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Will Cohen
Sometimes my behavior is criticized by others, because I would do anything reasonable to get more attention.
- Denver, Colorado
- Joined March 2024
Sometimes my behavior is criticized by others, because I would do anything reasonable to get more attention.
Denver, Colorado
At party there was a girl who didn’t just look pretty, also kicks butt, likes a girl-on-girl hookup; she said she’s vulnerable, but her embarrassed behavior let her feel a mission accomplished, a want to be a real-life gay. #nearlynaked #Hollywoodequivalent #bikiniandcocktails #envy #anotherlife #dressupforlover #sleepingandsex #liveinbighouses #sexualscenes #womensbreasts #crazyinlove #marriedpeoplenothappy #conquermen #conversationseducesex
A girl said she’s a fashion fan, and her dream is to become a writer, a journalist, a collector, but she ends up with a weird guy, who is possessive and obsessed with women’s breasts, which let her have burden feelings. #burdenfeeling #possessive #womensbreasts
Kate Kinsley
Burden feelings, relationship has a challenge, but the question is if the guy's obsessed with women's breasts, is it a good relationship?
Alex Day
My friend also said she has burden feelings, she doesn't know if continues her relationship with her guy, because her guy is possessive, trying to control her.
A guy said he likes a goddess body, a sculpted physique; his favorite hangout is a grungy punk club; when he travels he likes an American road trip food: a pile of cheese fries, together with to-die-for cocktails. #Westernworld #feelyoungagain #romanticdating #possessive #womensbreasts #notwaitforever #itsmetime #travelandhiddengems #foodlover #MiddleEastcuisine #Mediterraneafood #culturalfix #crazyinlove #lifeisaparty #temptationofwomen #winewomensex
Ann Hanson
Interesting and cool.
Matt Wood
Love the post.
A girl said she looks at her favorite pictures on the wall all the time and her trademark image is immortalized in her room, which is an almost naked photo; she also has a collection of costumes, fancy shoes, and has a slogan on her image, which bears words: Never Cry. #modernstyle #minibags #neutralcolor #softmaterials #creativemindset #bestmoment #crazydancing #busigirl #highschoolfriends #beingplayful #crushesanddesire #womensbreasts #bodyismoreimportantthanbrain #temptationofwomen #sleepingandsex #marriedpeoplenothappy #conquermen #lovejustsex #iearneditmyself #winewomensex #isacrificedalot #malegaze #conversationseducesex
Heather Redman
Very interesting and funny.
Ann Hanson
Many girls put their favorite pictures on the wall, they like their life and have their own ways of life, but put a slogan that says: Never cry, is too much.
A girl said she was a normal person before and expected others also be the same; but since she started dating and met a law officer, she worried that her friends, coworkers would know about her affair, her anxiety; so she became not normal, because she felt panic, and her guy also treated her like a hot potato, feeling not safe, about to tumble down. #datinggame #livethemoment #fateandluck #hotpotato #superficialanddumb #stupidfun #rumorsandtension #BibleandGod #visualpleasure #Womensbreasts #trappedinmarriage #bodyismoreimportantthanbrain #sleepingandsex #everyonelies #lovejustsex #winewomensex
Ann Hanson
When having an affair and feeling not safe, usually making people not normal and others would know the change, so the best way is stopping it and never try again.
Summer Duff
A normal person also has anxiety, but it's different anxiety, a person has affair and feels anxiety because the future is not sure and if the other part feels that it becomes a hot potato, it gets worse.
A friend said she’s a fashion fan and wants to enjoy life. She said she met her lover when she was young and when started to socialize, she learned a lot. So she asked questions: Do people get married only for sex and making little human being? Do they still have sex life after having kids? #nearlynaked #sexystyle #sellyourself #sexydress #stylishlooks #quietlyluxurious #trendingimage #Californiabliss #visitHollywood #womensbreasts #trappedinmarriage #lifeisaparty
Will Grant
Very interesting post and questions, but many people encountered the same situation and said the same thing, such as when they were young and didn't know a lot, and some of them decided to life the life they like.
Summer Duff
Many people met their lovers when they were young and a lot of them learned life is not just sex and making kids.
A guy said he likes fragrance because it’s smooth allure and scent let people feel intimate and have a desire for personal connection. He said fragrance and skin scents connect to people’s subconscious emotions and to their happy moments. #Qtips #envy #findtruelove #nearlynaked #sexystyle #sellyourself #sexydress #stylishlooks #quietlyluxurious #trendingimage #Californiabliss #visitHollywood #winewomensex #conversationseducesex #womensbreasts #crazyinlove #lifeisaparty #bodyismoreimportantthanbrain
Ann Hanson
Fragrance and its scent do let people feel intimate and therefor let their subconscious emotions be active.
Will Grant
Fragrance has its power to connect to people's subconscious emotions and many people addicted to it.
Some girls said they know how to have an effortless cool and a polished style because they are fashionable people and know how to shop for clothes on the high street. Others said their closet secret is having true classic coats, mini dresses, knit skirts, and fantastic shoes, because they think a pair of shoes can be the make or break of an outfit. #visualpleasure #beautifulgirl #fuckmeboots #facemassage #urbanwanderer #spaexperience #shoppingforfun #myneighbor #womensbreasts #trappedinmarriage
Duncan Berry
Very cool post and love it!
Daniel Frick
Love fashion girls and they're really cool.
Some people said they know they waste time, and consider it self-sabotaging, because they just drinking, smoking, and being sexy. They said they had ideas, but they let their enthusiasm disappear. #datinganddrinking #yourbody #yourbrain #seethroughdress #showoffbody #obsessedwithsex #winewomensex #trappedin #conversationseducesex #womensbreasts
Duncan Berry
Self-sabotage is real because many people don't know what to do with life and they just spend money and live the moment.
Howard Fisher
So, first step is how to stop self-sabotage.
Some girls said they experienced sad stories and afraid of dark, walking alone, being with a macho man they don’t know well. One girl said her ex-boyfriend is violent, macho, which let her have depression, emotion problem. #politeperson #shyperson #badneighborhood #weirdperson #stupidperson #loser #meangirls #revengesex #enjoyscenery #singleparent #livepaychecktopaycheck #struggle #feelingvulnerable #trappedin #lowIQ #womensbreasts
John Austin
Macho men let many girls suffer and have emotional problems.
Shannon Benard
Macho men, bad neighborhood, that make girls scared, having sad stories.
When seeing some individuals who spread false information, use aggressive tactics to harm others people say they can't be silent, they feel rage, because those individuals are religious beliefs, radical zealots, but people also need to understand that there are bad law officers there, who violated the law. #cannotbesilent #rage #stereotypes #freespeech #revenge #jealousyandfighting #feelpanic #womensbreasts #trappedinmarriage #Westernworldmyth #lowIQ
Lance Clark
Radical zealots needed to be stop and false information is harmful for society.
Andrew Christy
Bad law officers are the ones let those bad things happen.
My friend is a sales girl, she said her beauty concept is a pretty girl with makeup, wearing fashion clothes, buying chic stuff. Sometimes she also preserves whatever she has, and her iconic beauty is Frida Kahlo, who has an un-eyebrow. #salesgirl #sacemassage #beautytips #shoestyles #bohemianstyle #womensbreasts #trappedinmarriage #temptationofwomen
Lance Clark
Very interesting, and Frida Kahlo who has an un-eyebrow is also unique.
Lisa Daniel
Love the post!
My neighbor likes controversial thing, when people said she’s a liar, stupid fun, she said she’s not being ashamed for her behavior; she still goes to wild party, making jokes, wearing leather hot-pants, fuck-me boots, dressing like a Barbie, and said she likes rich boys, shiny toys. #stupidfun #makejokes #rumorsandtension #wildparty #wildperson #womensbreasts #conquermen
Lance Clark
A lot of girls like that, the question is how to let them feel they also worth something.
Ali Turner
Girls like controversial things are normal, some of them become talented people.
My neighbor is a obsessive girl, she wandering museum, likes man of clout, for their hard earned experience; she said she had an one-night-affair with a man, and went for her beauty treatment, which let her experience both trauma and cute, for she likes body-sculpting, fat-freezing, skin-vacuuming. #onenightaffair #obsessivegirl #wanderingmuseum #manofclout #hardearnedexperience #womensbreasts #crazyinlove #marriedpeoplenothappy
John Austin
A friend also like this, she has daddy complex, she said she has dated several old men.
Tim Swann
Young girl likes old man is normal and we should not treat it like something weird.
People sometimes say silly things, making stupid jokes, but other times seem to offer support, advice; but what if one says: I speak from the heart, do what I like, even it’s crazy and radical? #luckyandsmart #worththeprice #successandfear #machismo #lieanddishonest #makingmoney #loverandfamily #razyandreal #romanticpeople #toxicfriendship #lowselfesteem #youignoreit #trappedin #lowIQ #womensbreasts #trappedinmarriage #crazyinlove #yourworth #temptationofwomen #sleepingandsex #marriedpeoplenothappy
Kate Brown
Crazy and radical are different from those who said they speak from the heart and do what they like, so people need to see what are in their craziness.
Joseph Clark
Agree. crazy and radical could be judged by different people with different views, so need to be careful.
My friend is a weird talent, she likes singing, performing and acting; she also liked stunts. Once she building herself bigger boobs, putting on large-cup bras, with a deep V-neck cleavage and went to a restaurant; now waiter at her table lingering long after taking her order, a friend started hitting on her, thus making her friendship weird forever after. #weirdtalent #singing #performing #acting #beautyfood #womensbreasts #crazyinlove #lifeisaparty #marriedpeoplenothappy #temptationofwomen #conquermen
Greg Hamilton
Love the post! Weird talent let people feel life is interesting and rich.
Jack Smith
Very funny! My friend also like stunts and she always let others have fun.
A girl said she tries getting her man, being happy, dealing with cheating boyfriend, but she’s a strong-minded woman and knows that most men love strong women as friends, not as girlfriends, so she just sleeping around. #findagoodman #womensbreasts #sleepingandsex #conquermen #everyonelies #lovejustsex #conversationseducesex
Steve Spencer
Strong women are great, but many men feel difficult to deal.
Katie Roberts
Strong women can get many things done fast because they are smart!
Bill Atlanta
Very interesting post!
Peter Price
So the girl is cool?