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Katherine Boston
Travel, writing and reading
- Phoenix, Arizona
- Joined March 2024
Stress & Fear
My friend said she hates her situation: driving to work, stuck in traffic, being late in the office. Now she thinks about becoming a freelancer, so she can have less stress and fear.
Jay Hall
So many people said the same thing, that they hate driving to work, stuck in traffic, waste all the time on road, so may be freelancer job is the solution, so they can get rid of stress and fear.
Heather Redman
It's true may people waste their time on road, feel stressful, but what else they can do? Because when you take a job, it means you have the responsibility, which includes driving to work, you may stuck in traffic, fear being late, and have stress, but it's the life.
Lance Clark
A friend had a full time job, driving to work everyday and spending one hour on road, he wanted to work at home, saying he was stress full, wasting his time on road, but his boss said the job was not remote, so he quit, now he regretted.