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Jay Hall
I had a strong personality and everything was based on purely my style, but I changed.
- Charlotte, North Carolina
- Joined December 2023
Laid back person
A girl said her friend is a laid back person, because whenever going out, she said: The show is about to start, let’s go, and her friend still doing something else, not worried about it.
Andrew Christy
It's true some friends are laid back persons and they don't feel they need to worry anything because they still get the most things done.
Ann Hanson
My friend also like this, whenever we go out, she's busy with other things, so we have to wait for her, saying: Let's go, we must go.
Katherine Boston
Some people want to get the thing done fast, others not worry about getting thing done fast or slow, but they still get the thing done, which is good.
Lance Clark
Each person is different, when you have a friend who is slow and not worry about time, it's not easy sometimes.