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Summer Duff
I go out with my friends on Friday night and get drunk sometimes, which let me have sleepless nights, but I still pursue my dream.
- Jacksonville, Florida
- Joined November 2023
From Abroad
My friend lived in a foreign country and still cherish those moments from abroad: He went far- away place to order everything, he liked provincial experience, rice fields, he cooked local food, and he’s built friendship with local people.
Neil Holland
Cherish your experience from abroad can feel life is rich.
Jack Smith
Travel and live in a foreign country always let people feel there are something special and they cherish it.
Daniel Frick
Anyone traveled to a foreign country has some good moments and they cherish and learned about different culture.
Joseph Clark
Agree. I lived in a foreign country and loved people there, even today I talk to my friends about my experience in that country, which is a great thing in my life.