lot, he was jealous, angry, so she said she made a mistake when looking for a partner.
Heather Redman
Sharp tongue could really hurt others because people may do some stupid things but they still don't want to hear words that could be mean and offensive.
Kurt Mcdonald
It's about personality, but it also related to our current culture because many people like cultural wars and they become more aggressive, and they have sharp tongue.
Liz Lewis
Current cultural wars and sharp tongue make things more difficult because nothing good thing could happen if continue like this.
Ted Douglas
Interesting post and like it a lot.
Mark William
Sharp tongue sometimes could be useful but mostly it could hurt others, so the girl may have a problem which could be fixed if seeking professional help.