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John Austin
I go in front of the camera, feeling exposed, say: I’m your big fan.
- Chicago, Illinois
- Joined February 2024
Learn from your mistake
A girl said she met a guy, attracted by his allure, and she became his secret lover. But her pain and disillusion let her grow fast, she even said: They nurtured her career, let her become independent.
Shannon Benard
Yes, people need to learn from their mistakes.
Lance Clark
Making mistake, attracted by men's allure, and becoming their secret lovers, which happen often, the thing is how to let the mistake be a learning process and become a better person.
Scott Tar
Girls attracted by men's allure and can learn something from the mistakes are smart!
Allen Pace
Anyone who can learn from the mistakes you made will get better and better.
Summer Duff
Everyone makes mistake, but to learn from the mistakes made needs courage.