

John Austin

I go in front of the camera, feeling exposed, say: I’m your big fan.

  • Chicago, Illinois
  • Joined February 2024

John Austin

My friend said she’s changed her shopping habits and now she’s shopping for a cause: she buys products that are natural, with non-toxic ingredients, which can be renewable. #purposeoflife #feelhappy #lifeexperience #pursuehappyness #telltruth #yourpassion #livelonger

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Ted Douglas

Like the post because it let many people think about how to same the earth and live an environment friendly world.


Liz Lewis

My friend said she learned how to diet, lose weight, and also give her more energy; now she looks younger, feels young, can tell about burning fat, boost energy level, and not feel hungry for many hours. #lookyounger #feelyoung #feelhappy #liftmood

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Go Long

A great post. So, in order to look younger, feel young, one needs to learn how to eat, lose weight, boost energy level, and if feels hangry, eats healthy food.


Bill Atlanta

Looking younger, feeling good, and having a good mood all need to deal with eating behavior, so diet, lose weight become very important because many people like parties, they go to eat, drink and realize they getting fat.