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Mark William
I enjoy my night out, feeling it renews my energy.
- Baltimo, Maryland
- Joined December 2023
I enjoy my night out, feeling it renews my energy.
Baltimo, Maryland
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A girl said she lived a life which made her feel she like a caged bird; she said she used to be a party girl, a person with scandals, with everything easy, wonderful; however, she’s from a caged bird to an activist, environmentalist, feminist, and volunteer. #partygirl #lovejustsex #lifeisshort #bikinigirl #nothappy #exlover #humanrights #sexualharassment #liftmood #feellonely #lifeexperience #machoman #mademistakes
My neighbor said she sacrificed a lot, at workplace and at relationship; when she argued with her boyfriend, she was being tearful; sometimes, they had fight, she was scared, so she barely speaking to her boyfriend for a long time, feel lonely, having no sex-life, and thinking about her first love. #isacrificedalot #firstlove #sexlife #feellonely #mademistakes
Carol Young
Many girls sacrificed a lot, they want to be successful, but also need a good relationship; when their life encounter difficult, they think about their first love and realize they made mistakes.
Lisa Daniel
Agree. Girls need to have a safe environment, when their relationship not working, they don't know if start again or stay with the relationship, so they have fights, scared moments, sometimes feel lonely, thinking their first love.
(People talk about different things in bar, party or lunch meeting. They are X, Y and Z. Below is their chat.) X: She wanted to know why her guy was upset, but she never got answer. Z: Really? X: Her first night out date was great. Y: How? X: She slept with the guy. Z: Then? X: She never heard from him and thinks maybe her guy left the town, or hit by car, or had another person, but she will never know. Y & Z: (Laughs.) #firstnightout #datingandgame #haveaffair #feellonely #weirdguy #cheating #betray #badguys #lessonlearned #urbanlabyrinth #lostincity #lovejustsex
Bill Atlanta
Dating and game, it's bad luck
Tom Edward
People want to do right things, but sometimes also do strange things, one girl said she had an affair with a co-worker, she said when traveling, staying in hotel, she did things she wouldn’t do at home.
Elizabeth Le Glaire
Some people’s success is pushed by others, by company’s culture, but they also paid price, or still single, when feel lonely, weird thing happen.
Scott Tar
People say they have certain rules in life, such as be honest, never cheat, but in real life, they change rules, just like actor playing bad guy on TV.
Will Grant
First night out, the girl slept with the guy and never heard from him, which is weird, so the girl can say the guy's phone may fall into toilet, he may hit by car, but one thins is for sure, the guy will soon get a new girlfriend.
Kate Kinsley
A girl said her first night out dating and slept with her lover, now they still are together, so she said it's if you're luck or not.
Edith Campbell
A girl said she showed her fancy photos to her guy when they had first night out date, they had kiss and slept together; she regretted a little, but said their relationship is good.
Heather Redman
First night out and sleep together doesn't mean the girl is stupid, cheap, or did something wrong, bad, because we see many people said they stayed together for first night out and they still love each other like they first time met.
Tim Swann
Some weird men who want to play game, but most people don't like it, so the girl had bad luck, first night-out, sleeping with the guy, and never heard from him.
(People talk about different things in bar, party or lunch meeting. They are X, Y and Z. Below is their chat.) X: She sometimes asks weird question. Y: Really? X: Yep, she would ask “Why I work so hard? Z: Did she get answer? X: No. She feels her work is endless and asks: “Do I have to do it in my whole life?” Y: Did she get answer? X: Yes. Her friend said: “You do your work because you like it, you have to have it, just like people make little human being.” Y & Z: (Laughs.) #stupidquestion #changeyourself #hiking #exercise #yourregret #feellonely #formerlover #curiousgirl #worklikeslave #purposeoflife #lostincity #urbanlabyrinth #nothappy
Elizabeth Le Glaire
Great questions
Go Long
Bill Atlanta
Many people ask this kind of stupid questions, but interesting
Tom Edward
Stupid questions can help others change their lifestyle, a guy said he made a smart move, he goes to hike, exercise, restaurant, and feels restored energy, body, mind, all because a friend asked some stupid questions.
james covit
Asking stupid questions can make life interesting sometimes; one guy said he regretted leaving a girl who asked funny questions when he was stressed, and now when he's lonely, freak-out, he missed his former girlfriend who is funny, smart and full of life.
Scott Tar
Asking stupid questions is just a surface image, you need to know its background; just like you see a jewelry, its not just a simple jewelry, you need to get into its world, to understand it.
Allen Pace
Stupid questions can make life rich and those who can ask stupid questions are smart.
Shannon Benard
Love the post. Asking stupid questions means those who know how to find something interesting and different from others that are ordinary things, so those who can ask stupid questions are smart, interesting, funny, curious people and many of them are girls full of life and people love them.
Hope Dye
Stupid question is where people feel interesting and may find why there is a problem, so asking stupid question is great and people should appreciate.
Kate Kinsley
Smart people also ask stupid questions, because asking stupid questions mean finding something interesting, unusual, and weird, so asking stupid question is not bad.
Edith Campbell
People sometimes get angry, asking stupid questions, which could be a clue to solve the problem; other times, ask stupid questions could be funny, interesting, because they do discover something unusual, which could let others think about them.
Heather Redman
Like the post. Asking stupid questions mean discovering something unique, interesting, and many times can lead to find a solution; so those who can always ask stupid questions may very smart.
Lance Clark
Very interesting post and like it!
Katie Roberts
It's true that anyone can change him/herself because many people want to live a meaningful life.