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Mark William
I enjoy my night out, feeling it renews my energy.
- Baltimo, Maryland
- Joined December 2023
I enjoy my night out, feeling it renews my energy.
Baltimo, Maryland
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Some people said they know they waste time, and consider it self-sabotaging, because they just drinking, smoking, and being sexy. They said they had ideas, but they let their enthusiasm disappear. #datinganddrinking #yourbody #yourbrain #seethroughdress #showoffbody #obsessedwithsex #winewomensex #trappedin #conversationseducesex #womensbreasts
A friend said he worked hard and met a working girl. When they talk about their future, he thinks he has enough money to buy a house but broker fees, closing costs, high interests, and soaring price make them can’t afford, so he’s not happy again. #workinggirl #coolgirlsilhouette #datinganddrinking #intimatejourney #femininelifeforce #isacrificedalot #lifeisshort #crazyinlove
Jay Hall
Living costs in big city are so high, and buying a house there even make people think it's an impossible thing, so how to solve the problem?
Heather Redman
Agree, living in big city is very expensive, paying rent, food, almost let many people's paycheck gone, so buying a house is a very difficult thing.
Duncan Berry
Self-sabotage is real because many people don't know what to do with life and they just spend money and live the moment.
Howard Fisher
So, first step is how to stop self-sabotage.